After receiving Heena’s positive reply and love, I immediately started preparing. I immediately got up and took Heena to the computer.

And with her hugging me and turning her head toward the monitor, I checked the things I had been looking for little by little. No matter how off-season, I wondered if I could leave right away in less than a week, but I looked it up and it was all right.

When I searched for low-cost airlines on the Internet, there were a lot of flights that were really cheap and could depart sooner than I thought.

I didn’t have it right away because I had my passport at home, but I made a reservation for an early departure on Saturday morning because it was possible to make a reservation for a flight by modifying it later. Since I’m going to go unconditionally, there’s nothing to worry about.

The next thing I found was a ryokan. However, I was able to get this easily because the ryokan I had been looking for was vacant that day. For 2 nights, dinner was given by the ryokan as it was called kaiseki, and the room had an outdoor open-air bath.

I thought that a room like this would cost at least 500,000 won per night, but when I looked at several ryokans in the hot spring town before, there were quite a few places where you could stay at half that price.

“They even borrowed a yukata! The room is pretty… Is it cheaper than you think?”

“Is not it?”

Fortunately, Heena was also quite well-received. Reviews from other travelers were also good. So, even the ryokan made a reservation right away without much thought. We have to wait for the agency’s response to see if it’s possible to make a reservation, but since the room has been vacant since a few days ago, there was probably no problem.

“What should I do, I’m so excited I’m going to die! Thank you, Yeonhoo!”

“Thank you. I’m doing this because I want to go with you too. Can I touch your breasts now?”

“You want to touch me like that? I like your ass more.”

“I like my breasts as much as my ass…”

“But when we do it, you only bother your ass every day!”

While saying that, he turns and sits on my lap. Thanks to her, I was able to hold her chest with both hands and feel the peace of mind.

The feel of the bra touching her chest was annoying, but it was also quite stimulating. what to say Do you feel like being invisible is more lewd than being naked?

However, it was also true that it was a little disappointing, so after a few kneadings, he slipped his hand under her t-shirt.

Then, in an instant, she took off her bra and placed her hand on her bare chest. As soon as my hand touches it, Heena lets out a strange moan.

“Heh… do you want to…?”

“Even on a date at home, if you don’t exercise too much, it’s bad for your health. How about it?”

“If you want… any time…”

It was broad daylight, but what does that matter? I immediately took Heena to bed and started exercising vigorously.

Our 2nd anniversary date passed just like that. Overlapping bodies, resting for a while, then longing for each other again.

Feeling the person you love with your whole body for the rest of your life.

From the next day, we started doing what we had to do with each other, and gathered up our spare time to take care of the things we needed one by one. There was no need to rush enough to neglect school or study. It is true that I and Heena are excited every day with anticipation, but in reality, there was nothing to prepare.

It wasn’t a busy course, and most of them enjoyed hot springs at inns, and it was a leisurely trip to explore the quiet hot spring villages as it was not the peak season.

So, the only thing to bring was a few clothes to change into and a passport. Other than that, it’s about trusting Heena who can speak English very well and even a little bit of Japanese.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

My girlfriend, who can only cook, was admiring her as the days went on. Of course, he says he’s not confident in speaking English because he’s only learned what he’s learned, but the original travel is all about gestures.

While preparing in that way, the most difficult part was the financial part. While Heena went back to her hometown to get her passport, I went to my house separately and knelt down to Junghu hyung.

“Brother! Lend me some money!”

“The person who asks is very cocky. Let’s say Grenzel and open his mouth.”


“I really do.”

Actually, it wasn’t a problem. You really lent money to Grenzel. Just in case you didn’t know, I borrowed quite a bit. I decided to return the money I had left after I went there, and to cover the money I spent part-time.

“Are you ready for the trip?”

“I’m almost finished because my brother loaned me money.”

“Hmm… you’re going to a ryokan?”

“Uh. It’s probably just stuck inside. I originally thought about Disneyland a little bit, but it’s a bit disappointing to go short. I don’t have a lot of money.”

It was difficult for Heena to take a long time off as she wasn’t on vacation either. This time, I’m going there for 3 days and 2 nights, and I have to go to class as soon as I leave on Saturday and return around lunchtime on Monday.

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Luckily, we didn’t go around too tight, and since rest and healing was the theme, Heena said that she wasn’t tired and said it was okay.

I also didn’t know if I would lose my senses if I left my studies for a long time. Now it has become a habit so much that if I don’t study in the morning and in the evening, my body becomes itchy.

“There’s nothing dangerous about walking around. If anything happens, call me without worrying about roaming or anything.”

“To your brother?”


“Okay. There doesn’t seem to be anything to do.”

“Then I’m glad. Go into the settings and turn off the LTE connection unconditionally, and use the Internet only in places where Wi-Fi is popping.”

