Hashima Seisuke responded, walked to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of juice drink. Just as he was about to speak, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Senior..." Ebina held the whip in his hand and stared blankly with burgundy eyes, "What is this?"

Chapter 406 The Collar Girl Ebina

"What is it?"

A drop of cold sweat fell from Hajima Kiyosuke's head.

That is a very popular leather whip on the Internet, but it is not used to drive cattle, but to beat people!


In the bedroom, Yinglili also broke into a cold sweat. She was so nervous just now that she forgot to bring in the whip.

"It's over." Yinglili discovered a worse problem, "Not only did I forget to pick up the whip, but I also didn't bring the express box in..."

"this is……"


Hashima Seisuke was about to speak when a milky cat meow suddenly sounded. The little orange cat raised its front paws to grab the whip in Ebina's hand.

"Eh?" Ebina blinked, waved the fun whip in his hand, and let the little orange cat chase him from side to side. Then he said, "It turns out to be a cat teasing stick."

Hajima Kiyosuke: "..."

Pretending not to recognize the prop in your hand to resolve the embarrassment?


She would panic even if she played the ghost card game, but a weak girl with nervousness written all over her face would not be so calm at all. If she recognized that the whip in her hand was a sex toy, she would definitely turn into a steam girl at this moment.

In other words... Ebina didn't even know what the whip in his hand was.

If you think about it carefully, it's actually quite normal. When it comes to who is a good girl among the girls you know, Ebina is definitely the number one. Even when you see a kissing variety show on TV, you will become a steam girl, let alone other things related to H. something.

Because Zakuli is a painter of humiliation books, he is naturally familiar with these props, but Ebina has never been exposed to such things in his life. Let alone seeing them, he has probably never even heard of them.

"That's right." Hajima Kiyosuke breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just the cat teasing stick."

Ebina raised his eyes and said curiously: "This cat teasing stick looks so strange. I thought it was a whip at first..."

You read that right, this thing is a whip.

"The shape is a bit strange..." Hajima Kiyosuke coughed slightly, "But Fat Orange likes it very much."

Yinglili in the bedroom breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"You can actually get away with this... Ebina is too pure!"

"Hey, wait." Eirili was startled, then suddenly realized, "If Ebina is said to be pure, wouldn't she be super dirty?"

"How, how is it possible? How can you say something dirty about the artist's drawing of the book..."

In the living room.


The little orange cat was running around and suddenly made a muffled sound.

"This voice..."

Hajima Kiyosuke raised his eyebrows slightly, and a bad feeling came into his heart.

After taking two quick steps and seeing what the little orange cat bumped into, Hashima Kiyosuke's face darkened.

What a cheat! Before, I was only thinking about asking for forgiveness from Zhaili. Although I packed up the extra props, I forgot to take the box back to the storage room!

Just as Hajima Kiyosuke was about to speak, Ebina looked at the delivery box curiously: "Hey, senior, are these the toys I bought for Fat Orange?"

Sorry, this is bedding. The whip may be used to tease the cat, but Fat Orange will definitely not be able to use other props.

Unfortunately there is no explanation.

Hajima Seisuke said silently: "Yes, it's all inside."

Ebina couldn't recognize the erotic whip just now, so he probably can't recognize what's inside now either.

"Hey, senior, is this a collar?"


Looking at the leather collar in Ebina's hand, Hashima Kiyosuke was immediately speechless.

Just now, he comforted himself that Ebina was ‘ignorant’, but he recognized it the next second!

"Is the collar for Fat Orange?" Ebina picked up the collar and touched it on Fat Orange, "It feels a little big."

Hajima Seisuke coughed lightly and said, "I didn't pay attention to buying a bigger one. I can use it when Fat Orange gets bigger in the future."

Ebina is super naive and can't recognize what it is. Others who come over to play with it will probably recognize the true purpose of the collar at a glance, so this collar cannot be used by Fat Orange... but it can be used by Zhaili if there is a chance in the future.

"Senior, why is there a layer of fluff inside the collar?"

Hajima Kiyosuke said silently: "It is more comfortable to wear, and it can also avoid hurting the neck."

Then Hashima Seisuke was shocked.

This weak girl actually raised the collar in front of her, and her actions clearly meant she wanted to put it on herself.

"Ebina, what are you doing?" Hajima Kiyosuke couldn't help but ask.

Ebina said without any clue, "I want to wear it and try it to see if it feels comfortable."

Hajima Kiyosuke: "..."

In ancient times, there was a palace maid who tested the poison with her body, and now there is Ebina who tests the collar with her body. She really does her duty for her master!

"Senior, I have an Akita dog at home." Ebina's eyes were bright, and his voice was unusually loud. He said in a cheerful tone, "It's a puppy I picked up on the roadside when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. He must have gotten lost with his mother. Come on, I fed it some rice balls, and then it followed me home."

"I gave him a name, Inujiro. Inujiro will wait for me at the door every day after school, and his tail will wag super fast. Since I came to Tokyo to go to school, I can only see Inujiro during video chat." Ebina There was a small expression of guilt and loneliness on his face, and he whispered, "During the craft class two days ago, someone said that they wanted to make collars for their pets at home. I also wanted to make a collar and send it home..."

It turns out that it was not for Fat Orange to try on the collar, but for the Akita dog at home.

While speaking, Ebina had already put on the collar, gently turned it in a circle with his hand, and then said with bright eyes: "Senpai, the collar is so comfortable."

Of course it is comfortable. This thing is a best-selling prop with ergonomic design, high-grade materials and no smell. It is just right for people to wear!

I have to say that when Ebina put this collar on, it fit surprisingly well, and there was no sense of disobedience at all.

