"Hashima-san and Eiri-san are actually doing that kind of thing..."

"It's so, so terrible!"

"You might get bumped into if you're not careful!"

She was just going to buy a few bottles of juice drinks, but found that she didn't have enough change, so she turned back to get her wallet.

I thought there would be no one in the classroom, but when I opened the door, I saw Seisuke Hajima holding Eri Riri, and his right hand seemed to have reached under Eri Riri's skirt...

Sawai Chinatsu suddenly felt bad.

I have never heard about Hajima Seisuke and Eri Riri's relationship. How could the two of them do such a thing?

If Eri-san was forced, she should be angry and struggling. However, Sawai Chinatsu saw clearly just now that although Eri-ri's face was red, she did not shed tears of grievance, nor did she look pale, fearful or nervous. That is, not forced.

Since it is not forced, then it can only be...

"Sawai-san, wait for me."

Hashima Seisuke saw the short-haired girl trotting up the stairs and shouted.

Sawai Chinatsu's body trembled slightly, she hesitated for a moment, but did not stop, still lowering her head and continuing to run up. At this moment, she was quite worried about breaking the villain's secret and about to fall into the 'kill and silence' flag. Uneasy.

Besides, if I encounter such an embarrassing thing, I don't know how to face Hajima Seisuke, so I might as well hide away.

The home economics classroom is on the third floor, not far from the second floor. Hajima Seisuke chases Sawai Chinatsu, one after another, to the classroom door.


Looking at her classmates gathered together in small groups, Sawai Chinatsu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

(Hajima-san will probably have some scruples by now and won’t come over to explain to me again, right?)

After Hashima Seisuke walked into the classroom, he paused slightly, glanced over, found where Sawai Chinatsu was, and walked over.

Sawai Chinatsu, like Zari, has her own small circle in the class. For subjects such as home economics and physical education, she is naturally with her friends.

At this moment, she was surrounded by several girls, asking what happened and why her face was so panicked.

Sawai Chinatsu was hemming and hawing when she suddenly caught sight of Hashima Kiyosuke walking towards her from the corner of her eye. She immediately lowered her head and looked at the cooking table.

"Sawai-san." Seisuke Hashima walked up to Chinatsu Sawai and handed over the bottle of juice drink, "Return the drink to you."

Sawai Chinatsu raised her eyes and glanced at Hajima Seisuke, and whispered: "H-I'm sorry for causing trouble to Hashima-san."

Hajima Seisuke smiled: "It's not troublesome, it's just a matter of effort."

Seeing Hashima Seisuke's smile, several girls who were close to Sawai Chinatsu all blushed. One of the girls with a single ponytail asked curiously:

"Why did Hajima-san return Chinatsu-chan's drink? Could it be that..."

The girl rolled her eyes, giggled, and said in a clear voice, "Could it be that Chinatsu-chan invited Hashima-san to have a drink before, and Hashima-san is returning the favor?"

Another girl's eyes were crooked and she said with a smile, "It turns out that Chinatsu-chan and Hajima-san have already exchanged gifts."

Under the subtle changes in the past few months, Hashima Seisuke's popularity in the class has gradually increased. Especially after winning the first place in his age group last week, he has become quite popular - once boys are popular, they will become more popular. It is easy to be teased by girls, especially when the number of girls is dominant, teasing is definitely inevitable.

"That's not the case!" Sawai Chinatsu retorted in a low voice.

"Huh?" A girl looked at her with wide eyes, "Did we guess it? Chinatsu-chan is actually shy."

Chinatsu Sawai was about to cry, "Who would be shy? It's obvious that you talk too much!"

"You misunderstood." Hajima Seisuke smiled and said warmly, "I was solving a math problem in the classroom just now. Sawai-san seemed to have come back to get something. When he left in a hurry, he accidentally left his drink on the table. superior."

I'm not solving math problems, I'm clearly solving Eiri-san's skirt. Get ready to do weird things!

"So that's it..."

The girls were not disappointed when they heard this. In the final analysis, they were just joking. They didn't really think that Hajima Seisuke and Sawai Chinatsu had further development, so they chatted.

"Hashima-san actually doesn't forget to study even after class. That's amazing."

"And it's still a math question. I'm desperate for math. No matter how hard I try, I can't pass."

While she was talking, the school bell rang, and Yinglili finally stepped on the bell and walked into the home economics classroom.