“It should be.”

So, after borrowing money from Jung-hoo hyung and hearing various advices, I came out of the room, and this time I had to face Mom and Dad. However, the two of them didn’t say anything special, they just told me to use the card my mom gave me if I needed more money.

It may be a useless bluff, but I don’t think I’ll even use a mother’s card because I only wanted to go on this trip at my own expense. I borrowed some from my brother, but it’s the money I’ll pay back anyway.

Anyway, we finished talking at home, and most of the small things such as currency exchange were completed that day.

To be honest, I was a little surprised while preparing for this. The fact that overseas travel can be like roasting beans in lightning like this. I was able to do it very easily because there is a site that intermediaries for both flight reservations and accommodation reservations.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Moreover, my heart was overflowing with excitement that it was the only overseas trip with my girlfriend after a long time since middle school.

Thanks to.

[ Han Yeon-hoo: (Picture) Hahaha I’m going on a trip to Japan! Goodbye, you bastards who failed the exam!! ]

I can’t stand it without bragging somewhere, so I uploaded a passport photo to a group chat room and tried to pull a wide aggro.

[Kim Soo-hwang: Is this bastard a retraining student? Hee-na Lee and I don’t even have enough pictures of dyeing a dog disease, so I’m going on a trip.]

[Jung Yun-seong: We are going to get a job at our snack bar after getting rid of that bad luck. ㅇㅇㅇㅇ When rebutting, a kid from elementary school Jammin who threw tteokbokki over yesterday ]

[Kim Soo-hwang: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Han Yeon-hoo: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Jung Yunseong: Don’t laugh, you bastards]

[Shin Eui-hyun: Have a good trip. You should have time to rest. ]

[ Hyunwoo Lee: Did you go to Japan? Don’t eat seafood.]

[ Han Yeon-hoo: Can’t we even do takoyaki in the mainland? ]

[Lee Hyun-woo: You have to eat that; ]

He laughed at the stupid conversations with his friends, and calmed down a little bit of the shaking in his body that he couldn’t control if he didn’t do anything.

Each day after returning from collecting passports and talking to each other at home, each day was a succession of excitement. Both of them talked about what to eat every night, what to have nearby, and discussed what time would be the right time to get up and leave.

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Like now, lying in bed together every day.

“Are you bringing dinner to your room?”

“You can choose it. Serve it in your room or go to a restaurant and eat it. On the first day, you choose your room, but on the second day, you just have to tell me the day before. You can choose between shabu-shabu or meat.”

By the way, for dinner on the first day, I chose shabu-shabu. Heena prefers it, so I asked her to eat it without any worries.

“Time is running out… Ah! Come to think of it, Leah is saying that.”

“What did you say?”

“The three of us later said let’s have a drink.”

“Ah~ That’s right. It’s the same for me. Shall the three of us have a drink after a trip?”

“Okay! But…”

Heena, who was lying face to face with me, smiled brightly and continued.

“Can we talk to each other? When did you say that?”

“…Heena. Wait, calm down and listen carefully.”

“I’m fine? Are you listening?”

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Laughing is not smiling.

I quickly came up with an excuse. No, that’s not an excuse. told the truth

“At that time, there was a time when you felt down. I was just trying to ask you what happened at school. You haven’t done it again since then.”

“Huh~ Really?”

“Of course. Is there anything I need to contact him separately? You can take a look.”

“Ugh, no. Trust me.”

– crumble

Then he comes a little closer to me and hugs me under the blanket.

“It’s warm…”

“The weather is cool today. Shall we sleep in a hug?”


Hee-na came into her arms with a small smile as if nothing had happened, although she was pounding for a moment at the sudden interrogation. I hugged her and patted her like a child to sleep.

“The day after tomorrow, I’m leaving.”

“Yeah… I want to go to sleep like this.”

“Yeah… no, it’s Heena.”


“Are you going to sleep?”


When I ask a question with full of bitterness, Heena burries her face into my chest and laughs softly.

“You don’t have time to sleep?”

“I have time, won’t I go to bed in the morning?”

“Cook-Cook, Yeonhoo-ya. You know that May is the month of the family, right?”

“Uh… was it? Why?”

“There’s also Children’s Day.”


“In commemoration of that May.”

At the same time, she raises her head above my chest a little higher, bringing her face close enough to let the warm breath touch my chin, and then continues.

“Go over there, let’s make a baby. Inside me, a bunch.”

“…Blood, contraception should be done.”

“Come to practice~ I’m… it’s a safe day.”

– Wow!


Hee-na, who was whispering a whisper in bed, couldn’t stand it and hugged her even tighter. I was still looking forward to it, but now I look forward to the day of the trip like crazy.

With that kind of practice, you can do it all day long!

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