My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect

Chapter 355: writer's game

Desperate writers are gods of murder and prophecy.

Therefore, no one will be ignorant enough to doubt whether the prophecies made by him, who is in charge of the future, are true or false. Therefore, many people will ignore one element invisibly:

In case the writer made a prophecy.

But what should I do if I lied to you on purpose.

Normally, no one would worry about such a thing, because the writer of despair is after all the original existence, and prophecy is one of his powers.

Originally, it was also a face.


"That's just a general theory." At this moment, Gou Huo, who occupied the body that came from observation, or used the body obtained from observation to be reborn in a plausible way, said with a look of disdain: "The writer of despair is just still I haven't met anyone worthy of his shame."

Xun Xi was not surprised when he heard this.

After all, when they first entered the ghost market, the six-faced blogger's evaluation of desperate writers was shameless. (See the end of Chapter 278 for details)

【Don't say that】

I saw the golden swashbuckling words on the black book in Xu Junfang's hand further emerge: [Please understand this as a respect for facing a strong enemy. 】

"After all, he failed once."

"Because of face."

Gou Huo ignored the words of the desperate writer, turned to Xu Junfang, and continued to say eloquently: "I believe you must know more about this."


As if returning to his soul, it was not until then that Xu Junfang, who was affectionate and sluggish, finally woke up with a shock, and then he was deeply decadent, and even stumbled and sat on the captain's chair directly: "You mean that the visitor from another world is right Well, it's just a pity that I didn't participate..."

"It's not like you didn't participate."

Gou Huo said with a look of course: "It's a taboo for the venerable, all the things that happened at the beginning were covered up because the visitors from other worlds climbed to the top of the original."

"So it's not like you didn't participate."

"It's too much involvement."

"Even..." Having said this, Xun Xi had already reacted, and then glanced at him again with the pitying eyes that made Xu Junfang break the defense.

the reason is simple.

"...Even, the Desperate Writer may not have lied to you for the first time."

Xu Junfang: "???"

"If you think about it carefully, visitors from other worlds should also be humans. If humans want to become the original, they must first become the last generation. But if humans want to become the last generation, they must use this Penglai treasure ship... So think about it and know, It's impossible for a visitor from another world to have no contact with you."

"What the **** do you... know?"

Gou Huo's words made Xu Junfang further dazed, and then he looked at the black book in his hand, but the desperate writer did not refute. it true?

Not only was I deceived, I was deceived twice? ? ?

[It really surprised me. 】

It was only then that the golden squiggles of the desperate writer resurfaced: [When you followed Zhou Zhiyuan all over Yanzhou, how many people did you meet? 】

[Even the dust-covered history can be grasped. 】

【Who told you that? 】

[This history should not even know Tu Su, but you do. Whose mouth did you hear it from.... Well, it could only be the original. 】

[What did the broker tell you? 】

[Or a corpse fairy? 】

[Six-faced blogger? 】

[It's impossible to turn the world upside down. 】

The golden flower characters appeared one by one, but Gouhuo ignored them all, just sighed: "You should be the last secret I keep."

【sure. 】

At this point, Xun Xi already felt that something was wrong, finally? Gou goods what does this mean? Wait.... Thinking of this, Xun Xi looked at the black phone in Xu Junfang's hand again. According to Xu Junfang's words, he had already opened the eighth past world in the Penglai treasure ship.

And this past world has to do with desperate writers.


"From the beginning to the end, it's not me that you want to deal with?" In an instant, Xun Xi already understood: "What you want to kill is actually this gouhuo!"

Since the Earth Teaching event.

In fact, the desperate writer has been pushing Xun Xi away, and Xun Xi himself has long noticed this.

The first is the Ghost Gate Inn, which uses a so-called "new protagonist" Chen Mo to lead the Penglai treasure ship, and then pulls the Youfang Taoist Xu Junfang into the chessboard, creating a supernatural cruise incident. Then, through the apprenticeship, he allowed himself to enter Luofeng County to obtain the boarding chart.

This is actually a line.

The proportion of the despair writer is not much in this line, he just pushes lightly, and he inevitably falls into the cliff that he has arranged for himself.

Because He left behind the greatest temptation: promotion to the last generation.

With this temptation, it is impossible for me to refuse the Penglai treasure ship, and I will definitely board the Penglai treasure ship, and the Penglai treasure ship will cut off other original connections.

This is equivalent to stripping Xun Xi's biggest trump card.

And at this point, the desperate writer let Xu Junfang jump into the trap himself through a simple lie, and let him complete all the arrangements.

From start to finish, from start to finish.

Desperate writers only did two things: create a new protagonist and tell Xun Xi about Penglai's treasure ship. Then Guxuan lied to Xu Junfang.

Then the future went according to His ideas.

Xun Xi thought of this.

On the black notebook in Xu Junfang's hand, golden swashes appeared:

[It's not that exaggerated. 】

[After all, I just doubt it, if your predecessor... um, I also call it Gouhuo, if he doesn't come out, you will be the one to kill. 】

【no way. 】

[Who told him to tell me such an interesting thing, and prepared a big show for me.... I have heard such words, I must be strong first. ] (see the end of Chapter 213 for details)

"Why do you strike first and be stronger?"

When Gou Huo heard this, he smacked his lips: "Shouldn't it be waiting for me to finish preparing for the big play?"

[I just don't mind being a joke. 】

[It doesn't mean that I like to be fun. 】

The cursive characters continue to appear, and between the lines there is the joyful emotion of a desperate writer: [Of course, if you can break the dead end that I arranged, I can't be a fun again... ah, it seems It's been a while since I designed a murder game myself. 】

Today, the past world of Penglai Baochuan is gou goods.

In reality, Gouhuo also reappears through Obviously, the desperate writer is planning to fundamentally obliterate the existence of Gouhuo, and the murder game he wants to implement on this basis only maybe-----

"The original one!?"

When Xun Xi first woke up, she faced the first murder game.

【Ghost card】

Not surprisingly, Gouhuo spent his last days in that hotel room.

The current Gouhuo is a supernatural insulator, so even if Gouhuo was killed in the past world, it is impossible to affect the present Gouhuo when it is mapped to reality.

In other words, what the desperate writer wants to do is most likely not to kill Gouhuo, but to bypass Gouhuo's physique and instead affect certain things in the past, such as—

"To stop him from stuffing himself into the future diary and thus becoming my future?"

The reason why Gouhuo can often deceive corpses after death.

The most fundamental reason is that he always relies on the future diary to live in "Xun Xi's future". However, what if Gouhuo failed to stuff himself into the future diary?

All that is not established.

Gou goods will be completely dead.

And the transformation from Guanzhi will not transform into Gouhuo, but into Xun Xi.

Therefore, it is not Gouhuo that Desperate Writers affect, but Guanzhilai and Future Diary, but in fact it has the effect of killing Gouhuo.

Time did not give Xun Xi more time to think.

Because on the black notebook, the golden squiggles of the desperate writer have become messy, and the pages of the notebook are turned rapidly.

【come on! Come on all of you. 】

[This game, I call it...]

From the gaps between the pages of the notebook, dazzling rays of light gushed out, and at the same time, the past world of Penglai Baochuan was also invading towards reality.

【Jedi Tiantong! 】

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