My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1149: You are imitating the IQ of human beings.

Yu Shiran first explored, in order to avoid trapping the whole team. But at this time, the result is that the strategy has been used by the opponent. Yu Shiran did not find a trap, but was in a trap but did not know. In fact, after she entered the office building, she has disappeared from the perspective of others... if there are other people looking at her. But unfortunately, a wall blocked their view, and Black Wire relied too much on the symbiotic relationship between them.

However, before this situation, the symbiosis is indeed a very perfect contact, and even exceeds the spiritual connection of Lingmo. For example, at this time, the induction between Heis and Yu Shiran still exists, and when it tries to send a signal to Lingmo, it simply fails. Of course, the symbiosis is a very rare and full of limitations. After all, not every creature can split itself like a black silk, and then merge with other individuals. Although Yu Shiran is not controlled by black silk, she has half a black silk in her head, and this is why the black silk team is closely following the trap.

While Yu Shiran was blinded, the black silk was also deceived by this trap...

The difference is that the later Blacks team has six people. In the case that people around you suddenly disappear, it is assumed that everyone can quickly realize the situation they are currently facing. But the problem is...

"How to crack it?" Black silk sighed quite old and thought.

"Stupid, how are you doing now?" It immediately asked in his mind.

The voice of Yu Shiran quickly came: "Ah? I am confused..."

"Oh... finally realized this? But rest assured, although your mind is full of water, but at least there is my canoe... forget it, when I didn't say, you continue." Black Silk involuntarily spit a groove. No way, I have been used to it for a long time...

The good thing is that poetry is also used to it... She said without hesitation: "I can definitely sense you, and I am sure that you are within five meters in front of me, but it is very strange that I can’t see it. You...and others? Are those humans not coming in with you?"

"Well... It seems that I really didn't guess wrong. This trap is really for everyone. That is to say, now that I am able to sense each other except you and me, the others are isolated." Road.

As soon as they heard Muchen, they also hurriedly gasped for two times, and then quickly stepped back in the black wire.

"Hey, when you face the silence, the breathing becomes so heavy. I can understand. After all, your goal is the brush that he has... or the retractable remote control lever... What do you call it? ..."

"Sweet... Intestines..." Yu Shiran gasped and replied.

"Okay, that's it. But for these humans... How do you react so much? I don't say the guy who looks wretched... The meat of the madman will be confusing after eating it? That single dog...hey, single person! I accidentally gave myself a slap, and human beings created this vocabulary is abhorrent... In short, are you sure that his left or right hand can still eat? He himself goes up Adding thirty years of 'condiments'! You will cause trouble in the morning and evening." Hesi thought of the conversation he had just heard. Perhaps these humans do treat them as homogeneous, but as a mutant creature, the idea of ​​black silk is also very much in line with its species.

"These humans... Once they have aroused their vigilance, it will be more than just you."

"Hey... Do you want me to think for your home?" Yu Shiran's breath has stabilized, but his tone has become somewhat unsatisfactory.

"Nonsense!" said the black silk Yan Yan. "I certainly said that I am. If you die, I will be affected!"

"Oh..." With the ability to understand poetry, although I feel that Black's answer is a little weird, it makes a lot of sense! However, her attention quickly turned to another detail: "Just... influence? Are we not symbiotic, but you..."

"Well, don't say this. I also told the master that I can't hear it now." Hesi interrupted her.

"Can't hear? This should be a bad thing?" Yu Shiran's focus has also been shifted.

"Of course, but since it has already happened, we should take the opportunity to use this opportunity to do something else. This is to make the best use of it. But stupid, should you have something to do with me? Although you are interested in controlling yourself. Thoughts, but through your abnormal behavior I can still feel that you have something different..." Hesi suddenly changed his tone and asked.

"You..." Yu Shiran suddenly took a surprise, but after a while, she said with a muffled voice, "I am not very sure now... So, let's solve the problem at hand. Sausage humans know that you use This kind of crisis meets curiosity, he should be very angry. I don't know other human beings, but he is very annoying when he is angry, such as closing the door without moving... and then putting Shana or something..."

Having said that, she couldn’t help but reveal the figure of Shana in her mind... The seemingly pure girl had a long hair and then a smirk, and the kind eyes were slightly picked up, revealing a touch of faintness. Red light, then slowly walk towards yourself...

"Ah! What if I am involved in it!" Yu Shiran snorted and screamed.

"Oh! You also took the opportunity to say something bad that you didn't dare to say!" After he finished speaking, he sighed. "Well, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask for it. And you It can't make me feel it, and it must be a very important thing for you. After the things here are finished... If you want to tell me, just let me know."

Yu Shiran suddenly silenced...

"That... are you deliberately imitating the condemnation of humanity?"

"Cut, have you heard it? But... are you deliberately imitating the IQ of human beings? Can you say the concept of ‘condemnation?’ At least, the junior high school students in humans can do it...”

"...I am a junior high school student! Although I am very short, I am indeed in junior high school!" Yu Shiran angered.

"Oh..." Hessian interrupted her at this time and whispered, "Have you heard anything?"



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