The biggest reason for Zakuli to draw notebooks is interest and hobbies, making money is secondary. The reason why I don't tell others is that I just don't like others pointing at me behind my back with strange eyes. Being discovered by Hajima Seisuke is actually nothing... ...He himself is still the girl control that everyone calls for beating.

Hajima Kiyosuke asked while clearing the table, "Is this a notebook for the summer exhibition?"

"Hmm..." Yinglili responded in a dull voice. She was still a little concerned and couldn't help but said, "Don't tidy it up. Leave it there and I'll clean it up myself."

Hajima Seisuke put down the things in his hands, "This comic has been very popular recently. There should be a lot of fans. The competition at the comic exhibition must be fierce."

"Why are you talking about this?" Zhaili turned his head and looked, paused and said, "It's okay if the competition is fierce."

Although the voice is weak, the confidence contained in it is full of confidence, because the name "Kashiwagi Eri" is word of mouth, and there is no need to worry about sales.

"Have you ever thought about drawing an original book?"


Chapter 185 Monday’s Benefits (Second Update)

"Original notebook?" Eirili was startled, then rolled her eyes at Hajima Seisuke, and said angrily, "Of course I want to, have you ever heard that sentence, a notebook artist who doesn't want to succeed is not a good artist!"

"You also want your girl-control light novel to be animated, right?"

"But I tried it once and it didn't work at all."


To put it bluntly, doujinshi are secondary creations of the original creators, which are okay for self-entertainment. Making money from the sales of doujinshi is actually against copyright law, but the attitude of the Japanese comics circle towards this kind of thing is basically to turn a blind eye. First of all, before many cartoonists became famous, they relied on drawing books to make a living. Secondly, creating fan books is also a disguised form of publicity.

Legally, this is a crime of personal prosecution - unless the original author or copyright owner has another person infringing the copyright, the court will not accept it.

The problem is that although this kind of doujinshi can be sold at comic exhibitions and can successfully make money, there is no possibility of TV animation.

As a cartoonist, what is your ideal?

Of course, I hope that my work will be supported and recognized by more people, and the best way to be recognized is of course TV animation. This is the same as that of light novelists. It is definitely a great honor to have your work adapted into animation and released. .

Eiri's painting style is exquisite enough, but her storytelling ability is not good, and she works behind closed doors. The only person around her who can discuss it is Sawamura Sayuri. As a result, she once tried to draw an original version, which ended in a big failure.

There is no other way. It is impossible to go ashore in this life. I can only paint and humiliate myself 18 times, barely making ends meet.

"I have an idea." Hajima Seisuke walked to the bed and sat down, "Would you like to hear it?"

Eiri looked curiously, with a little bit of expectation. Apart from anything else, she liked the game script written by Hajima Seisuke, otherwise she wouldn't have easily agreed to help, "What do you think?"

"Every Sunday is a tiring day when office workers don't want to move. At this time, we need to warm people's hearts... How about "Monday's Plump"?"

"Weird name..." Eiriri drank the last bit of brown sugar ginger tea, and then handed the bowl to Hajima Seisuke, "Where's the plot? Where's the outline? Where's the group it's intended for?"

Hashima Seisuke put the bowl on the bedside table next to him, reached for a napkin and handed it to Takumi to wipe his mouth, and said with a little nostalgia:

"The plot is actually very simple, and the main selling point of the book is not the plot..."

"Monday's Plump", Hashima Seisuke remembers it very clearly. It was a work recommended by colleagues in his previous life, and it was also one of his first works at home.

"In this increasingly cold world, only breasts can warm people's hearts."

"A tired Monday, a heavy Monday."

"Bicun Dairy, you can breastfeed, don't worry."

Whether a work is successful or not is up to you. It should depend on word of mouth and sales. There is no doubt that "Monday's Plump" is definitely one of the most successful works. Even in another world, gold will still shine. .

Zhaili's foundation and painting style are very good, and his popularity is also very high. All he needs is an innovative enough idea to make his popularity even higher. In the future, he might actually become a book painter who dominates the island country.

"That's pretty much it." Hashima Seisuke concluded, "We can fill in and expand the content, such as..."

For example, the accident that happened to Ebina in the sports warehouse can be written as a new story.


Yinglili said with a pretty face.

Hajima Kiyosuke nodded and was a little confused when he saw Eiri's expression was wrong: "What do you think?"

"I think you are not only a perverted girl, but also an European pervert!" Ying Lili narrowed her eyes, disgusted, "Why are your breasts so big that they press on the keyboard, you accidentally break the buttons on your clothes, and you use your hand to support your weight. I lost five kilograms...this is just like a cow! How can any high school student have such a nasty figure!"


