My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

242, Batman Calls, Poison Ivy

Captain Boomerang died due to excessive blood loss.

A green halo rises and lingers.

Supergirl carried two gloomy-faced criminals in one hand, and with the four of them, they flew back to the bank entrance and were packed into the police cars surrounding the scene.

The second kryptonite bullet was pocketed.

This also declares that tonight the plan of the most evil people in Gotham against Supergirl failed miserably.

Across the street, somewhere in Gotham City, Lian Xinian felt like he had been cheated.

If he had known that Kara was no longer afraid of Kryptonite, and seemed to be able to get boosts from Kryptonite, he wouldn't have had to play the trick of being a mole like tonight...


Xinian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Tonight is more like killing with a borrowed knife. There should be a mastermind who has been hiding in the dark and provided two kryptonites!

It's impossible for a gangster like Captain Boomerang, who doesn't even want to see Gotham's criminals, to pick up kryptonite from the ground, an item even rarer than vibranium.

And some of the people attending tonight's meeting are mercenaries, guys who are greedy for money, and are real desperadoes.

For example--


This is also the reason why Xinian did not kill the opponent immediately. Following the death shooter, he should be able to get the answer he wants to know——

And there is.

A female archaeologist with beautiful face, model figure, blond hair and blue eyes came to mind in Xinian.

Joan Munn.

The guy's abilities are unknown.

But, it is definitely a very terrifying existence!

She killed everyone in her team in an instant, and then strangely transformed back into a female archaeologist, appearing at an archaeological site thousands of kilometers away.

The opponent should have teleportation capabilities similar to a portal.

Moreover, it brings a sense of threat to even the man of steel who has no weakness in Kryptonite. Does this mean that the other party has special methods that are biased towards non-physical and soul energy?

Xinian thought about it and felt that he could not let go of this unknown existence.

Although the other party did not take action against Supergirl Kara or himself tonight, with the other party's weird behavior pattern, no one can guarantee when she will suddenly jump out.

If you have the opportunity, just change to a suitable ability model to contact the other party.

"Alice, continue to pay attention to the situation on Joan Munn's side. Jarlo, follow Deadshot. I need to know if he has a boss behind the scenes."

Xinian ordered to go down.

At this time, his spider sense seemed to sense something.

The dark black trench coat moved like a bat, spreading its night-like wings and flying away on the rooftop of the building.

Zaixinian had just left not long ago.

About ten seconds.

A petite girl with twin ponytails and a shark that walked like a human hurriedly appeared in the building alley where Xi Qian had stayed not long ago.


The human shark's nose twitched and its little eyes rolled: "Here... there is still the aura of the cat boss."

"Are you sure this is here? I didn't see anyone." The girl with twin tails quickly looked around.

"Uh, maybe I was too hungry and smelled the wrong thing..."

"Nanawi, please bear with me and look carefully!"

On the rooftop of a nearby high-rise building, a dark windbreaker swayed in the wind. Xinian looked down at the man and the shark who were pursuing him.

"It's those two guys..."

Canluo recognized it. On the previous island country, the jellyfish fragment had eaten the body of the Shark King. It was really hard, sour and extremely unpalatable. He couldn't help but ask: "How to deal with it?"

"Don't pay attention to them for the time being." Xinian thought for a while and said.


Harley Quinn and King Shark did not participate, and they posed no threat to him, so Xi Nian decided to continue to wait and see.

Raising his dark windbreaker, Xinian turned around and left, his figure disappearing into the night.


Harley Quinn seemed to notice something. She suddenly leaned down, picked up something and handed it to King Shark: "Nanawi, smell this."

Nanawi looked down cutely.

What was in Harley's hand was a small black hair.

What makes people feel strange is that hair is like needles and threads made of special metal, flexible but extremely hard...

Xinian landed in a park in Gotham, where the lights were dim and there were only a few pedestrians. Here he changed back to his original clothes.

Hair turns from silver back to black.

The dark trench coat returns to the dark blue background color it had when it came to Gotham City.

The originally slightly mature young face has also transformed into a relatively immature boyish look.

Xinian was like an ordinary person again, walking out from the trees in the park, thinking about meeting up with Kara first, when the cell phone in his windbreaker pocket suddenly rang.

"Master, there's an unknown caller." Alice's words rang out in time.


Xinian was stunned for a moment. Who would call him so late?

"Where did you call from?" Xinian asked curiously as he took out his mobile phone.

"Gotham City, Wayne Tower, Chairman's Office Landline."


Listening to Alice's words, Xinian's eyes flashed with strange colors.

There is basically only one person calling from this location.

Batman, Wayne Bruce.

The other party suddenly called him at this time, which was a bit intriguing.

Come back.

Xinian has had many interactions with Batman, due to Aunt Diana, Scarlet Maid Wanda, the Justice League, and the newly founded company Future Anniversary.

However, the actual meeting with the other party was only once.

When he was still in super deified mode, they met briefly in Superman Square without any private conversation.

"Master, do you want to pick it up?" Alice asked softly.

Now that we have come to Gotham, we really need to meet our host here.

Xinian pondered for a moment. He was about to choose to answer, but suddenly stopped.

Close your phone and put it in your pocket.

Xi Nian's eyes narrowed slightly, looking towards the park path ahead.


The iron lamps lined up side by side in the park went out and went dark one after another. No, they didn't go out... it was more like the light bulbs were blocked by something.


The sound of things climbing up the wall echoed in every corner of the park, making people's scalp numb. Black shadows like long snakes wrapped around public street lights.

Along with the winding and covering, there are also public cameras in the park.


The huge park was completely dark, completely shrouded in night.

"Aren't you planning to come out yet?"

Xinian stood calmly on the spot. In the dark night, the young man still looked at a corner with his bright eyes.


The sound of high heels hitting the pavement sounded, and a graceful figure walked out of the darkness.

"Brother, you are really good at running around Gotham. You made me chase you around and around for a long time."

With a charming and seductive laugh, the woman seemed to be lazily coquettishly saying: "What I didn't expect is that you are actually younger than you pretended to be? I am really troubled, should I call you little brother or little brother?" ?”

"Sorry, only one person can call me little brother."

Xinian shrugged and stared at the seductive woman who walked out of the darkness like a flower of poison ivy.

Being able to ignore the warnings of the Spider Sense and the warnings of Alice and Canlo, he is the only one who can accurately lock his position...

A flash of understanding flashed in Xinian's eyes:

"It's because of that glass of wine."

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