My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

208, Xi Nian's Gemstone Instrument, Knowing the Past

New York Sanctuary.

A faint beam of light shines through the window into the empty and silent interior of the church. There is not even a trace of dust in the air. The strange and ancient Western architecture and interiors seem to have not changed for hundreds of years.

Main hall on the first floor.

Xinian looked down at the silver metal necklace worn around his neck, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. He always felt that Master Gu Yi was more troublesome than him, so he used this method to shirk the problem.

I really don’t want to be a gem guardian or something!

After all, in most stories, this is basically the character targeted by the villain.

Master Gu Yi said: "I used a magic weapon to seal the space gem, and added a layer of magic modification to make it look more like an ordinary silver necklace. You can just wear it on your body, and others will not notice it."

"Can I not wear this gem necklace..." Xinian fiddled with the pendant with a sad look on his face.

Master Gu Yi didn't know what to say.

Cosmic cube, space gem.

I don’t know how much shock and turmoil it will cause in the outside world. It is a priceless treasure that countless civilizations in the universe want to compete for...

Only the current boy felt disgusted and wanted to shake it off.

As if he was worried that Xinian would throw the gem into the locker at home afterwards, Master Gu Yi quickly said: "The magic weapon necklace has become the carrier of the space gem. Although it basically functions as a seal, the magic weapon also Obtained the element attributes of the space."

"Wearing it, even ordinary people can use space spells to a certain extent."

Master Gu Yi gestured to Xi Nian: "You can reach out and hold the pendant of the magic weapon and try it."

Xi Nian heard the words and tried.

As he held the cold metal pendant of the necklace in his palm, a little mysterious blue light suddenly overflowed from his fingers——

Compared with the previous destructive energy, the current energy is obviously much gentler.

A magical feeling came to Xinian's heart.

"This is..." Xinian's eyes showed surprise.

Master Gu Yi explained: "This magic weapon necklace will record where you have been. The moment you hold it, no matter where you are, it can allow you to reach the point you have recorded across space."

"No distance limit?"

"Yes, there is no distance limit."

Master Gu Yi nodded lightly: "Even if you are tens of millions of light years away, on the other side of the end of the starry sky, as long as you hold it, you can cross it directly. However, you can only use it three times a day."

The function of this magic weapon is TP...

Xinian thought about it and asked curiously: "What if I am in other dimensions?"


Master Gu Yi looked at him silently and said calmly: "You can try it."

"Forget it then."

Xi Nian shrugged. He had no intention of trying it at all. He stuffed the pendant into his clothes and sighed, "Then I'll put it on reluctantly."

"As for the other gem..."

The ancient mage's profound eyes fell on the Mind Gem that was still exposed in the air and glowed with a hazy yellow light: "I will also make it into a magic weapon to confine and hide the power of the gem. But only one person can wear it. A gemstone artifact, otherwise the two gemstones will be revived by the continuous resonance. You can choose a gem guardian who is powerful enough and give it to her."

"Until then."

Master Gu Yi paused for a moment before asking Chao Xinian, "Can you lend me this gem for a while?"

"Borrow gems?" Xinian was confused.

His original intention was to hand over the gems directly to Gu Yi for safekeeping, but Gu Yi didn't want them, so he pushed them back, and now he's borrowing the gems in another way?

What I borrowed was the soul gem.

In Xinian's opinion, space gems are definitely better in use than mind gems, right?

After all, time is supreme and space is king...ahem, that's a long way off.

"If you want to use it, just use it." Xinian was very happy.

Master Ancient One raised his hand, hid the mind gem in the mirror space, and said calmly: "Since I borrowed something from you, I must exchange it equally - you can choose any magic weapon here in the Holy Land of New York, and treat it as if I borrowed the gem. cost."

Xinian thought for a while and agreed:

"Then I won't be polite."

"What's this?"

Xi Nian was the first to take a fancy to a tripod-like object next to the wooden stairs in the main hall on the first floor.

He put his hands on the cauldron and stuck his head into the hollow of the cauldron. It was pitch dark and he couldn't see anything.

"This is the cauldron of all things."

Master Gu Yi said: "It allows the user to see what happened in all timelines in the past. The Master's Sanctuary understands the past of the current world through this magical instrument, so as to make the correct choices and actions for the future of this world." "

"Being able to see the past of this world..." Xi Nian opened his eyes wide, a little surprised.

This is the ultimate encyclopedia of the past!

From here it is possible to see the heritage and capabilities of the Mage Sanctuary. As long as they want to, they can even know everything about your past life!

The ancient master said: "The Cauldron of All Things can only be used by the guardians of the New York Sanctuary. It is also the most important reason why the Mage Sanctuary can observe and protect the world. In addition to this magical weapon in the New York Sanctuary, you can You can choose.”


Xinian suddenly thought of an important point, and said quickly with a solemn expression: "Help me use this magic weapon to observe what happened in a place during the New York War a few months ago. I can give up choosing the magic weapon!"

A trace of surprise flashed across the eyes of the Ancient One Mage, and he quickly said, "You want to use the Cauldron of All Things to find the whereabouts of a boy named 'Pietro'."

"Yes." Xi Nian nodded.

Last time.

Although the artificial intelligence Alice intercepted some Hydra intelligence information from Dr. Zora, and even turned out the list of Hydra personnel, there was still no confidential information about Pietro.

This shows that Hydra regards Pietro as very important!

Dr. Zora's final self-destruction program also buried a lot of information.

The clues are temporarily broken.

Now Xi Nian knows that the Ancient One Mage has a god-level magic weapon like the Cauldron of All Things!

If science can't do something, then why not use metaphysics? !

The Ancient One was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I can't do it."


Xi Nian was stunned, staring at the Ancient One, and hurriedly said, "Can't the Cauldron of All Things see what happened in all past timelines? That's what you said."

The Ancient One's face remained unchanged. While casting a spell on the Cauldron of All Things, she responded calmly, "Because two weeks ago, Wanda asked me to use the Cauldron of All Things to find out the whereabouts of her brother."

A three-dimensional scene appeared above the Cauldron of All Things, like a projection, with light and shadow interweaving to form a single-family house and a boy and girl returning home from school...

The boy wore goggles, had short silver hair, and was covered in dust.

The girl wore a skirt, with crimson hair falling on her backpack, well-behaved and elegant.

Xi Nian recognized it at a glance.

That house was Wanda's home before it was destroyed by alien artillery fire in the New York War.

The girl and boy were twins, Wanda and Pietro.

This is--

the timeline three months ago!

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