My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

Chapter 157 Sea God, Xi Nian and Mera

The sea is hidden in the center of the earth, under the island.

"The god of the sea?"

The blackened Mera lowered her eyes and looked at the trident artifact in her hand. She felt that she could manipulate the waves and tides in the area at will, and communicate with the marine life in this sea area, including the sea monsters of the trench tribe guarding the entrance to the sea.

Xi Nian finally understood why the person who got the trident artifact could become the king of Atlantis.

It should be said. The trident artifact is worthy of being the most precious imperial relic of Atlantis.

It is not just a symbol of power.

From the moment this artifact was forged in ancient times, the divine power it possessed was closely related to the sea, so that it could command all the creatures in the ocean!

It is almost exactly the same as the legendary Poseidon, the god of the sea in the Greek gods, which should be what Xi Nian felt familiar with before. This artifact, which should be called the Trident of Poseidon, is of the same lineage as the artifact on his aunt Diana, or even the artifact on Paradise Island!

Unfortunately, that's all.

Xi Nian is not interested in the title and inheritance of the God of the Sea.

In a few hours, the special existence of the blackened Mera, who has just been certified as the "Second Generation God of the Sea", will completely disappear from this world.

Therefore, the God of the Sea is still the same as the gods at the beginning, and has long been in name only.

However, with such an official (Karasen) certification and identity, the next thing to do will be much simpler.

"You two..., do you still want to continue to fight?

With beautiful eyes burning with golden and sacred flames, the blackened Mera glanced at Arthur and Namor next to her, and pointed down the tip of the Trident of Poseidon with a golden glow: "Submit, or die! "

The twins floating in this seabed area were silent.

In front of the glory and halo of the reappearance of the Sea God, their potential as kings seemed dim, even a kind of powerless sadness.

Aquaman Arthur instinctively lowered his head and could not look at the blackened Mera. Because he had the royal blood of Atlantis flowing in his body, he had an impulse to surrender and worship at this time.

"Did Mera become the Sea God? It seems not bad. At least, there will be no war between the land world and the underwater world." Arthur felt empty in his heart and could only comfort himself with this.

A few days ago, Mera was still persuading him to go back and take charge of the Kingdom of Atlantis, but now the other party has directly become a god!

"In the end, is this the result? "

Namor first murmured in disbelief, then sighed and knelt on one knee in the seabed to salute the blackened Mera.


In the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, deep sea.

Military advisor Vicco brought the Atlantis submarine fleet here. A full hundred submarine ships in the shape of jellyfish or fish, with metal shells glowing with lights as bright as daylight, orderly surrounded the thundercloud-like submarine vortex!

The death of Orm caused the royal family and nobles of Atlantis to be furious!

So Vicco was asked to lead the kingdom's most elite submarine fleet to capture the major criminal who committed both regicide and treason - Princess Mera of Zebel and bring her back to the country!

If necessary, it is also possible to kill her on the spot!

As a military advisor of a country, Vicco really couldn't understand why Princess Mera's temperament changed drastically in less than half a day and did such an extreme behavior...

What happened to Mera?

"Military advisor, look! "

Vico, who was sitting on a seahorse, was in a trance for a moment, and then he heard the startled words of the soldiers beside him.

Vico looked forward, and soon he was also surprised.


Accompanied by the dazzling and burning lightning, it rushed violently like a water snake, and the seabed vortex in the center began to expand outward and grow!


Three figures rushed out of the seabed vortex first, they were two men and one woman.

"Arthur, Namor, and the former queen? !"

Vico was shocked and recognized the identities of the three people at a glance. He immediately fell off the seahorse and rushed forward.

"Vico." Atlanna also recognized him, and her pale and tired face finally showed a trace of relief.

"Meet the queen."

Vico hurriedly performed a standard etiquette, and then he looked at Arthur and Namor: "You are here too. Could it be that the trident artifact was found?"

"Indeed, it was found. "Namor responded stiffly.

Arthur smiled bitterly and said, "Vico, now is not the time to reminisce about the past. Let's make way for a while."

"Make way for whom?"

Vico was stunned for a moment, then he noticed that the whirlpool in front of him was still expanding.

"What is that? "

The soldiers on the underwater spaceship were stunned. They could see a huge beast shadow sticking out from the whirlpool!

It was a giant and ferocious sea beast.

It was larger than any ultra-modern underwater battleship. Its super-large height and length were thousands of meters at a glance. It had seven or eight tails similar to snake tentacles behind it, and each tail was the size of a Boeing aircraft.

It had a primitive and ferocious triangular head similar to a dinosaur, and a pair of front claws that made it clear that it could cut a large spaceship in two.

The mere existence of itself exposed to the sea outside would cause waves and tides. Compared with it, the underwater spaceship was like a school of fish and a giant shark!

This was the full appearance of the legendary sea beast-Kalasin!

Every underwater person would tremble and be horrified when seeing it!

And above the head of the legendary sea monster Karason, a stunning red-haired woman stood there, holding a golden trident in her hand, sweeping out with real pressure!

"Since you have seen the sea god, why don't you worship him?"

"Someone regained the trident and was given the title of Poseidon!"

"After thousands of years, the name of Poseidon returns to the sea!"

"It's Mera! Princess Mera who just killed King Orm!!"

This news quickly spread throughout the entire underwater world. The only four remaining civilized countries among the seven countries were in an uproar. The entire underwater world could be said to have completely exploded!

Kingdom of Atlantis, prison gate.

King Zebel was liberated on the spot. When he heard the news, his face was full of disbelief: "Are you kidding? The one who obtained the trident artifact - is my daughter?!"

This day.

It is destined to be a historical moment when the underwater world is turned upside down and a new era is ushered in.

The blackened Mera stands on the legendary sea monster Karasen, holding the trident artifact and reigning over the seven countries of the world. Countless marine creatures follow behind her wherever she goes, and the waves and tides consciously separate to the two sides!

It seems like he is patrolling his own territory, and he seems to be wandering around his own yard.

"Thank you, Xinian." Mera thought to herself.

"This is the result of our work together. Of course, there is only so much I can help you with. If you want to be a real emperor, you will have to face more in the future."

Xi Nian pondered in his mind: "However, with the Trident artifact in hand and Karasen's help, I believe that you can solve all these problems with your ability."

"Are you ready to leave?" Mera's heart trembled slightly, but she controlled herself not to think too much.

"Well, the time is almost up."

Xinian said with great ease.

The end of symbiosis is coming!

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