"Okay then." Yinglili was a little disappointed.

"By the way, which one is cuter, a male cat or a female cat?" Yinzi suddenly asked out of curiosity.

"Hey, a male cat or a female cat?"

Yinglili was stunned. Although she had adopted him for three or four days, she had never thought about this problem at all. When she helped bathe, she didn't see anything indescribable, and she couldn't tell the male from the female at all.

Hashima Kiyosuke thought for a while and said:

"When cats are young, it is difficult to tell the difference between male and female, and the penis is very small. Unlike dogs, you can tell the difference by looking at the belly. However, generally tricolor cats are female. When they grow up, you can see the eggs. Eggs, you know the male and female.”


One sentence made Hajima Seisuke receive double contempt at the same time.

Hey, are you right? Opening a cat's belly and using its penis to identify the male and female is simply nonsense from people who have never raised a cat, because a cat's penis is not as long as an adult's thumb, and it lasts three seconds. Zhong's quick shooter came out before he even entered.

Yinglili: "Dirty."

Ginzi: "Abnormal."

Hajima Seisuke's face was full of black lines: "You two have gone too far."

It's just telling the truth. Why do you two suddenly look so disgusted?


Hajima Seisuke suddenly realized that Ginko had seen something indescribable just yesterday. As for Eiri, although he didn't see it, he even caught the strong man with his own hands when he was bathing the cat!

So Hajima Seisuke decisively closed his mouth and ate in silence.

After lunch, Hajima Seisuke put away the dishes in the kitchen, Ginko wiped the oil stains on the floor, and then applied medicine to the little orange cat with Eiri.

Hashima Seisuke washed the dishes and walked out of the kitchen. He immediately saw two beautiful girls applying medicine to the cat on the coffee-colored sofa. The scene was quiet and beautiful, and no one dared to break it.

After applying the medicine, Yinglili didn't want to stay any longer, so she said goodbye, but she soon ran into trouble.

She only has one pair of stockings at the moment, and the other stocking is stained with oil stains, so naturally she can't wear it. But if she goes out wearing only one pair of stockings, if someone sees her, they will definitely look at her weirdly, right?

Maybe you thought something ulterior happened, such as being [beep——], and being [beep——]. I have used this scenario many times when I was drawing my notebooks!

Eiriri had no choice but to subconsciously look at Hajima Seisuke.

Hajima Seisuke gave advice: "The first is to go to the bathroom now, wash the stockings, put them outside to dry, and then leave after they are dry. The second is to take off the stockings on your left leg as well."

As a single otaku, it is natural that there is no such thing as stockings in the room, otherwise it would definitely be a perversion.

Ying Lili blurted out one sentence: "You can also go out and buy stockings for me!"

Chapter 29 Yinglili and Nap

"Would you like help buying stockings?"

Hashima Kiyosuke thought carefully.

Many people think it's embarrassing to go to the supermarket to buy hygiene products for girls, but Seisuke Hashima thinks there's nothing wrong with it. There are a lot of male doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department, and no one is embarrassed.

Needless to say, sanitary napkins must be bought for girlfriends. In this day and age where singles are rampant, it is not shameful to have a girlfriend. What is shameful are singles who treat small umbrellas like bubble gum.

As for stockings... Although a boy buying a girl's stockings might be considered a pervert, he can definitely fool his girlfriend by saying that, Hajima Seisuke is very thick-skinned and it's totally true.

The problem is that there is an expressionless silver-haired girl sitting next to her. If she agrees, even if she doesn't get hit on the head with a folding fan, she will definitely be stared at with cold disgust, right?

"I reject."

Therefore, Hashima Kiyoshi was upright and sternly refused.

"This guy……"

Ying Lili puffed up her pink cheeks and showed off the little tiger teeth at the corner of her mouth. In fact, after saying this, she regretted it. Although the stockings were not fat, they were something she wore after all. It was a bad idea to ask a boy to help buy stockings, right?

It's just the words that are spoken, the water that is poured out.

As soon as he said it, he quickly shook his head and denied it. This is not good.

So she could only look over with wide eyes, hoping that Hajima Kiyosuke would understand the meaning in her eyes and refuse on his own.

But at this moment, she was rejected mercilessly by Hajima Seisuke, and Eiri was suddenly unhappy again. This is the first time that she has asked him for help, so you should hesitate for a moment! You refused so decisively, I don’t want to lose face!

Looking at Eiri with bulging cheeks, Hajima Seisuke twitched the corner of his mouth and changed the subject:

"It's better to wash the stockings before wearing them. It's still early anyway, so there's no need to rush back... Do you want me to wash them for you?"

"Humph." Ying Lili turned her head and stood up, her golden twin tails flashing in two dazzling arcs in the sun, "I'll wash it myself."

Are you kidding? How can I ask you to help wash my stockings, and there is a girl watching next to me? I don't want to lose face.

Yingli took the oil-stained stockings and walked into the bathroom.

There is a washing machine on the balcony, but it is just a pair of stockings, so there is no need for a washing machine. Moreover, it is more hygienic to wash girls' intimate clothes, such as stockings, towels, etc., by hand.

Unfortunately, there were no cleaning tools in the bathroom. When he was in trouble, Hajima Seisuke brought laundry detergent and a plastic basin from the balcony: "It's more convenient to wash in a basin."

"Humph." Yinglili hesitated and muttered: "Sorry to trouble you..."

The dirty stockings were caused by his failure to hold the chopsticks tightly, and the floor was also stained. Instead of being impatient, Hajima Seisuke helped to solve the problem...actually, it wasn't that annoying.

"What did you say?"

