Shaking his head, Kitahara Chiba stopped thinking about it. Yukinoshita Yukino wouldn't stay here overnight anyway.

"Come in quickly, no need to change shoes."

He took out the key and opened the door, and directly called Yukinoshita Yukino into the house.

"Excuse me."

Yukinoshita Yukino said politely, and then walked into the house with Hei Dou and Shirayuki. As soon as she entered the room, Yukinoshita Yukino frowned. This might be the first time she smelled moldy since she grew up.

"You really should move to a new house."

Yukinoshita Yukino said subconsciously, and then she thought of something.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ridicule you."

"I know."

Kitahara Chiba waved his hand indifferently. He was not a petty person.

And if you put yourself in his shoes, he would have grown up in an environment like Yukinoshita Yukino. It would be a little uncomfortable for him to come to such a house for the first time. In the humid room, the fragrance of Yukinoshita Yukino was obvious.

"Sit wherever you want. Although the room is not very good, I have cleaned it carefully."

As he spoke, Kitahara Chiba went out.

The cat food and toys bought at the mall have been delivered and are piling up at the door. In order to prevent them from being eaten by wild cats nearby, it is better to move in as soon as possible.

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, put the cat cage containing Hei Dou and Shirayuki on the ground, watched Kitahara Chiba go out, and began to look at the room in front of him.

This house may be only the size of her bedroom, about eight tatami mats. There are unusually few furniture, and the refrigerator in the small kitchen may be the most valuable item.

There is a small table facing the kitchen, and there is a pad under one of the corners of the table.

She took a closer look. It should be Kitahara Chiba's childhood homework book or something like that. The font on it is quite childish.

There are two chairs and a vase on the table, but there is only water in it, no flowers.

In addition, there is only a desk and a wardrobe in the room.

The bedding is folded neatly, and so are the books on the desk. There are no creases and they are placed meticulously.

Looking over, the whole house is in good order, without the slightest stain.

Not bad...

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded.

She thought that the rooms of adolescent boys would be messy, but this was really beyond her expectations.

Outside, Kitahara Chiba kept moving things, and the cat food was placed on the ground, making a creaking sound. Gradually, the cat food filled up the corner.

"Let me help you."

Seeing Kitahara Chiba already sweating, Yukinoshita Yukino took the initiative to help.

""Okay, please help me get the toys."

Kitahara Chiba wiped his sweat and did not refuse. With his current physical strength, he could not complete all the work.

And he estimated that even if he refused, Yukinoshita Yukino would come to help. Yukinoshita

Yukino nodded. Although she was proficient in sports, she was not physically strong and did not show off. She took the lighter toys and moved them into the room.

There was already a pile of cat food in the corner. After thinking about it, she put the toys under the table, which was now the only open space in the room.

A few minutes later, the two moved all the things into the house.

Kitahara Chiba was panting and sat on the ground without caring about his image. The cat food was really heavy. I don’t know how these two cats can finish it.

【Physical Strength: 4-5]

Looking at the light blue light screen in front of him, Kitahara Chiba's eyes flashed with joy. It was good to be able to reap the rewards of labor.

On the other side, Yukinoshita Yukino was also a little out of breath and sat on the chair, but despite this, her demeanor was still very elegant.

"There are so many things piled up in the room. Your daily life won't be affected, right?"

Kitahara Chiba looked around. It was indeed the same as what Yukinoshita Yukino said. There was basically no free space in the room now. It seemed extremely crowded.

"It doesn't matter, I won't be living here for long anyway."

He waved his hand. Moving was a certainty now, and he just needed to think about where to move to.

In addition to his own living problems, so much cat food piled up here would definitely get damp during the rainy season.

"That's right."

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded and continued

"It seems that I bought too much stuff. I will have to move it again later."

"Just find someone from the moving company."

Kitahara Chiba stood up from the ground. He could never do the moving job by himself. If he did that, he would definitely die on the way to his new home.

