If before the 'bathroom incident' in the morning, Hajima Seisuke wouldn't mind calling Ginko to wake up at all, but at this moment, Ginko might have turned into a big devil and was sharpening his sword!

Chapter 18 Disgusting face and unequal treaties

Hajima Seisuke had no choice but to wake up Ginzi.

It's a pity that because of the previous 'bathroom' incident, Yinzi's room has turned into a terrifying existence like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Generally speaking, when such an embarrassing thing happens, there are nothing more than the following two reactions.

The first is to pretend nothing happened.

This reaction is the most common. After all, the best response to embarrassment is for everyone to tacitly expose each other directly. However, Ginzi may not play his cards according to common sense. The probability of this reaction is tentatively set at 50%.

The second type is to hide under the quilt and be shy and invisible to others.

However, 'Naniwa Shirayuki-hime' has always been famous for her arrogance, so the possibility of this kind of reaction is the lowest, no more than 10%.

Excluding the reaction simulations of sluts and rotten girls, there is still a 40% possibility that Ginko becomes angry from shame and becomes a terrible demon!

Maybe when I go in, I will be greeted by a leather whip and a utility knife!

While thinking wildly, Hashima Seisuke had already walked outside the door of Ginzi's room. For safety reasons, he did not intend to enter, so he raised his hand and knocked on the door, coughing lightly and saying:

"Yinzi, Sister Guixiang calls you to get up and have breakfast."


There was no movement in the room.

However, Hajima Seisuke was very sure that Ginzi would never be able to sleep. It would be strange if he could still fall asleep after such an embarrassing thing happened.

After saying that, Hashima Kiyosuke was about to turn around and leave.

As soon as I turned around, a cold voice came from the room:

"Come in."

Hajima Seisuke twitched his lips: "Well, I still want to run..."

Yinzi repeated: "Come in."


Letting yourself in is definitely not the first reaction to pretend that nothing happened. After entering, what will be waiting for you will be a whip and a utility knife!

Hashima Seisuke took a deep breath, opened the door and walked inside.

Ginko's room is a girl's bedroom. It has more stuff than Hashima Seisuke's room. It has a window, tatami mats and bookshelves.

At this moment, the silver-haired girl was sitting in front of the low table. The bright sunlight shone in from the window and happened to fall on the girl's silver hair. She had an indescribable exquisite beauty, fair skin, delicate face, and blue eyes. The eyes and slightly pursed lips are like an elf walking out of a fairy tale. If you take a photo at random, you can directly use it to make a CG picture.

"Ahem...is something wrong?"

Hashima Seisuke made up his mind not to mention what happened before, lest he seek death.

Yinzi looked up, apparently having regained his composure, and there was calmness in his clear eyes.

"Come and sit down."

Hajima Kiyosuke suddenly became nervous, fearing that he would hear from this girl:

"How do you plan to die?"

"Behead in half, beheaded, or quartered by five horses. Choose one."

"Kill yourself by caesarean section, hentai." Something like that.

Although the silver-haired girl was condescending and said such words with a disgusted face, which may be interesting to some perverted gentlemen, she didn't want to hear it at all!

After Hashima Seisuke sat down, he said decisively: "I was wrong!"

"Where did you go wrong?"

Who knows what went wrong? In front of women, as long as it is not a matter of principle, then don't discuss who is right and who is wrong, just apologize directly.

Hajima Seisuke thought for a while: "Should I inform you before going to the bathroom?"


A seductive blush soon appeared on Yinzi's pretty face, and her chest rose and fell slightly, obviously remembering the terrible thing she had seen before.

There are two bathrooms in the house, one of which is used by Kiyotaki Kosuke and Kiyotaki Katsura, and the other is used by Ginko.

In the past, Hashima Seisuke always got up very late because he was playing with his mobile phone. Usually, he would get up only when she called people to have breakfast.

It's the first time it's so early today.

She went to the bathroom before. Because she hadn't woken up yet, although she saw the light in the bathroom, her brain didn't react. As a result, she saw something she shouldn't have seen...

Yinzi gritted his teeth, picked up the folding fan, and said coldly:

"What happened this morning...are not allowed to be mentioned again, not even a single word!"

Hajima Kiyosuke nodded: "Yes."

Although it was not his fault, he was not the one to make such a thing a joke.

Yinzi tapped his fingers on the table and suddenly said: "No."

"What's not working?"

"I can't take this breath."

Hey, you obviously took advantage, but you still say that you can't swallow it. It's too much!

Hashima Seisuke apologized again: "I was wrong."

Yinzi crossed his arms, looking condescending and disgusted: "You have to promise me three things."

Hashima Seisuke bargained: "Is three too many? How about one?"

"Huh?" Yinzi narrowed his eyes, showing the Queen's disgust on his face, "Do you have any objections?"


As a result, Hashima Seisuke signed an unequal treaty.

breakfast time.

The dish made by Kiyotaki Kika is a traditional Japanese breakfast, including rice, miso soup, grilled fish, natto and tofu.