Hajima Kiyosuke was surprised and thought he was hearing hallucinations.

"It's nothing." Yinglili showed the little tiger teeth at the corner of her mouth, "Go out quickly, I have to do the laundry!"

Hajima Kiyosuke nodded: "Pay attention to the slippery ground and be careful not to fall."

"I won't fall!"

When Seisuke Hajima walked out of the bathroom and Eiri took a basin of water and started washing her stockings, she recalled that on the first day she came to bathe the cat, she slipped once because her legs and feet were numb due to squatting for too long.

It's in this bathroom.

This is the current posture.

When I fell down, in panic, I accidentally grabbed something terrible...

(O-so disgusting!)

Yinglili shivered and quickly expelled the terrible memories of that day from her mind, but a blush appeared on her pretty face involuntarily...

Hajima Seisuke returned to the living room, and the room had been cleaned.

Yinzi turned around and said calmly: "Drink tea."

Uncle Kiyotaki Kosuke is Ginko's shogi teacher, and cousin Kiyotaki Katsura is Ginko's mentor in life. Cooking and tea ceremony are all skills taught by cousin Katsura.

Hashima Seisuke sat on the sofa, took a sip of green tea, and praised: "It tastes good."

Yinzi's eyes looked disgusted: "Lying."

Hajima Seisuke twitched the corner of his mouth: "Does it taste ordinary?"

Yinzi raised his eyebrows: "Shut up."


If you say it tastes good, you feel like you're lying. If you say it's average, just shut up. Girls are indeed the most difficult creatures in the world to understand!

After drinking tea, Hashima Seisuke asked: "When will you go back in the afternoon?"

Yinzi glanced in the direction of the bathroom: "Go back in the afternoon."

Actually, you don’t want Hajima Seisuke and Eiri to be alone, right?

"Go and take out the shogi," Ginzi said, "and play a few games."


Hajima Seisuke went to the bedroom to take out the shogi, set it up in the living room, and started playing chess with Ginko.

After a while, Eirili washed her stockings and walked out. She went to the balcony to dry the stockings. Then she walked up to Hashima Seisuke and asked curiously, "Hey, are you playing shogi?"

Shogi, also known as Japanese chess, is a unique chess game in Japan. The popularity and social influence in Japan are slightly higher than Go, and it is the well-deserved number one chess game in Japan.

Hashima Seisuke pointed to the cup of green tea on the coffee table: "The temperature of your tea is just right."

Ying Lili took the tea cup, took a sip, walked over and continued to observe the station, and after a while, her expression gradually turned dull.

Of course she can also play shogi, after all, it is the most popular chess game in Japan, but her level cannot even beat the simple difficulty AI of the mobile shogi game... That's right, Eiriri actually only knows the rules, and is still far from being able to play. Thousands of miles.

So when Seisuke Hashima and Ginko were playing chess, they could clearly see every move, but when they were put together, they had no idea what they meant.

After watching for a while, I felt bored. Seeing that Hajima Seisuke and Ginzi were playing chess seriously, they didn't say anything, turned around and walked to the sofa to sit down.

There was no way, the stockings had just been washed off and it would take some time before they could be dried. I couldn't say goodbye and could only stay in the room of this girl-control author.

Fortunately, it’s fun to play with cats when you have cute cats around you.

After Yinglili drank the tea, she felt tired gradually coming over her.

As we all know, when a person has just eaten, blood will rush to the stomach to help digestion. At this time, the brain will slow down and make you sleepy. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for many people to discuss business at the wine table.

This quiet afternoon.

the sky is very blue.

The sun is slightly warm.

Yinglili sat on the soft sofa, her eyes just enough to see the blue sky outside the balcony. In the clear blue sky, there were only a few white clouds that looked like cotton candy floating in the sky.

The sound of chess pieces falling on the chessboard could be heard in her ears, as well as the sound of distant wind chimes coming from someone's house outside the house. Ying Lili felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and a stronger sense of drowsiness was coming over her.

Her beautiful blue eyes blinked, and her expression turned cute. Eiri tried hard to stay awake. Unfortunately, it was just like taking a nap in class. When sleepiness strikes, it will not be easily diverted by human willpower. .

When her eyelids fell again, Yinglili finally fell asleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

The slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and Yinglili finally opened her eyes. In her blue eyes, there was the hazy mist after just waking up.

"W-where is this?"

What comes into view is an unfamiliar ceiling, a foreign object pressing on the body, and an aching body...

Chapter 30 Encounter on the ramp

"I am asleep?"

Yinglili blinked blankly and quickly woke up.

She looked down and saw that she was covered with a blanket. On top of the blanket, there was a small orange cat curled up. No wonder she felt a sense of pressure on her body. It turned out that the cat was sleeping on her.

Yingli sat up quietly and checked her clothes. She found that the clothes were intact, but they were a little wrinkled because she didn't take them off for sleeping. She didn't feel any discomfort in her body, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I fell asleep because I was sleepy, not because of black tea..."

The room was very quiet.

Eiri turned around and looked around, and found that the table had been cleared, and Hashima Seisuke and Ginko had disappeared.

I took out my phone and saw that it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

(Ahhhhh! Why did you fall asleep in someone else’s house!)

(And it’s also the home of a perverted girl-control author. It would be terrible if that guy took the opportunity to do something like this to me!)

(I covered myself with a blanket quietly and didn’t notice it. Maybe I wasn’t noticed if I was being bullied, right?)

(stupid stupid stupid……)

Yinglili scratched her hair hard and puffed up her cheeks in distress.

"woke up?"

Hajima Seisuke walked out of the bedroom.

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