Hashima Kiyosuke opened his mouth and finally said: "As long as you like it."

"Hey, there is actually a chain..."

"I originally planned to buy a leash for walking cats, but I accidentally bought the wrong one." Seisuke Hajima decisively took the chain in his hand.

Just in case Ebina gets a whim and wants to try out what it feels like to tie a chain...

Hajima Kiyosuke subconsciously imagined a picture of Ebina's collar.

The red-haired girl is sitting on the ground in a duck-sitting posture. Her hair is messy, her wine-red eyes are filled with a hazy mist of shyness and grievance. One hand is covering her chest, and a large piece of snow-white delicate hair is exposed from the edge of the arm. One hand was between her thighs, holding down the hem of her skirt, and there was a chain between her neck... It was such a terrible scene no matter how you thought about it.

Hajima Seisuke shook his head and dispelled the bad images in his mind. Not to mention the pain in his conscience when he bullied Ebina, Zakuli was still in the bedroom listening to the wall, so it was naturally impossible for him to do anything to the weak red-haired girl.

"Ebina, are you going to work in a restaurant today?" Hajima Kiyosuke asked.

When you work in a restaurant, the restaurant will provide you with a free working meal. In the past, Seisuke Hashima and Ebina often had working meals. Firstly, it saves them the trouble of cooking. Secondly, the ingredients are rich and taste good.

Of course, Hashima Kiyosuke just asked Ebina to pay attention to the time and don't forget to work in the restaurant.

As a result, the weak red-haired woman shook her head and whispered: "I have a day off today and don't have to work."

Hajima Kiyosuke: "..."

Chapter 407 A family of three

In the bedroom.

Eirili listened to the corner for a while, and after confirming that Ebina had not discovered the true use of the erotic whip, she breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the bed to rest for a while.

"A boy actually cleans the bedroom so cleanly..." Ying Lili glanced at the neatly folded quilts and pillows and complained in a low voice, "He must be a pervert."

"For a normal male high school student, there should be messy H comics under the bed, and suspiciously bad paper towels in the corner. It doesn't look like a high school student at all when it's so clean!"

The time is five o'clock in the afternoon.

The golden sunlight shines in from the window and just falls on Hajima Seisuke's bed. The wind blows and gently rolls the corner of the curtain, and the air seems to be filled with the smell of sunshine.

Yinglili sat for a while, her eyes fell on the pillow, with a hesitant expression on her face, then she reached out and touched the pillow, only to feel it was quite warm.

"Then...just hold me for a while?"

Yinglili turned her head and looked at the closed door, a faint blush on her pretty face. She hesitated for a few seconds, then quietly picked up the pillow and held it in her arms.

It's not that she has any special interest in pillows, it's mainly because her good relatives haven't left yet, and she instinctively wants to seek warmth.

The warm pillow was quite comfortable in her arms. Yinglili hugged her for a while, then simply lay on her side beside the bed where the sun was shining, and began to sunbathe.

It is easy for people to get sleepy when basking in the sun, and Zhaili is no exception. I planned to close my eyes for a while and wait for Ebina to leave before going out. However, a deep tiredness came over me quietly, and I fell asleep unconsciously. Fell asleep.

Time passed quietly.

When Yinglili opened her eyes again, the sky had darkened, the lights of thousands of houses outside the window were dim, and the vast twilight enveloped the earth.


Yinglili sat up drowsily, her eyes filled with the hazy mist of just waking up, "This is...I remember, it's the bedroom of that girl."

The room was very dark, but the familiar smell on the quilt made Erili feel at ease. When she hugged Hajima Seisuke on the train that day, it was the smell of laundry detergent mixed with sunlight. It couldn't be said to be very pleasant, but it was very reassuring. .


The door opened, and bright lights poured down.

Then a familiar voice came into my ears: "Are you awake?"

Eiriri looked up and saw Hajima Seisuke standing at the door with a plaid apron tied around his waist, and Hashima Seisuke walking towards Fat Tachibana, and she suddenly felt a subtle feeling of being a 'family of three'.

"Tell me when you wake up."

Zhaili, who had just woken up, had lost her usual arrogance in her voice, and was instead as lazy and soft as a cat.

Hajima Seisuke said warmly: "Go and wash your face, and then come over for dinner."


Ying Lili opened the quilt and didn't realize something was wrong until she put on her slippers and stood up.

"Wait a moment!"

"What's going on with this sense of déjà vu like a husband and wife having a conversation, and what's going on with the quilt on your body?"

"How long have you slept?"

Ying Lili picked up her phone and realized that it was already half past six in the afternoon, and she had slept for more than an hour without realizing it.

"Why don't you wake me up?"

Zhaili walked to the kitchen door, intending to start an attack, but was attracted by the aroma of cooking in the air and sniffed her nose subconsciously.

Hajima Seisuke was in the process of finalizing the juice collection process. Hearing this, he said, "Don't dare to shout."


"Aunt Sayuri said that you are very angry when you wake up." Hajima Kiyosuke said seriously, "For my own personal safety, I can only wait for you to wake up naturally."

Yinglili: "..."

Big Pig Hoof, you obviously didn’t wake me up on purpose! Don't use bed irritability as an excuse. Although you have bed irritability, it's not serious at all. At most, it will just bite you!

Hajima Seisuke handed over a tempura fried shrimp on a small plate: "Try it and see."

"Hey, who would taste this kind of thing?" Zhaili turned his head and looked aside.

I'll taste it if you ask me to. Wouldn't it be very shameless?

Hajima Seisuke looked at Eiri and said, "It's my first time to make tempura fried shrimp. Please give me a review, Eiri-san."

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