Japanese people prefer rice, which can be eaten three times a day. Many people even have 'egg bibimbap' with an egg beaten on the rice for breakfast. In my memory, I have eaten it before, but now I am not sensitive to it. , it was a little hard to accept for a while.

Natto is a kind of fermented bean that is dark and has a weird taste. People who like it like it very much, but people who don't like it will find it hard to swallow. Hajima Seisuke ate two, and it was probably Because my body has already adapted to it, I always find it tastes pretty good.

As for the grilled fish, it is actually a whole saury, with two slices of sliced ​​lemon added to it. Lemon has a Midas touch effect on saury, especially the layer of fish skin that is grilled until slightly browned on the surface. , the taste is even more amazing.

There was something strange about the atmosphere at the dinner table.

Anyway, Hajima Seisuke made up his mind and would definitely speak.

If he says something wrong and offends Yinzi, he will be hit on the head with a folding fan.

Having said that, for the bathroom incident in the morning, it was obviously Yinzi who suddenly broke in, so she should be the one to take the blame, but now it falls on her. Sure enough, equality between men and women does not exist at all!

Kiyotaki Katsura blinked, looked at Ginko, then at Hajima Kiyosuke, and asked curiously: "Are you two at odds?"


Ginzi answered calmly, but unfortunately, he didn't even look at Hajima Seisuke when he spoke. He was obviously losing his temper.

Hajima Kiyosuke coughed lightly: "Because..."


Ginzi looked over, and one look made Hajima Seisuke shut his mouth.

No wonder some people say, "Naniwa Shirayuki-hime will be crowned king when she grows up." The Silver Queen is indeed not just a rumor!

"No need to ask any more questions."

Kiyotaki Kosuke was sitting at the head of the house. At first glance, he looked like a bohemian middle-aged uncle with unkempt hair. Hearing this, he laughed and said with a sigh in his eyes:

"Getting angry occasionally is part of youth~~"

Chapter 19 Twin Ponytail Whirlwind

All in all, that’s how the afternoon ended.

Hajima Kiyosuke breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said goodbye and left.

There was nothing he could do. Ginzi had been dragging him to play shogi all morning. It was okay last night. During the chess game, he could at least talk. Now Ginzi didn't say a word. He looked at him with cold eyes from time to time. He was a little distracted. You'll get knocked on the head, it's a shame.

What's wrong with being distracted?

Human beings spend 30% of their waking hours in mind wandering!

"Hey, Kiyosuke is going back today?" Guixiang blinked and said in surprise, "Don't you usually leave tomorrow?"

Hajima Seisuke said: "I picked up a stray kitten a few days ago. I'm worried about it. I'll go back and take care of it."

"That's it." Sister Guixiang pursed her lips and smiled, "Qingsuke is indeed a kind child..."

So keeping pets and kindness cannot be equated, right?

"Be safe on the road."

Hashima Kiyosuke nodded: "Understood."

Ginzi stood next to Guixiang. Although he didn't speak, he had already sent a message just now, asking Hashima Seisuke not to forget the promised next volume of the novel, and then take some pictures of cats for her. Obviously, most girls like cute ones. Small animals, silver is no exception.

Hashima Kiyosuke waved his hand: "I'm leaving."

Yinzi crossed his arms and turned his head away: "Huh."

The mansion at the end of the ramp, among the rooms on the second floor.

The blond otaku wore a green otaku suit, and wore very rustic black-rimmed glasses. One hand supported her chin, and the other hand turned the pencil around in boredom. In front of her, there was a piece of messy manuscript paper.

"Do you want to take care of Kaido?"

"Before going to bed last night, I checked the experience of ear mites in cats. It seems that it is really troublesome for one person to apply medicine, and he might get scratched..."

"But when I go out, I have to change clothes and comb my hair, which is really troublesome."

"What to do? Go or not?"

Just when Yinglili was deciding to turn her pen to make a choice, the mobile phone placed on the top of the table suddenly vibrated.

It was a message from Hashima Seisuke.

"Classmate Yinglili, can you come over and apply the powder on Fat Orange?"

Ying Lili showed a small tiger tooth at the corner of her mouth, which was so cute: "Hey, I told you not to call her Fat Orange!"

"A slip of the tongue."

"Slip of the tongue, you big-headed idiot! You are just trying to make me angry on purpose!"


"It's weird to believe you!"


This guy told me not to call him Eiriri, but Sawamura-kun, but he agreed but refused to change his words. He must be very thick-skinned.

Yinglili complained, put down her phone, and started combing her hair.

She combed her golden hair that was scattered behind her shoulders into a pair of ponytails and tied it up with a black ribbon. Then she sat on the edge of the bed, took a pair of black stockings, and put her right foot on the edge of the bed.

The bright sunshine shines in from the window and falls on Ying Lili.

The girl's right leg is slender and slender. The arc from the knee to the ankle is graceful and charming. Her fair skin, like gelatin, shines with a delicate and moist luster in the sun. Her slightly arched arch is even more delicate and lovely. , like a unique work of art written by a master, people can't help but want to hold it in their hands and play with it gently.

The girl sitting in front of the bed, bending over to put on stockings, has an indescribable beauty, but it's a pity that no one can appreciate it.

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