My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

Chapter 153: Mera, no imagination allowed!

Mediterranean hinterland.

"You're sure this is here, right?"

"The final direction is here, it should be down there..."

A beautiful figure floated in the shallow water, with sexy scarlet hair shawl falling down. The blackened Mera seemed to be muttering questions and answers to herself.

This place is located in the deep sea area outside of Italy. It is more than a thousand kilometers away from the sea area where Atlantis used to be.

Before that.

Xinian controlled Mera's body to go to the Sea of ​​Sand, also known as the Sahara Desert, and arrived at the ancient ruins of the Lost Kingdom hidden under the desert, where he obtained the first guide to the Trident artifact. .


The blackened Mera went to Sicily, Italy, and obtained the final guidance to the artifact from the Greek ruins.

Although he has traveled almost half a circle on the earth, and has encountered Atlantis' pursuers from time to time on the way, only six hours have passed since Xinian and Mera lived together.

Integration and symbiosis are still ongoing.

The symbiotic Xi ​​Nian and Mera finally arrived at the location of the final guidance!

Next, you only need to find the place where the former emperor of Atlantis died and obtain the trident artifact that disappeared with him.

Blackened Mera's body quickly sank into the sea, causing almost no ripples or splashes.

She dived towards the seabed below her, and the water flowed smoothly along her graceful body.

"Xinian, I know your true purpose!"

Mera suddenly snorted coldly with her heart: "You are thinking about pushing me to the underwater world to rule the world as the empress. In this way, the empress will be more fulfilling as your captive, right?"

"Uh, woman, you think too much..."

Xi Nian was speechless for a moment.

He really didn't have that idea at first.

but. From what Mera mentioned, it seems pretty good?

Xinian's thoughts moved slightly.

Thinking of Mera ascending the throne of the Queen during the day, with her bright red hair rolled up and wearing a crown, wearing a majestic and domineering king's golden armor, holding a trident artifact to command the seven kingdoms, and making the entire underwater world surrender under the throne.

In the evening, he returned to his grand and deserted palace, lying on the imperial and fragrant soft bed. He took off the golden armor and objects on his body, placed his moist and snow-white body in the shape of a shell, and let him, a human male, …

Well, as a young and energetic young man, Xinian was just fantasizing.

Who hasn’t had impulses and fantasies about mermaids, cat beast girls, etc.

But the problem is that Xinian and Mera have the same thoughts at this time...

Understand all the scenes that Xinian imagined.

Mera's thoughts were slightly stunned. She couldn't help but follow Xinian's thoughts and subconsciously perfected some details.

For example, the bed should be a pink and purple coral crystal bed. When her hair is pulled up, she is much more elegant and graceful, but when there is no restraint and loose, it should be even more beautiful when it is half covered on the smooth and slender back...

About half a second.

Xinian and Mera's thoughts are intertwined, and together they perfect the extremely unsightly action drama.

"Xinian, stop it! Stop thinking about it!" Mera suddenly screamed out of her mind.

"It's not my fault, it's you who brought the topic here."

Xinian couldn't stand it anymore.

Because both parties kept adding follow-up details, the fantasy scenes and plots were so real that he almost thought he had actually done that kind of thing.

"Think of something else quickly!"

Mera shouted in surprise.

If they continue to fantasize, the two of them will even have children!

Xinian: "Already have one. By the way, do you want to have two children?"

It turns out.

The more you force yourself not to think about something, the more you will think about it.

Fortunately, their thoughts were distracted by another incident in time.

laugh! !

A terrifying black shadow that was two meters tall rose from the bottom of the sea and pounced on the sinking black Mera with its claws and teeth bared!

The blackened Mera reacted very quickly and stretched out her right hand. Several dark tentacles immediately emerged from the arm covered with armor, wrapping around the tall and ferocious black shadow!

“Quack quack!!!”

The shadowy being kept struggling with its limbs entangled by the tentacles. What caught the eyes of the blackened Mera was a two-meter-tall strange monster.

Its face was extremely ugly and deformed, its rough and hard body was dark brown, its limbs and back had fish-like red fins, and its eyes were full of cold and fierce light as if it had no intelligence!

"This is a sea monster creature that has evolved from the residents of the Trench Country. It will instinctively hunt all sea creatures it sees. Its strength and speed are beyond what ordinary soldiers can handle. It is a predator sea monster in the sea that is born for killing. "

“The main thing is, they live in groups!”

Along with Mera's thoughts sounded.

Down into the deep sea area.

Thousands of sea monster creatures are attacking the blackened Mera. They come one after another, as dense as a school of fish, and gather into a team like a dark cloud under the sea to wreak havoc on everything!

The formation was so big that it was like a roaring giant tsunami, and the sea area within a radius of ten kilometers could not calm down!


The blackened Mera threw the sea monster entangled in the dark tentacles downwards. She grabbed the seawater on both sides with her five fingers, and suddenly controlled the seawater within a hundred meters around her body!

Dark blue light shone faintly in her beautiful eyes. The blackened Mera swung her hands fiercely, as if she directly grabbed the surrounding seawater and pulled it!

Wow! !

The seawater in the 100-meter area rotated rapidly and accelerated, sweeping the approaching sea monsters into it, as if throwing them into a large washing machine!


The blackened Mera pushed her hands upward, and the seawater, which was violently rotating like a tornado, rolled up the dense sea monsters and sent them to the sea surface above her head!

The seawater kept carrying the sea monsters upward and spinning until it rushed out of the sea surface and reached a height of 20 to 30 meters before it dispersed with a bang!

"What is that?"

At this time. Arthur stood on the coast of Sicily, looking at the strange scene flashing by in the distant sea.

On the other side.

Namor followed the positioning device on Mera's body and came to a closer sea area. He half-sticked out of the sea and looked at the sea monsters falling from the sky.

"Is it just ahead?" Namor muttered to himself.


Get rid of the group of sea monsters blocking the way.

The blackened Mera continued to sink under the sea, and soon arrived at the bottom of the vortex where undercurrents surged and flashed with lightning!


The vortex was like a thundercloud in the sky, constantly emitting terrifying lightning flashes!

The blackened Mera did not hesitate, but accelerated and plunged into the center of the vortex on the seabed!

Passing through the huge turbid vortex, a ray of light gradually appeared on the seabed as dark as the abyss, like the sunlight on ordinary days!

The world seemed to be turned upside down.

Boom! !

The sea water splashed.

Xi Nian controlled Mera's body to rush out of the sea, and the scene in front of him suddenly became clear. Mountains rose from the top of the sky, waterfalls reflected rainbows and fell down, and golden sunlight bathed the dark body to its heart's content.

"The legend is actually true. This is the sea hidden in the center of the earth, the ocean in the center of the earth!"

Mera's mind exclaimed.

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