My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

408, Death of God King Odin

1. The strongest in this world is and is limited to the peak level of a single universe.

2. There is also a huge gap between the top level experts in the single universe.

Xinian digested the two theories added by Odin just now, and his eyes brightened: "In addition to weapons, there are other differences between existences at the peak level of a single universe, right?"

Odin looked at Xi Nian with more and more approval, and slowly said: "Indeed, there are rules and fields."

"Rules, fields?" Xinian's eyes flickered.

Odin said: "This specific explanation is very complicated. Let me give you an example."

"First, the rules."

"The goddess of death you mentioned earlier is of this type. She controls the death rules of our universe, so even if she is at the pinnacle of the single universe, as long as she is in this universe, no existence can truly obliterate her. , unless it is destroyed together with this universe!"

"Secondly, the field..."

"Asgard's divine domain can be said to be my territory. As long as I stand in Asgard, I can borrow the infinite power of the entire Asgard! Being in Asgard, I can be said to be invincible, which is quite Due to the extension of the rules, unless Asgard is destroyed together, as the Lord of Asgard, one who is within Asgard will not be defeated!"

Odin finished speaking calmly.

"Rules, areas..."

Xi Nian said to himself in surprise.

He recalled the death shackles that the goddess of death left on him three years ago. They were equivalent to the power of a death rule, so even if he later entered super mode, he would not be able to escape the consequences of death.

Xi Nian thought of something else and asked curiously: "Wait a minute, since you have infinite power as long as you are in Asgard. Then the last time, the dark elves invaded the divine domain, why didn't you take action?"

The last time, it was his combined mode with his aunt, Prince, who indirectly rescued the God's Domain from the siege.

"I said that I was injured and have never been able to recover." Odin paused, his eyes dark, and then said: "Also, I was no longer the Lord of Asgard ten thousand years ago."

"Are you not the master of Asgard?" Xinian was stunned.

This inside story is too amazing.

As the God King of Asgard, Odin is no longer the Lord of Asgard?

"Then who is the Lord of Asgard? Thor, the God of Thunder?" Xinian frowned and quickly thought that if Thor was the Lord of Asgard, he would not have been on Asgard before. Beat the opponent violently.

"It's not him." Odin shook his head, also unwilling to mention it: "But you will soon know who she is."

Xinian wanted to say something else.

Odin stretched out his finger, and a little white light fell into Xinian's eyebrows: "I have already told you what you want to know. This is the galaxy where Apokolips is located."

In Xinian's mind, a giant starry sky map appeared, with a message marked on the edge of it.

"It's time for you to go. I have something else I want to explain to my child."

After Odin said this, he ignored him and continued to look at the sea ahead with his deep single eye.

As if following his words.

Xi Nian looked back and saw the sparks spinning on the grass, and a circular portal opened not far behind him.

A muscular blond man and a handsome and charming young man hurriedly walked out of the portal.

behind them.

Followed by a middle-aged gentleman wearing a blue cloak and strange cassocks.

"Mage Supreme?"

The middle-aged gentleman saw Xinian on the edge of the cliff and called him in surprise.



Thor, the god of thunder, and Loki, the evil god, were shocked when they heard this, looking at the black-haired boy standing next to their father with bewildered expressions.

They had just felt the weirdness and power of the self-proclaimed Guardian of the New York Temple. Unexpectedly, the other party actually called a young boy the Supreme Mage?


Neither of them knew that Xinian had many model identities in the past, otherwise he would not have this attitude.

"Oh, Stephen Strange."

Xinian said hello casually: "Why are you here?"

Strange glanced at the two Gods of God's Domain next to him and responded: "The two of them came to Earth in New York. In order to prevent them from getting into trouble, I brought them here."

"I told you, we are just here to find someone."

Thor, the god of thunder, explained helplessly, and then, unable to conceal his excitement, he led his brother Loki to the edge of the cliff: "Father!"

"Mr. Odin, goodbye then."

Xinian said to Odin next to him, and then walked away, leaving some space for Odin and the two gods.

"Goodbye, Prince." Odin nodded calmly. He did not look back and stood motionless.

Xinian walked slowly towards Strange, passing by Thor and the evil god Loki.

This moment passed by me by mistake.

Thor and Loki's bodies both stiffened instinctively!

For some reason, there was a chill rising up his back, especially Loki, who felt a dull pain in his chest.

Loki subconsciously shrank his neck and touched his chest. The strange feeling quickly disappeared.

Sol frowned and his heart tightened, and he firmly grasped the black umbrella in his right hand.

The two brothers in the divine domain felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

There was nothing unusual about Xinian, who came to Strange.

Looking at the other party wearing a cloak and a wizard uniform, Xi Nian teased: "It seems that you have entered the role state, the guardian of the New York Temple."

Strange shrugged and smiled bitterly: "A little bit."

While serving as the guardian of the temple, Strange continued to learn spells. In terms of appearance and temperament, Strange is becoming more and more like a real strange wizard.


The burden on his shoulders is extremely heavy. Strange only feels a little relieved when he is with Xi Nian.

Strange suddenly seemed to remember something and said: "By the way. Master Wang told me last time that the Dark Book is still missing. Do you know where it is?"

"Dark Book..."

Xi Nian had a strange expression.

He also forgot about the book. After transferring away with the Rainbow Bridge last time, he turned around to deal with Dormammu.

Xi Nian thought for a while and said: "It should be somewhere in the mirror space. You and Wang can look for it in New York."

"No problem." Strange agreed.

But at this time.

Xi Nian and Strange seemed to have sensed something and looked at the edge of the cliff in front of them.

It can be seen.

Odin and the two brothers of the God Realm had just said a few words when their bodies suddenly changed from solid to virtual to translucent, and then from translucent to complete nothingness.

The God King Odin turned into beams of white energy light and dissipated on the Norwegian cliff.

"No, father!" Thor lost control of his emotions and shouted uncontrollably.

The evil god Loki also pursed his lips tightly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Nothing is eternal." Strange said softly.

Xi Nian didn't know what he felt.

He himself had eternal life, but the people around him didn't. Was he destined to encounter more acquaintances passing away in the future?

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