Sawai Chinatsu had been secretly paying attention to the door of the home economics class. When she saw Eiriri walking in casually, she was still nervous, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel envious - Eiriri's classmate didn't seem to be as simple as she appeared. If it were you, you would definitely be embarrassed to come to the classroom, right?

Yinglili also glanced here, but did not come over. Zhaili has her own small group, and home economics classes usually work together in small groups.

"Hashima-san, you don't have a team yet, right?" the ponytailed girl suddenly said.

Hajima Seisuke glanced at the boys who were already cooking, shook his head and said, "No."

Wherever there are people, there is struggle. Everyone is kind, courteous and thrifty. It only exists in legends. In addition to Hashima Seisuke, there are seven or eight boys in the class. However, because of the senior sister's "photo scandal", these boys united to exclude Hashima. Naturally, Shima Kiyosuke and Hashima Kiyosuke will not get close to each other.

"Hashima-san." The girl with the ponytail invited, "If you don't mind, would you like to join our group?"

Hajima Seisuke glanced at Sawai Chinatsu who was silent next to him, smiled and said: "Then I will cause trouble for you."

"It's not troublesome." The girl with a single ponytail blushed slightly and looked away: "Hashima-san's smile is getting better and better."

Home economics is one of the compulsory courses in Japan. It starts from junior high school and continues until the end of high school. It is mainly to cultivate students' self-reliance ability. The content is quite extensive, from choosing vegetables, cooking, washing dishes to tidying up the room, doing laundry, etc. , as you should have, the main content of today's home economics class is to 'make a complete meal'. Of course, as the only boy in the team, Hajima Seisuke only needs to be responsible for eating.

While everyone was busy, Hashima Kiyosuke walked over to Sawai Chinatsu, and while helping, he said seriously: "Sawai-san, please give me a chance to explain."

Chapter 449 Fatty’s Master

"Just now, Eiri-san's skirt was caught. She couldn't untie it by herself. I was here to help."

Hajima Kiyosuke explained in a low voice.

Sawai Chinatsu lowered her head and replied nervously: "I believe Hashima-san..."

She said this, but she was actually half-convinced. She didn't see Eriri's skirt being caught, she only saw Hajima Seisuke 'playing' with Takuri's skirt. What girl would let a boy do such a favor?

(But...Hashima-san is probably not such a nasty boy.)

Since the last boy-on-boy incident, Sawai Chinatsu has been secretly observing Hashima Kiyosuke and found that Hashima Kiyosuke's schedule is particularly regular. Basically, he goes to school at eight o'clock every day, and then sits in his seat and reads quietly. He takes the initiative to chat with others and occasionally transfers writing. He seems to be very powerful. He usually never leaves his seat except to go to the bathroom. He doesn't eat lunch during lunch break and always goes to the cafeteria for lunch. He spends the rest of the time studying.

It's been like this for several weeks. It's obviously his nature. It's really strange to suddenly lift a girl's skirt.

Hajima Seisuke continued: "In addition to the testimony of the parties involved, I also have physical evidence."

"Eh?" Sawai Chinatsu raised her head curiously, "Physical evidence?"

Hajima Seisuke said: "Remember where Eiriri-san was standing just now, right?"

Sawai Chinatsu again thought of the scary scene she accidentally saw just now, her face turned slightly red, and she muttered: "Remember."

"There is a small damaged bulge on the window. You can find it if you look carefully." Hajima Kiyosuke whispered, "You are about the same height as Eiri-san. You can try it when no one is around to see if it gets stuck. skirt."

"That, that kind of thing..."

"Please trust me, I won't do strange things in the classroom."

Sawai Chinatsu nodded subconsciously: "I believe Hajima-san."

Hajima Kiyosuke breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Sawai-san, please don't tell anyone what happened just now. The rumors with Kasumigaoka-senpai have just stopped. If there are any more rumors, it will be very troublesome."

"Don't worry, Hashima-san..." Chinatsu Sawai nodded seriously, "I will keep it a secret and will never tell it."

Hashima Seisuke smiled and said warmly: "Thank you, Sawai-san."

He has not had much contact with Sawai Chinatsu, but his basic personality can be observed. This short-haired girl is undoubtedly a bit introverted and shy, and is not the type who likes to gossip. Now I ask her to help keep it secret, and there should be no problem.

