All the people who posted were clickbait, with irrelevant content and uninspiring photos.

Basically, it was him standing with other girls, and there were countless of these photos in school.

The only one that really needed special attention was probably a photo of Chiba Kitahara and Yukinoshita Yukino holding hands.

The photo was taken yesterday, and the location was backstage.

"These people are really quick."

Kitahara Chiba sighed helplessly. He remembered that it wasn't long before Yukinoshita Yukino held his hand and was photographed.

I don't know how Yukinoshita Yukino would feel when she saw this photo.

"What a trouble."

Kitahara Chiba shook his head helplessly. With this kind of thing happening, he would probably be criticized for a while. He would probably have to wait until the summer vacation to calm down.

But he didn't care about this kind of thing. It was just that the people around him needed to be comforted. After all, it was a girl's reputation.

"These people are really hateful!"

Fujiwara Chika was indignant on the side, and Kitahara Chiba glanced at her and said

"You also think these people are gossipy, right?"

"No, because they made me look ugly."

Chika Fujiwara's face wrinkled up like a bitter gourd.

She was too excited to notice it when she first discovered it, and now she sees that her photo is so abstract.

Seeing her like this, Kitahara Chiba also clicked on the post of herself and her, and was shocked for a moment.

The photo in the post was extremely abstract, and the photographer didn't know where it was taken. It actually showed the two of them in the student union room.

Because the distance was too far, Chika Fujiwara's face became pixelated, and her unclear facial features were a little distorted. No wonder she was so angry.

"No, I want to find the poster of this post and have a good argument with him!"

Fujiwara Chika stamped her feet. Although she was a bit thick-skinned, she was also a girl and would not allow her ugly photos to be circulated outside.

"Your focus is so strange, it seems like you are not angry about this matter at all."

Kitahara Chiba shook his head. Fujiwara Chika didn't seem to have any intention of proving herself. Instead, she was very concerned about the poor quality of the photo.

"Why do you care? I know it's not true. Besides, I don't hate the scandal with Kitahara-kun. You are the number one person in the school who I want to date the most."

Fujiwara Chika puffed out her chest, as if she was quite proud of it.

"It's OK if you don't care."

Kitahara Chiba looked away, while Fujiwara Chika put away her phone and prepared to go find the person who posted the message to argue, and ran away very quickly.

Seeing her walk away, Kitahara Chiba didn't care anymore and returned to the classroom.

The post has been sent out, and it is estimated that most people in the school know about it, and even if he goes to prove himself, it is basically useless.

Because there are too many people watching the fun, it is better to wait for time to pass and let this matter disappear naturally.

Back in the classroom, he received a salute of attention again, but he didn't care, and he returned to his seat.

Kato Megumi was looking at her phone seriously at this time, and the people sitting next to her didn't disturb him

"Kato, what are you looking at?"

"You are reading our gossip."

Kato Hui said slowly, showing her phone.

"You know it too."

Kitahara Chiba scratched his hair. Among all the posts, he and Kato Megumi should have the most posts.

Because the two of them are always together, it is too easy to be photographed.

Even if Kato Megumi's presence is very low, she can't stand Kitahara Chiba, a sight harvester, around her.

"What these people say is so interesting."

"Some of them are quite interesting.

Kitahara Chiba nodded in agreement. Under the power of gossip, human beings' ability to make up stories is terrifying.

"Some people even said that we have secretly married."

After seeing this post, Kato Megumi laughed out loud, her voice was pleasant and she seemed very happy.

"There are actually posts like this."

Kitahara Chiba poked his head over and found it was true. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Who asked Kato Megumi to be so frank?

But to be honest, the two of them are really living like married life now.

Going to school together in the morning, going home together after school, eating together, it's no different from being married.

After laughing for a while, Kato Megumi covered her stomach and stopped looking.

"I didn't expect that something like this would come out."

Kato Megumi touched her chin, feeling incredible. It was the first time she had become the center of such public opinion.

And just now she had seen the posts by Kitahara Chiba and Hiratsuka Shizuka, which were even more outrageous.

But now they have been deleted. I guess the poster was taught a lesson by the Iron Fist female teacher.

"Everyone likes gossip."

Kitahara Chiba was resting on the table, looking at Kato Megumi with his head tilted. He didn't want to think about those messy things in his mind now.

"What's in the first class?"

"It seems like a math class"

"Then I'll take a nap"

"Um...Listen to the class carefully."

Although she complained, Kato Megumi still took out the blanket she had left in the locker in the classroom and covered Kitahara Chiba with it.

"It's so hot, and isn't it a bit too arrogant to sleep in the classroom with a blanket on?"

"You don't need to worry about these things since you're already asleep. Besides, it's not that hot in the morning. You'll get sick if you fall asleep right away."

""Okay, okay."

Kitahara Chiba couldn't resist Kato Megumi, so he let the blanket cover him and yawned.

The blanket had the unique fragrance of Kato Megumi, which was very nice and made people feel at ease.

"I was particularly sleepy this morning, it must be because Yukinoshita woke me up.

Kitahara Chiba complained, and shamelessly put the blame on Miss Yukinoshita.

In fact, he was sleepy because he slept too late last night.

Kato Megumi naturally knew the reason, but she also agreed.

"I'll wake you up from now on."


Kitahara Chiba felt relieved after hearing this. If it was Kato Megumi, then she would be able to sleep well every day.



"Your hair seems to have grown longer."

"Yes, I was just about to get it trimmed."

Kato Megumi played with her hair, and before she knew it, it was almost longer than her shoulders.

"No, I think you look good with long hair too.

Kitahara Chiba looked at Kato Megumi, and her long hair also appeared in his mind. She must be very ladylike, gentle, and beautiful.

"Really? Then I'll keep it."

Kato Hui was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

She had no intention of growing her hair long, but now...Let's keep it and see


Kitahara Chiba closed his eyes contentedly. He had slept too little and needed to replenish his sleep.

As for the math teacher, he would apologize after class.

Looking at the sleeping Kitahara Chiba, Kato Megumi did not move her eyes away for a long time. She liked this feeling.

Quietly, looking at things she liked, not boring, very happy.

She took out her mobile phone again and continued to browse the posts with a calm face. Finally, the mobile phone interface stopped at Kitahara Chiba and Yukinoshita Yukino���On the picture of hands.

She had seen this picture a long time ago, and her first reaction was to be stunned, and then to be angry.

The feeling of tightness in her chest was the first time in her life that she had such a strong feeling.

Yukinoshita Yukino was her best friend, there was no doubt about that, and she also knew that Kitahara Chiba had a very good relationship with her.

But after seeing it, anger was still her first reaction, and then she thought that she wanted it too!

She and Kitahara Chiba had touched hands several times, but it always felt like holding hands.

After looking at the picture, Kato Megumi looked at her own hands and Kitahara Chiba's hands.

Later, she would also hold hands formally.

In fact, she originally wanted to use this photo to ask Kitahara Chiba to explain, but now he was asleep, so forget it.

No matter what he is like in normal times, he will be like a child when he is asleep.

No, it seems that he is like this in daily life.

Kato Megumi rubbed Kitahara Chiba's hair, and then carefully helped to tidy it up, and then lay on the table and watched quietly.

Just like this, all the unhappiness in her heart disappeared.

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