My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1319: Little girl in the escape team

"This is... In fact, we have been stared at more than once and twice. It should be said that we are often stared at... but what I want to know now is that the monsters that have been cultivated, and those who have escaped from the central camp. Humans... are they all there?" Ling Mo touched his nose and asked. £∝

The bat seems to be a bit surprised by Lingmo's uncomfortable attitude... but it immediately replied: "Those monsters are called pioneer warriors, and their position I can mark them on the map. As for humans... of them has arrived in X City, not far from one of the large human settlements."


Two days later, the Falcon Camp, x City Station.

The fence of a hospital was poured into a high "protective wall", which was full of cracks and burnt marks left by the fire.

There are many honeycomb-like holes in the wall, and the holes are all black lacquered muzzles...

As the largest human camp in the entire western region, the Falcons have also absorbed most of the resources of the X City at the same time as the survivors.

Coupled with the rapid construction carried out by the city of a, the area of ​​the city of x to the city of a has now become a wall.

At the same time, it is also a region where a large number of zombies are constantly rushing...

Every once in a while, a certain fire point will sound dense gunshots, and there will be a snoring of zombies.

Including this hospital...

Thousands of zombies were gathered in the street at the entrance of the hospital, but within a range of 50 meters from the protective wall, a vacuum was formed.

Hundreds of corpses are in this area. The living zombies are watching at a very tacit understanding 50 meters away.

However, some zombies slowly walked into this area. Then he rushed to the same kind of body and began to bite.

quickly. Blood began to splash around...

"Mom... Although I will see it every day, I still feel sick! I really want to shoot them down!" After the protective wall, a machine gunman slammed into the ground and spit.

Another Falcon member next to him said with a smile: "Don’t waste bullets. They have to eat the bodies and let them eat. Just don’t try to come over. Besides, this is an order. It’s too embarrassing, maybe These zombies are desperate."

"This is really a big day..." The machine gunman shook his head.

"It's already good. At least you are here, not lying outside, you think about how you are struggling outside now, how painful it is... well? How come there seems to be moving?" The member glanced at the sight, and suddenly he put away a smile and jumped and shouted, "All people pay attention to the warning! There are circumstances!"

"Wait... How did these zombies turn?" The machine gunner suddenly said awkwardly.

“Will anyone?”

"What a joke, how can anyone still be there..."

Just then, a burst of gunfire suddenly rang, from the outside...

The hospital suddenly calmed down. It was not until two seconds later that the Falcon member whispered to himself: "The trough. Really someone!"

"Da da da……"

On the top of an abandoned truck on the street, a man was carrying a submachine gun and swept at the zombies that rushed to him.

There was an unlit cigarette in his mouth and a distorted smile on his face.

"Come on! Come on! Hahahaha! Ann, you wait, you will be safe soon..."

After killing more than a dozen zombies in succession, there were finally zombies rushing under the truck.

He pressed the muzzle down and smashed the heads of several zombies. Then he threw the submachine gun, and when he turned over, he grabbed the pole of the truck and slammed it up and down.

When a large number of zombies swarmed into the truck and even climbed the pole, he jumped into a window next to him and entered the building.

"Come on, come on!"

He reached out and whistled at the zombies, then looked deep in the direction of the outside, and then turned and ran to the building.

Almost as soon as he ran in, a few zombies had jumped in from the pole...

Just as the whistle sounded, several people in the building across the street sneaked out of a window.

One of the girls just glanced at it and immediately stopped his mouth: "A lot of zombies... Ang can't escape."

In just a few seconds, the building was completely surrounded...

In the case of being unable to break into the camp, even one person can make these zombies crazy.

Another man suddenly showed a bit of pain, and then nodded: "But he will do his best to delay the time for us. We have sacrificed a lot of people to get here, this time anyway, we have to find a way to go." Then bring the message to them, maybe they can avoid falling to the same end as us when they are ready..."

Having said that, he sighed and turned to look at the two figures in the corner.

A girl in a hat, holding a little girl.

The man glanced at the little girl and whispered: "I'm sorry, Ann, your brother won't come back. But he is a good person and helped us all."

The little girl held the little girl's hand and gently tightened it, but her face did not have any expression.

She just looked at these people very quietly...

Probably because of the little girl's eyes, I was somewhat uncomfortable. The man removed his gaze and said, "Okay, we promised that Lao An would bring his sister alive! According to Lao's speculation, he can help us fight for it. About two minutes, so everyone is ready to go now! Don't delay at all!"

When everyone in the house adjusted their breathing and checked the weapon, the girl suddenly whispered, "I am sorry, I will protect you. No... even if I don't protect you, they won't let you die. Not only because your brother has paid for this, but also because you are the only one who has been caught and survived. They just want to use you in exchange for better living conditions, not just as a fugitive... Sorry, I shouldn't tell you this. Just..."

An An looked up at her and suddenly showed a smile: "Nothing, Miss Sister, you have helped me a lot. My brother and I are very grateful to you. Yes, I remember you said that you have a sister, are you?"

"Oh, yes."

"Is she still alive?" asked Anan.

The girl nodded: "Alive."

"Why are you so sure?" Anan asked. "If the person I know doesn't see, I know he must have died. Haven't you not seen your sister for a while?"

"Because..." The girl thought about it and gave a very weird answer. "Probably because of him, I think she is definitely not dead anyway. You see, even I am still alive. Right, autumn and autumn... ”

She shouted, and another girl came out of the team. The girl was wearing a ponytail, her face was pale, and she had a short dagger in her hand. Her eyes were quite firm. But when she looked at the little girl, she showed a very painful look... She squirmed her lips, but said nothing.

"You protect her with me, you must let her live in." The girl looked up and revealed a very cheerful smile, but this face was covered with blood and the lips were cracked. Mark of……

After a dozen seconds, these people have already arrived in an alley behind the street.

After confirming that most of the zombies had been concentrated near the building, these people immediately approached the hospital with care.

Although there were zombies and they met from time to time, they did not attract any attention.

Even so, the distance of only two or three hundred meters is still very difficult for them...


In the buzz of many zombies, the sound in the building has not been heard.

But when it passed, Anan looked up and looked at the building through the gap in the room...

The man had noticed her reaction before. He turned back and whispered: "I followed these people and fled from the middle to here, not for her... no matter what, as long as I can get in, everything will be solved. Up..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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