My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1104: Death beckoning

After looking at it for a while, Lingmo discovered that the underground storage room could be kept as it is, and there is no sign of collapse. It is because the human spider has woven a thick layer on the ceiling. cobweb. And under this horrible net, there are these female bodies that are hung like prey...

While silently observing the situation of these bodies, Ling Mo slowly moved forward along the gap. But at this moment, in his eyes, there was a sudden hand...

Through the gap between the two bodies, the hand swayed back and forth in the darkness slowly and stiffly, and then disappeared into the vision of Lingmo...

The action of Lingmo suddenly froze, he tried to look back and tried to adjust his breathing...

"Well... stay here and don't move, let's take it slowly..."

Ling Mo mouth read, the body began to turn a little bit later. And just as he turned to a third, the black underneath suddenly raised his hand, and Lingmo immediately became like a cannonball, and instantly "squatted" in front of the two bodies.

"Catch you!"

Ling Mo reached out and grabbed the empty space, and the tentacles immediately surrounded. The next moment, the hand was pulled out. But at the same time being pulled out, there is also a female body that is almost indecent...

At the moment when the female corpse appeared, Lingmo had already confirmed... She did not have any life scent... So when she saw her being dragged to her first time, Ling Mo immediately removed her gaze and whispered softly. Said: "I didn't see it! Lying in the trough... Is it wrong for me? How could the body beckoning... Yes, maybe it's because her hand is covered with spider silk... and so on!"

After a second. Lingmo’s slightly awkward look suddenly changed. He frowned slightly. There was a flash of vigilance in his eyes. And violently twisted his head.

I saw that the original motionless body suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of dark red, but no angry eyes staring at the silence, while her mouth opened, revealing a sharp tooth, while the arms also Raised up, directly rushed to Lingmo.

"What the hell!"

Ling Mo immediately responded, plus just prepared, at this time, although the expression of a lying face. But the action is not the slightest stagnation.

The little black fingers are linked, and Ling Mo throws the tentacle, and the back and attack are almost completed at the same time. When Lingmo stood in a few meters and grabbed his fist and looked at the body that had been completely banned, the process only took less than a second.

"Ling Ge, what happened!"

Shana, who was looking up at the situation, was keenly aware of the anomaly of this moment, shouting and asking underneath.

"I'm fine!" Ling Mo responded, but the line of sight still locked the body. "But... what is this?"

He stared at the body. Suddenly stunned. This corpse... seems to have changed back to normal death.

Her eyes are closed and her mouth is closed. Only the arms still maintain a relatively twisted and stiff posture... Lingmo stood in the place to help her simulate and restore, and finally came up with a very strange answer... The action of this female corpse was discovered before it is likely ... is just beckoning...

And the reason why she is now like this is probably because of the forced change of the action... But given the particularity of the zombie body, even after her death is stiff, her arm is not so easy to be screwed down, and It was replaced by another horrible, octopus-like look in the twisting...

but no matter……

"A body that poses in a pile of corpses? This is teasing me! This is not a theme restaurant! The big spider is no longer free, and there is no boring to this point! Besides Even if I leave the question of 'spitting po color', how is this corpse just doing activities?"

"It’s hard... she’s actually gotten clockwork in the body, and when I saw the beckoning, would it trigger some kind of inexplicable switch because of this move? But for a trap, touch The chances of luck are too great! Unless it can be thought of early in the morning, someone will approach the ceiling like this, and it will search very carefully, and also ensure that the person will notice the body after he has noticed it. Don't hesitate to check it out..."

Ling Mosi looked at the body intricately and looked at his body. Suddenly he raised his brow: "Well?" He grabbed it up and grabbed it directly to the eye of the body... In the process, this one The neck and limbs of the body have been completely locked by the invisible blood red tentacles... This is to ensure the safety of Lingmo himself. At the moment of his hands, these tentacles have more than doubled in an instant, forming a a chain of chains...


Ling Mo brought a very fine spider silk to his eyes and looked at it. Then he reached out and touched several spider silks on the limbs and mouth of the female body. Although these spider silks are almost invisible to the naked eye, the toughness is unusually amazing. And the series of creepy movements of the corpse are obviously caused by these spider silks...

"The big spider left? No..." Linger looked up and looked up... The top layer of the spider web compared with these spiders had a very different difference... From the appearance point of view, the thickness and color of the spider web It is completely different from these spiders. In addition, these gossamer also exudes a touch of scent, which makes Lingmo immediately think of a word: fresh...

"That is to say, these spider silks are just vomiting out soon... then the action of combining the corpse..." Ling silently glanced around, obviously, in this pile of corpses There is a guy who can only move in the dark, secretly looking for opportunities to count him...

"It will be done, probably only the one... finished!"

Ling Mo suddenly snorted, he still did not find each other, did not expect the other party to take the initiative to find him ... but fortunately not yet met, some of its details have been clarified by the silence ... a very understand Camouflage, and very embarrassing, but also know how to spit the silk... Considering its shape is inevitably no special, so this finished product is almost equivalent to the zombie version of the human head spider...

"There is nothing wrong with the girl. The zombie and the spider are really tossing how to make a combination of the body..." (To be continued.)

Ps: Two days of otitis, please forgive me. Tomorrow will be full of blood!

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