My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect

Chapter 191: The handwriting of the master of the earth

Of course, Xun Xi is not a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

In fact, after checking the future diary, he found the right direction and came all the way, which saved the witch and the wanderer at the critical moment.

And according to the description of the future diary.

If Xun Xi didn't come, the lantern ghost would arrive at the Halo Building half an hour later, and the price would be the sacrifice of both the witch and the wanderer.

That's right.

The Lantern Ghost has a traveling target. It starts on the road outside Nightmare City and ends at the Halo Tower. And when the ghost of the lantern merges with the monster currently entrenched in the Halo Building, everything will become irreversible, and everyone will die in the nightmare world.

"It's nice to see you're still alive."

Carrying the dog-headed guillotine, Xun Xi strode into the Crimson Factory, saw the witch and the wanderer still alive at a glance, and immediately smiled.

"It won't last long."

The witch said frankly: "If you didn't come, I'm afraid we will all die here. This ghost is a guy who wins first."

Obviously, the witch also discovered the supernatural rules of lantern ghosts.

First mover wins.

As long as it is the first to shoot, let its own country cover the target. No matter how strong the opponent is, in its kingdom there are only two choices: puppet and death. But if it was first attacked and the kingdom could not cover the target, then its terror level would drop a lot.


The wanderer looked at Xun Xi more seriously and said, "I owe you a life. Next time if you have any trouble, feel free to tell me."

tomato novel

"Let's talk about it later."

Xun Xi shook his head: "Don't you know? The Halo Building is surrounded by a group of monsters. We must hurry up and support it now."


Having said that, Xun Xi turned to look at the lantern ghosts who were confronting Si Nian at the moment. Although these ghost images are very similar to the image of the new dean in the description of the scene of Ikuki Middle School and the description he has seen, but if you look closely, you will find that the two are actually completely different.

The simplest point: there is no head in the lantern.

Although the face of the lantern ghost was also shrouded in mist, there was only a flame in the lantern. And Xun Xi didn't catch the thought fluctuations either.

They are not human, but pure supernatural creatures.

"I suspect that they have something to do with the monsters that surrounded the Halo Building. It is very likely that they were arranged by the Earth Sect." Xun Xi explained his guess.

Including the new dean may be the leader of the Earth Church.

After listening to Xun Xi's guess, the witch immediately frowned: "The leader of the earth sect.... Even in the library file, he is an unknown person. If it is really the new director of the hospital, then We're definitely playing at his home, so it's no wonder it's been so difficult."

"We have to hurry over, but we are not enough."

The witch affirmed Xun Xi's approach: "It's best to find everyone before going there. The Halo Building is not important, the important thing is the people trapped inside."

"That's right, but we're running out of time."

Xun Xi nodded, then turned around and came to a lantern ghost with a guillotine, raised his hand and chopped off its head with a knife.


After the lantern ghost's head fell to the ground, the fog dissipated, revealing a bluish-white face covered with corpse spots, like the head of a dead man who had been dead for a long time. However, what made the witch and the wanderer stunned was that they were no strangers to the face of this dead head.

"...A patient in the hospital?"

Before entering Nightmare City, Xun Xi once went to the front desk of the Da Ai Wu Jiang Lunatic Asylum, where she obtained eight medical records with their names written on them.

(See Chapter 151 for details)

There are also photos on the medical records.

And the dead head in front of him just matched the photo on one of the medical records.

"Not only that."

At the same time, the wanderer also looked at the ghosts of the lanterns who had been knocked down by the witch before, and after the fog on their bodies dissipated, they all revealed their true faces. However, their appearances are different. There are old people, children, young people, and women.

"I see!"

Seeing this, the rover suddenly realized: "No wonder there are so many ghosts... Every time it swallows a person, it should separate a clone!"

"And there is no limit to strength or weakness."

"It doesn't have to be an extraordinary person. As long as it is a human being, even an ordinary person, after swallowing it, it can split itself and increase its number."

It's almost like eating.

Or rather-

"Evolution of Earth Religion..." Xun Xi thought of the Earth Religion Book she got from Qi Hehua. There was nothing supernatural in that Book, and the whole chapter was full of Earth Religion teachings. Pollution, so Xun Xi never took care of it after he put it away.

But now, he recalled the contents of the book.

The book emphasizes a concept: transcendence. In short, it is to shed the mortal fetus, and only then can one ascend to the earth with a sublimated and clean primordial spirit.

However, it is sublimation.

It's actually biochemical.

"Although it was the lantern ghost that ate those people, in the eyes of the Earth Sect, maybe those people became the lantern ghost and got a new life."



When it comes to Earth Religion, both witches and rovers show a look of disgust. After all, the Earth Religion among the four major civil forces is notoriously strong. As a villain, the Relief Society may be able to find a normal person, and there is no one in the Earth Church.

And at the same time.

Lantern Ghost Shadow and Si Nian's side, Lantern Ghost Shadow who lost the first mover advantage has fallen into the disadvantage. Even if the number is large, it is only delaying the time of the rout.

"They must be killed here."

Xun Xi continued: "Nowadays, a large number of ordinary people are pouring into Nightmare City, and once this guy is released, it will be like a wolf entering a flock."

"It's also going to skyrocket to an unimaginable level."

"So they must be killed. And if these ghosts are all dead, it should also indirectly affect the monsters at the Halo Building."

"I'm trying."

While speaking, I saw that the wanderer had stepped on a shadow at some point. And that shadow is like a shadow connecting every lantern ghost: "...This ghost has stolen my ability, so I just couldn't escape. But I can suppress it in reverse."

"It has been trying to leave since the very beginning, but I stopped it."


The rover's face gradually turned red: "...there are too many of them. I only have one, but each of them has my ability!"

It's not fair!

While the wanderer was talking, the witch also started. He and Xun Xi, under the suppression of Si Nian, directly began to harvest the lantern ghost. And the lantern ghosts who lost their first-mover advantage could only be slaughtered, and the original number of hundreds was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's really a blessing in disguise."

At the same time as she started, the witch was still saying: "It's a loss because this ghost was thinking about chasing down rovers before, and it didn't grow up."

"Otherwise, it would go straight to the city regardless of the"

"I'm afraid it's too late now."

The witch's emotion attracted a meaningful look from Xun Xi. Because his emotion exactly hit the scene described in the future diary.

In fact, after the death of the witch and the wanderer in the future diary, the lantern ghosts obtained their abilities and directly started killing in the city. The result was indeed irreversible, so in the diary, Xun Xi died suddenly when he went to the halo building. After all, the lantern ghosts had already developed at that time.

"I see, is this the truth of fishing?"

Before entering the hospital, Xun Xi suspected that the new dean, the leader of the Earth Sect, had deliberately let Zhao Yuanxing go, and then used Zhao Yuanxing to fish.

(See Chapter 152 for details)

Now it seems that the new dean also wants to use this to get some "precious materials" for this lantern ghost, and use them to feed this ghost.

Hard to imagine.

If this lantern ghost has devoured the entire Mingguang City, it has a witch, a king, a wanderer, a true vision, a Hua Jingqi, and even his own supernatural power. Breaking through the boundaries of fire and fire and becoming the first last-generation supernatural being created by human beings?

What a great handwriting!

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