My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1328: Whoever abandoned you for the beginning of chaos!

For such a simple and rude laboratory, Lingmo is still seeing for the first time...

A sleek operating table, a large number of bottles and cans, the most important thing is...

"What's going on with this huge pile of zombies?" Lingmo said, pointing to an iron cage hanging on the wall. ○

"Keeping the zombies in such a leg can't be straightened, and hanging in the cage in midair. The intention is obvious. So they can't make up their strength and can't break free of the cage..." Shana spoke Said.

"Who asked this!"

"Xana is right..." The squirrel remembered Lingmo’s group of people clearly. She nodded. There was a fascinating singular glow in the eyes behind the lens. "These zombies are our special The action team caught from various places in the city, although it does not cover all types, but it is almost the same."

She pointed to one of the bones, like a ball of zombie: "This kind of mutant zombie can infinitely shrink the body, fold freely, and has a very strong ability to adapt to various terrains. We are from a collapsed underground It was caught in the mall, so our initial judgment was that it was because of the need for terrain to mutate into this."

"Is this not correct?" Xu Shuhan had already taken out the recording pen at this time and asked in confusion.

"Haha, of course, this is correct, but we have new discoveries later. The director said that these are top secret, but you are not a suspicious person..." The squirrels took them with them.

Ling Mo followed, and the heart was really admired for the current squirrel... A person wearing a biochemical protective suit and holding a voice recorder is quite suspicious. ! Sure enough, the nerd's thinking mode is always unstoppable...

"Look at it." The squirrel pointed to a zombie in the corner.

Ling Mo was only looking at it with a casual attitude... but very quickly. He smashed his pupil. There was a look of horror on his face.

"What is this stuff?!"

The cage is closed. It’s like a few smaller, more deformed sphere zombies!

Because they are all crowded together, so at first glance, Lingmo thought they were the same...

The first reaction of the original silence is... they should not be born just now? However, with his eyesight, he quickly discovered that the zombies of these spheres are very similar to those of the previous ones, but the differences are quite obvious. The previous ones also kept the basic human form, but the legs of these corps zombies were degraded quite badly.

"Do you see it? These zombies were discovered in another place. They are not too powerful after they are separated. But they usually act as a whole." The squirrel continued.

Ling Mo saw a frown, and he suddenly asked: "You brought these zombies, not to observe the difference between them? Your experimental project is so important, what is it?"

He thought that even if the squirrel had a problem with the brain circuit, it would still be vague in this key point. I didn’t expect her to smile and carelessly said: "In fact, nothing... because it is accurate. Not our experiment, we are really just observing it."

The squirrels took them straight into another lab, and there was only one hail.

Lying inside, it is an extremely perfect female zombie...

It is naked. The body is well-proportioned and beautiful, and the complexion is pale. The whole body is covered with thin red blood vessels. Although the eyes are closed, it still makes people feel a tingling sensation as if they were watched by beasts. But apart from that, its limbs look very weak, and no claws can be seen on the fingers... but even so, it still gives Lingmo a very dangerous feeling. And I don't know why, seeing it, Ling has a faint familiarity.

The king is a zombie, and it seems to be somewhat similar to it...

"It is already dead." Li Yalin suddenly said.

The squirrel nodded. "Well, it's dead, or we can't hold it off."

Ling Mo spit a long breath... In fact, when he saw the first sight of this zombie, he already knew that it was dead.

It’s because of this that I feel shocked... I’m dead, but I still exude such a strong danger...

"The combat power of this zombie is actually not strong." The squirrel suddenly gave a very different conclusion.

"But it is another creature in the true sense. You can understand that the zombies have evolved to the present and completely separated from human beings and become a step in another creature." The squirrel said, "But this zombie was just born." 'It’s already dead after it came out. You should know that it is not easy to get a complete zombie body, so we guess that there may be a lot of things like it, but we only found it. ”

"But... why is it dead?" asked Black.

As soon as it opened, the squirrel discovered that there was still a little girl in it, and suddenly there was a look of surprise. However, she continued to explain in her mouth: "This is what we are studying. We suspect that there are some defects in its evolution, which has led to this situation. But from scratch, it also represents this. Defects are constantly evolving in evolution..."

"Do you want to find out this defect before it is perfected?" Ling suddenly understood the meaning of the squirrel.

But the squirrel snorted at this time and opened his mouth.

Although this look is just a flash, Lingmo has been keenly captured.

He asked in a blank way: "Do you have other ideas?"

The squirrel twisted and replied: "I just heard it..."

"Someone has taken a fancy to the perfection of this creature and will try to train one out to see it?" Shana said in a word.

The squirrel glanced at her in surprise and nodded.

But then she swayed hard: "But it's not a fancy..."

Lingmo stared at the body for a while and suddenly asked: "Do you have any unmonitored contacts here?"


The squirrel was a squirrel after all, and she quickly slammed a contactor and gave it to Lingmo.

After Ling Mo was connected, he immediately called out a long-lost name: "Old Blue."

"Who is old blue, I am blue!" But there was a pretty female voice.

But without waiting for Lingmo to say anything, she suddenly screamed: "Hey, this voice... Are you silent?!"

"Congratulations, you got it."

There was a breath of inhalation on the opposite side, and Ling Mo just had a bad feeling, and he heard the blue roaring: "You still know to find me!"

"In fact, I am looking for your dad..."

"Do you know how boring I am!"

"How do members find fun is not in my management, you can go to Zhang Yu to make a statement..."

"You never managed to take our lonely father and daughter here!"

“Why do I feel that you say mother and child are more in line with the context...”

"I am really mad! You..."

"Enough!" Lingmo suddenly sternly and screamed, interrupting her. "I have not abandoned you forever!"

"!!" Blue did not speak for a while, I do not know if it is vomiting blood three liters.

Lingmo then said: "I have a business to find your dad!"

There was silence for a while, and then there was a slightly over-excited male voice: "I am studying the virus, and I have just discovered a new order of engulfing, hahaha... Right, you are looking for me." What's the matter? And why did my daughter run out with a red face? Also, you are a rogue..."

"Is it frustrated? The whole thing is this..." Ling Mo quickly said the perfect body zombies.

After listening to the old blue, he was silent for a long time. When he spoke again, the voice had become serious: "Ling Mo, have I reported it to you, I think the evolution of these zombies is very problematic?"

"No." Ling Mo said with certainty.

"Oh, that's what I forgot." Old Blue continued, "But this matter is very important. Listen, I have a bold guess... but when it comes to this guess, we must start with a very rooted problem. Start exploring."

"Why did the zombies appear? Is it a sudden leap in the history of human evolution, or the disclosure of biological weapons? Or is the Earth itself treating us as a virus, clearing us? These ideas are all absurd, but they should be The mainstream conjecture? Anyone thinks about the cause of this disaster from these aspects, isn't it? But there is a big problem in it, the variation of plants and animals and our situation are obvious. Differences, and even partial variability, some do not mutate. And after a period of evolution, the zombies produced more viruses than humans. What is going on? The variation of zombies from the beginning The reason for the unification of the future to the ever-changing, but what is it? But I am not talking about these... I just want to say that in the case where the above guesses have fatal problems, we may wish to consider this issue from a completely new perspective. ”

"If we take this disaster as an experiment, what will happen?"

After the old blue said this, he would not speak for a while. Ling Mo has become shocked from the beginning of his absent-mindedness.

Indeed... if you change to such a point of view, things... there seems to be a new explanation...

The same horror, there are squirrels standing on the side. In the case of hands-free, the dialogue between Lao Lan and Lingmo was clearly heard, and from her expression, it was obvious that this was a new idea... (to be continued) Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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