"Chinatsu-chan!" A girl with long hair shawl suddenly came over, clasped her hands behind her back, and said with a smile, "Are you and Hajima-san dating?"

"It, that's not the case!" Chinatsu Sawai was startled. A little blush spread from her ears, quickly covering her entire face. She said in a panic, "Reiko-chan, don't say weird things. La!"

The girl named Reiko narrowed her eyes: "But you two have been whispering."

"That, that..."

Sawai Chinatsu was hesitant and speechless, and subconsciously looked at Hajima Seisuke for help.


The girl Reiko looked at Hashima Seisuke, stretched out a finger, and pretended to be serious: "Hashima-san, please answer."

Hashima Seisuke smiled and said, "I was just asking Sawai-san for help."

"Hey, what can I help you with?"

"I usually eat in the cafeteria, but occasionally I want to eat a bento." Hashima Seisuke said, "You just said that Sawai-san's cooking tastes good, so you want to learn from it."

After a pause, Hajima Seisuke added: "It's a bit embarrassing not to know how to cook, so I don't dare to speak loudly."

A girl came over and chirped, "Boys don't know how to cook a lot, there's no shame in it at all."

The other girl nodded: "That's right."

It is said that modern men should be able to "be good in the hall and in the kitchen". How come your standards have suddenly been relaxed so much!

"Hashima-san doesn't have to make the bento by yourself, just ask someone to help you make it." Another girl said with a smile, "Just Chinatsu-chan."

"I-I can't do it!"

Sawai Chinatsu shook her head quickly.

"Chinatsu's bento is delicious every day, so you can give half of it to Hashima-san."

"Half of it is not enough..."

"Hey, Chinatsu-chan is already seriously considering how much to share?"

"That's not the case!"


Listening to the crisp laughter of several girls, Hajima Seisuke shook his head and washed the ingredients silently. Girls are indeed very troublesome creatures, especially when a group of girls gather together, the level of trouble will skyrocket.

Naturally, the dishes made in the home economics class were eaten on the spot. During this period, Hajima Seisuke would inevitably praise the deliciousness of the food - unfortunately, most of them were commercial exchanges, and only Sawai Chinatsu's food tasted very good.

After class.

Hashima Seisuke went to the bathroom to wash his hands and prepared to go back to the classroom to read. When he came out, he happened to meet a girl with short silver hair and ethereal eyes.

If Zhaili was a glamorous paladin in school, then the girl in front of him was a necromancer shrouded in darkness, making people unconsciously calm down.

The girl stopped when she saw Hashima Seisuke.

Hajima Kiyosuke hesitated for a moment, then said politely and distantly: "Sugawara-senpai."

The girl in front of her is none other than Sugawara Arina from the Literature and Art Club. Although she has a weird personality and amazing words, it is not good to turn a blind eye.

After Hashima Kiyosuke said hello, he was about to go sideways, but the ethereal girl in front of him stopped Hajima Kiyosuke in his tracks with just one word.

"How's my fat time?"


Hajima Seisuke paused and immediately thought of the unknown fat in the shoe cabinet. Was it you who put it in?

"It's very bad." Hashima Kiyosuke frowned slightly, "Why would you put something like that?"

Shina Sugawara looked calm and said: "On the way to school this morning, I heard two girls say, 'Boys like it best when girls give fat cats as gifts'..."


Hajima Kiyosuke twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

On Twitter, elementary school students can discuss their boyfriends’ kissing skills with each other, and female high school students have no problem talking about fatness. Not to mention, these girls in the literature and art department have read disgusting things in the classroom.

The problem is that only perverts like girls to use fat pieces as gifts! Acting coquettishly, being cute, hugging and kissing, any of them are ten times better than Pangci. Stuffing Pangci into the shoe cabinet is not a gift, it is harassment!

Sugawara Shina's eyes were calm as she continued: "So when I got to school in the morning, I took off my fat and gave it to you as a gift."

Is it actually a fat piece that has not been washed?

If I had known earlier, I should have put on gloves before touching it!

Wait, now is not the time to complain about whether or not you have washed yourself. There are more important things waiting for confirmation.

Hajima Kiyosuke's face was covered with black lines, and his eyes subconsciously fell on the skirt of the ethereal girl: "So, under the skirt..."

The silver-haired girl's eyes were indifferent, and her tone revealed the indifference that she didn't care about everything, even her own life: "I'm not wearing fat clothes."


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