My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

365. The reason why Wanda doesn't grow up

"It's the dark wizard's trick. If it pierces the fatal part, even the strongest wizard will surely die."

Looking at the king lying on the ground, the black-clothed Gu Yi waved his hand, and the weapon that looked like an ice spike dissipated into nothingness.

It was obviously a temporary weapon constructed with dark magic and mana, just like the magic shield and magic whip cast by the Kamar-Taj wizard.

Xinian looked around and didn't see the figure of the girl in the dress, so he couldn't help asking: "Where is Wanda?"

The king took a breath and gritted his teeth and said: "It was Mordo who betrayed the sanctuary! He suddenly broke in here, attacked me, and then jumped into the dimensional portal. The wizard Wanda chased after him."

"Sure enough."

Xinian clenched his fists.

He vaguely understood that it was Wanda and his own arrival that caused the turmoil here in advance!

The other party's target was Wanda!

To be more precise, they wanted Wanda to help them solve the taboos in the ancient magic book!

So, before this, Xinian did not see the omen of death on Wanda.

The dark wizard is secretly calculating the multi-dimensional taboo!

"Master!" Xi Nian looked at the Ancient One in black.

"I know. Don't worry, I will find her as soon as possible." Ancient One nodded.

More than a dozen practicing wizards wearing monk robes and carrying magic tools noticed the abnormality here and rushed over.

Among them was Strange, who had just become an intern wizard.

"Supreme Sorcerer!"

"Damn, did that traitor invade again?"

When they saw the guardian of the library lying on the ground with injuries, their faces changed.

"Half of the people guard here, and half of the people chase the enemy with me."

As the black-clothed Ancient One said, Mars rotated in front of him and opened a two-meter-high portal.

"I'll go too." Xi Nian took a deep breath and stared at the Ancient One in front of him: "Also. Master, don't leave my sight!"

Under the gaze of his death eye.

The Ancient One in black was also surrounded by black mist symbolizing the concept of death, more than anyone else on the field!

What this means, Xi Nian knows very well -

Ancient One will face certain death!

Even Xi Nian, when he realized this, found it unbelievable.

As the Supreme Sorcerer who has been the guardian of the Earth for thousands of years, there is a sign of his death today? !

Facing the inexplicable words of the young man, Ancient One nodded lightly with an expressionless face and took the lead to step through the opened portal.

Xi Nian followed the pace, and six or seven senior Kamar-Taj mages followed behind, crossing the portal together.

The injured King, Strange, and several mages stayed to guard Kamar-Taj.

On the other side of the portal, it was the New York Temple!

First floor.

Ancient One and Xi Nian crossed the portal almost at the same time, and what came into view was the New York Temple that had just been invaded and attacked.

Half of the wooden stairs collapsed.

The Cauldron of All Things, which was originally placed next to the stairs, fell to the ground on its side, and a layer of transparent frost formed on the surface!

On the second floor where many magic tools were stored, there was a sound of fierce fighting.

The door of the first floor of the sanctuary was open...


The black-clothed Gu Yi quickened his pace without hesitation. He did not choose to go to the second floor, but rushed out of the sanctuary on the first floor.

Xi Nian also chased after him.

The mages who arrived at the scene a step slower hesitated and rushed to the second floor of the temple.

In their opinion.

The Supreme Mage is an invincible existence. The enemies who escaped outside can be handed over to her.

If the many magic tools on the second floor of the temple are lost, it will also cause chaos!


Xi Nian followed the black-clothed Gu Yi out of the New York Temple. Suddenly, noisy voices came into his ears. Outside the door was a busy pedestrian street with heavy traffic.

The New York passers-by on the pedestrian street were surprised, looking at the other end of the pedestrian street, where there were three mysterious men in black robes, speeding up their pace to flee.

A black-clothed man was carrying an unconscious crimson girl on his shoulders!

Human traffickers?

"Shirley, give me a set of combat uniforms."

Xinian immediately gave the order, not caring about the exposure of the extraordinary magic weapon, and let the magic floating cloak take him up!

The mobile phone promptly transmitted the mechanical voice of artificial intelligence Shirley: "Right away!"

Ancient One's feet glowed with rounds of golden magic seals, stepped on the air, leaped forward, and chased the opponent with Xinian at a very fast speed!

"Are you finally here?"

Dozens of meters away from the New York pedestrian street, Mordo carried the unconscious crimson girl, glanced back at Xinian and Ancient One, and the corners of his mouth rose strangely.

The distance with the enemy is getting closer and closer.

Xinian, who was flying and chasing with the magic floating cloak, recalled what happened just now, and couldn't help asking during the gap:

"Master, you just said, what is the reason why Wanda doesn't grow up?"

"I want to know the answer now."

Xinian's tone was firm. He would bring Wanda to Kamar-Taj today just to ask Ancient One about the strangeness that happened to Wanda.

Yesterday, Aunt Diana mentioned it to him.

Wanda has been a little strange recently. For example, a few days ago, Wanda left home and should have been to the Sokovia battlefield.

However, Xi Nian did not see Wanda in Sokovia.

After Xi Nian returned home, Wanda was waiting for him at home early again. She was docile and well-behaved without any change, but she seemed to be suppressing something.

Not just recently.

Perhaps Wanda began to have some problems three years ago, before Xi Nian died.

"Isn't the answer obvious?"

The black-clothed Gu Yi stepped on the air, his speed was no less than that of Xi Nian flying close to the ground. He glanced at him and said, "That child will only change because of one person, always."

Xi Nian was shocked.

At this time.

The three dark wizards led by Mordo in front suddenly stopped their steps. They stretched out their hands and pushed at the same time, and the skyscrapers on both sides of the street immediately collapsed like dominoes!

Rumble! !

A large group of gloomy black shadows covered down, and hundreds of meters of high-rise buildings pressed towards Xi Nian and Gu Yi!

Xi Nian found that all the passers-by on the pedestrian street had disappeared, and the surrounding space was vaguely filled with psychedelic scenes of glass!

They were no longer in the original real world.

Xi Nian woke up.

Step! !

Gu Yi grabbed the magic floating cloak that Xi Nian was wearing in time, lifted it with one hand, and the ground bulged, quickly forming a sky-supporting stone pillar upwards, supporting them away from the urban area crushed by skyscrapers!


The nano-suit equipment that flew down from the sky hovered in the air, and the disappearance of Xi Nian, Gu Yi and the dark wizard on the road really scared the pedestrians on the streets of New York.

In the mirror space.

Xi Nian stepped on a giant stone pillar three or four hundred meters high, looking at the irregularly changing high-rise buildings below. The city was like a sand table controlled by the wizards.

The three dark wizards just now appeared on the rooftop of a skyscraper directly opposite the stone pillar.

"Let Wanda go."

Looking at each other, Xi Nian's eyes were as cold as ice, and a rare flame of anger ignited in his heart.

"Okay." Mordo nodded indifferently, and actually threw the scarlet girl who had been carrying him all the way down the building!

While still in the air, the scarlet girl turned into an illusion and disappeared.


Gu Yi finally knew why the other party invaded the New York Temple.

It was not to seize the magic weapon, but to block the Cauldron of All Things and prevent them from determining Wanda's whereabouts!

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