Hajima Seisuke suddenly understood the reason why Eiri was angry.

In Monday's welfare, every girl has a figure that is arrogant to her peers. However, Yinglili's bust is not as good as that of a junior high school student. It is simply a permanent pain in the heart. Of all the courses in the school, the most annoying one is the summer physical education class. There is no such thing as swimming practice!

"Don't be angry, I just mentioned it that way." Hajima Kiyosuke said helplessly, "If you think it's inappropriate, forget it."

"Huh." Yinglili turned away, hesitated for a moment, and muttered, "There's nothing inappropriate. You can try drawing... Go and get the pen and drawing paper."

Although I think this kind of Oppai five-kilogram notebook is terrible, I have to say that there must be many people who like it. After all, there is nothing else in a man's mind except Oppai, right?

No matter whether you have a good personality or good cooking, the sum total cannot equal the big breasts!

Hajima Seisuke shook his head and refused: "Your health is important, let's wait until you get better."


Zhai Li puffed up her cheeks, but she didn't force it. Her stomach was still hurting at the moment, so it was definitely not the time to draw a notebook.

Warm baby, electric hot water bottle, and just drank two bowls of brown sugar ginger water, Yinglili felt sleepy again while sitting. Being sleepy is actually a good thing in this kind of thing, just like carsickness, as long as you fall asleep, No motion sickness or pain.

"Go back..." Yinglili said drowsily, "I'm going to sleep."

"Yes." Hashima Kiyosuke responded and said warmly, "When will Aunt Sayuri come back?"

"nighttime then……"

"Then I'll sit for a while and you can go to sleep."

Eiri glanced at Hajima Seisuke, didn't hold on, slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept for. Yinglili slowly opened her eyes. In her eyes was the fog of confusion after just waking up. What came into view was the familiar ceiling. Her stomach was still aching, but it was within the tolerable range. , sleeping is indeed extremely effective.

The room was very quiet.

Eiri turned her head in confusion, and soon saw Seisuke Hashima sitting on a chair beside the bed, holding a copy of "Norwegian Wood" by Haruki Murakami in his hand, reading quietly.

It must be almost evening, and the golden sunlight slants in from the window, falling just on Hajima Seisuke's face, forming a boundary between light and dark on his face, as if coated with a faint golden glow, which makes people feel a little moved. Don't open your eyes.

Sensing the movement on the bed, Hashima Kiyosuke raised his head and smiled: "Are you awake?"


With bright and clear eyes, a clean face, and a smile that made people feel comfortable and reassuring, Yinglili was stunned for a moment. She felt that her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the sound of her heartbeat was clearly heard in her ears. .

"What's wrong?" Hajima Kiyosuke asked with concern, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"


Ying Lili turned away in panic, and could clearly feel the heat on her face.


That does not work.

This feeling, this feeling...can't go on like this anymore, we have to show off!

Chapter 186 Yinglili’s placementpl/ay

"No, we can't go on like this."

Ying Lili bit her lower lip, "This girl...has bad intentions."

He is not one of those extremely anxious emotional idiots in anime. Of course Erili knows that Hajima Seisuke treats herself differently from others.

For example, when I was quarreling with that cricket Kasumigaoka, he would help me fight back against Kasumigaoka. If it were someone else, he would definitely act stupid and not help each other. Another example would be helping massage leg cramps on the playground, and letting myself go. Apply medicine to cats to treat ear mites... If you can still deceive yourself and others that these are nothing, ordinary friends can also do this, then when school first started, this girl shouted in front of the whole class, 'I will always love Yinglili' can't be washed off!

"what the hell."

"Obviously, we were in the same class only in the second grade. Although we are on the same desk, we are not familiar with each other at all. The total number of words we have spoken is less than ten, so suddenly saying that we like her is just a joke!"

"But... this kind of sleep talk usually doesn't lie to people, right?"

Originally, Yinglili had made up her mind to stay away from this girl, and would not have any other interactions except for ordinary classmates. However, on the way home, she accidentally picked up a very pitiful little orange cat. It looked very thin and small. If If he didn't adopt her, he might die soon, but my mother had hay fever and was allergic to cat hair, so she couldn't keep a cat, so she had no choice but to ask him to adopt her.

That guy Toruya was actually an otaku friend with him, and later they even formed a gaming club that still doesn’t even have a name together. In short, their interactions gradually increased.

Eiriri was waiting for Hajima Seisuke to confess her love at first. As long as she confessed, she could refuse with a polite but distant smile just like she did to other suitors. From junior high school to high school, she didn't know how many people she rejected. The process is already very familiar.

However, since Hashima Seisuke talked in his sleep in class that day, he has never done anything that others can refuse!