Yukinoshita Yukino stopped talking and sat silently on the chair. She stood up after she had rested.

"If you need help, please tell me, I will do my best"

"Don't worry, I won't be polite."

Kitahara Chiba smiled. After all, it was about the quality of life. It would be much easier to have such a young lady to help.


After answering, Yukinoshita Yukino bowed slightly.

"I'll leave Black Bean and White Snow to you. I'll take my leave now."

"I'll take you there."

Kitahara Chiba was also preparing to go out with them, just in case, there might really be an evil stalking incident in this place.

"No, there is a driver to pick me up."

Yukinoshita Yukino pointed out the window, where a luxury car was parked.

The eldest daughter of a wealthy family is enviable.

Kitahara Chiba shook his head and took out his mobile phone again.

"Do you want to add a contact number? We can't always rely on Kato to contact each other."

Yukinoshita Yukino paused and showed a playful smile on her face.

"Is this a sign that you want to pursue me?"

"You think too much. I am not interested in you. It's just that we still need to contact each other in the future, such as Hei Dou and Bai Xue's vaccination."

"In this world, anyone with normal sexual orientation will be interested in me."

Yukinoshita Yukino said this confidently. Kitahara Chiba did not speak, but silently drew a circle in the air.

This meant a period, indicating that he did not want to continue this topic.

If he continued, it would become a debate about who was more narcissistic.

I don't know if she understood the meaning of the circle, but Yukinoshita Yukino did not continue to speak, and took out her mobile phone from her bag.

"I'll reluctantly promise you"

"Thank you very much, Miss."

Kitahara Chiba said very cooperatively.

"Don't call me that, it sounds weird."

As they talked, the two added each other's contact information.

Yukinoshita Yukino's profile picture was pure blue, and there was no activity on social media, which was very consistent with her.

"You actually used your own photo as your profile picture?"Yukinoshita Yukino looked strange. It was the first time she had seen such a person.

"How is it?"

Kitahara Chiba didn't care at all. He was just so confident. What's more, he was very satisfied with this avatar, which was taken by his mother.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at it carefully.

Kitahara Chiba's avatar was probably when he was about eight years old. He looked similar to now, but a little more cute and a little less handsome.

The child in the photo had a smile on his face, and behind him was a golden wheat field. He made a childish scissors gesture.

"You were much more likable when you were a kid than you are now."

Yukinoshita Yukino smiled and put her phone in her pocket.

"I've always been very likable."

Kitahara Chiba retorted, but Yukinoshita Yukino continued to talk to herself as if she hadn't heard him.

"When I get back, I'll think about what note to give you. Should I say second place, pervert, or something else? It's really strange. This is the first time I've been troubled by such a problem...."

"Can't you just put my name in the note?..."

Kitahara Chiba muttered and glanced at his phone. The note he gave to the girl was her name.

"I'm leaving now."

Waving her hand, Yukinoshita Yukino walked out of the door. Seeing this, the luxury car outside the door also started up, and a pleasant roar was heard, which made people living nearby involuntarily walk out to see what happened.

Taking small steps, Yukinoshita Yukino walked slowly, while Kitahara Chiba leaned against the door. As the owner, it would be better to watch her go.

"Kitahara-san, you are quite amazing."

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was about to get on the bus, left this sentence without turning her head.

Kitahara Chiba was stunned and just wanted to speak, but found that the other party had already got on the bus and left this place.

His mobile phone also received a message at this time

【Yukinoshita: What you just said was just a normal compliment, don't think too much about it】

【Yukinoshita: Another thing is don't do weird things to the chair I sat on. I'm worried about that.】

"What? It's so weird...."

Without replying, Kitahara Chiba took back his phone and returned to the room.

The small rental house was full of things. His eyes gradually moved to the chair that Yukinoshita Yukino had just sat on.

There was nothing special about it, just that it smelled a little better than the other chair.

He would never do anything strange to the chair.

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