There are no shoe cabinet love letters, no chocolates, no date invitations, no shameless chats with you, no invitations to eat, watch movies or go for a even if you want to refuse, there is no chance.

You can’t say you’re not allowed to have bad thoughts, right?

Attempts to commit a crime have to be committed before the sentence can be imposed. You can't even prevent the other person from thinking about it in his head. That would be too much.

There was no other way, so Yinglili had no choice but to undergo cold treatment, that is, to put the pli/ay away.

In this world where people are becoming increasingly indifferent, people are increasingly in need of... Bah, people are becoming more and more impatient. For example, the hot headlines on Twitter basically become popular in less than a week, and will be forgotten in a month. Gotta be clean.

As long as he has a cold attitude towards this girl, he will give up and quickly lose interest and patience, right?

In reality, there are many such people. They want to date you within three days of knowing you, and then confess to other girls less than a week after you reject them. This kind of behavior of casting a wide net is really bad.

Unfortunately, the result was not what Eriri thought. Hashima Seisuke did not lose his patience. He was misunderstood by two bad girls in the alley. He was misunderstood by the driver in a taxi and did not explain. On the contrary, he listened carefully to the other party's instructions and took care of him. What people pay attention to... is clearly Sima Zhao's heart, everyone on the road knows it!

Especially just now, while Yinglili's heartbeat was racing and her lips were dry, she felt a subtle sense of betrayal in her heart, because at that moment, she actually had the urge to 'if time could stay at this moment'... …No, we can’t go on like this.

A showdown is necessary.

If you continue like this, you will definitely sink deeper and deeper!

"Huh..." Yinglili took a deep breath to calm her heartbeat, then bit her lower lip and said, "Your two junior girls like you very much... you can go play with them in the future."

Hajima Seisuke was startled, closed the book in his hand and put it aside, then sat upright and said seriously: "They and I are just ordinary friends."

Xiaomi is in the late stage of brother control. As long as his brother is around, it is basically impossible to like others. Except for saying hello when meeting on the road, or borrowing games from home, there is no intersection at all, and there is no idea of ​​developing intersection.

Because Ebina lives next door and happened to be in the same restaurant when he was working, the relationship is much closer. We may like him, but now that his part-time job is over, he will not go home together in the evening again. As the interactions gradually become less and less, the relationship will also disappear. It will gradually fade away.

"A school girl is cute, pretty and well-behaved, with breasts as big as Ebina's. You actually just want to maintain a relationship as ordinary friends..." Ying Lili complained, and suddenly realized, "Wait a minute, your "Monday's Busty", Didn't you think of it based on Ebina?"

To be able to come up with this kind of manga, you must be thinking about the perverts of the European style. The only girl with big breasts around you, except Kasumigaoka Shiu, is that weak first-year junior high school girl, right?

And in terms of visual effects, Ebina is obviously bigger... Could it be that this perverted girl control is thinking about the school girl's Oppai all day long!

Hajima Seisuke twitched the corners of his mouth, shook his head and said, "Not at all."

It's true that Ebina's breasts are big, but it's mainly because she's short, which visually reflects her big breasts. She's still far from the level of a cow like Xiao Ai, who "lifts her breasts and loses five kilograms of weight"!


Yinglili narrowed her eyes in disgust, "Then how did you come up with it?"

Hajima Kiyosuke was helpless, "I dreamed about it accidentally while sleeping."

Although the memories of the past life are vivid in my mind, time travel is an incredible thing. No one can tell whether it is Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou.

"Wow, you guy is actually dreaming about that kind of thing." Ying Lili looked at her with disgust like looking at kitchen garbage, "It is indeed hentai."


Your uncle, this is just nitpicking, okay? You yourself are still the artist who drew the 18X humiliation book, so you have no right to criticize others!

"Hmph." Zhaili crossed his arms and turned away, "And Ginzi, who likes to wear sailor uniforms, must also like you, right?"

Hashima Seisuke shook his head: "Ginko is still young, only fourteen years old."

"How is fourteen so young? Are you an antique who lived in the Showa era!" Eirili complained, "For elementary school students nowadays, socializing has already become commonplace, okay? Last time someone posted a post on Twitter lamenting that they were at work I met a group of elementary school students on the road talking about their boyfriends’ kissing skills. I’m fourteen and already in the third grade of junior high school. Not only can I kiss, I can do everything else..."

Halfway through her words, Yinglili stopped in time and did not say the forbidden word that would be blocked once it appeared.


Zhaili burst into tears and raised her hands to cover her mouth.

Chapter 187 Blushing Zhali (Second update)

Hashima Kiyosuke was speechless: "Did you bite your tongue?"

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