My Fintech Empire

Chapter 789 [One Yang Changes Three Views]

Qunxing Capital’s current wave of trading forced Zhongguo Ping An to come out with a daily limit, which perfectly realized a wave of leading daily limit-driven operations, and other stocks in the insurance sector were directly brought into a long-term atmosphere.

This is not over yet, around 14 o'clock, the brokerage sector also rose.

Seeing this market trend, Takong Fund first saw the banking sector soar, and then the insurance sector took off. Then did the brokerage sector perform next?

The brokerage sector has also poured in a large amount of funds. These funds include the funds that were withdrawn from other stocks in the early trading. Now they are mad at the brokerages because they have seen the battle between the banks and the insurance sector. As one of the "financial three fools", the brokerage It hasn't moved yet, so hurry up and grab the money before it takes off.

As a result, the brokerage sector also rose after 14:00, and Qunxing Capital did not spend a penny to flow into this sector, which was entirely the result of the joint efforts of market funds themselves.

The previous banking and insurance sectors took off, and successfully brought the atmosphere and rhythm up, especially when Zhongguo Pingan was beaten to the daily limit, it was very important, and a lot of funds were exhausted in bank insurance stocks.

Seeing the scumbag brokerage next door with thick eyebrows and big eyes still lying on his stomach, after the fund pre-judgment bond insurance section is completed, it will definitely be the turn of the brokerage section, so he hurriedly grabbed the funds.

The result was precisely the large-scale scrambling for funds from the empty space, and the brokerage sector really rose.

However, there is also a potential hidden danger. The brokerage sector does not have a large capital to support the market. Tomorrow’s sustainability will be two things. Today, so much money has been invested, and the more funds are invested, the more aggressive the platform will be. The greater the selling pressure tomorrow, the current In the market environment, everyone will smash the market if there is any turmoil.

Qunxing Capital can't go long on the brokerage sector, so it can't enter the market to stabilize the market.

However, there are also coping strategies. If the securities sector fails to stabilize tomorrow, let it fall on its own and leave it alone. Turn around and pull the big blue chips with Chinese prefixes as the main weight, such as the China Shipbuilding Department, the Chinese prefix tickets of the military industry sector, etc., in order to offset the impact of the selling pressure of the big financial brokerage sector on the index.

If you can’t hold back the Taichung prefix, then add another "drinking and taking medicine". You can pull Maotaiwuliangye in the liquor sector, and Ruihe Medicine and Hengrui Medicine in the medicine sector. Pull it.

The arrangement is straightforward.

As the "financial three idiots" fly together hand in hand, the market index is also taken away, especially in the last hour or so of late trading, the strong rise in the brokerage sector has driven the time-sharing trend of the Shanghai stock index to show a short-squeeze trend.

At around 14:47, the market index reached the 2300 mark in one fell swoop, and the increase expanded to 4 percentage points. In the early trading, it once fell by nearly 3 percentage points. Now a big Yang line has risen by more than 4 percentage points, and the fluctuation is close to more than 7 points. Percentage points, Big A also staged a long and powerful deep V trend.

[This big V Tianlong is a little bit hanging! ]

[Guo Jia's team made a strong move, brothers rush forward. ]

[Panic boils in the morning, blood boils in the afternoon. ]

[Brothers, don’t ride bicycles, and don’t deliver takeaways. Hurry up, and it’s too late if you don’t get in the car. ]

[The skyrocketing bank stocks in the morning almost cut off the brokerage to chase the bank, but luckily held back, haha. ]

[Chong Chong Chong, I want to lose all my money. ]

[Perfectly missed. ]

[I was really angry to vomit blood when I cut my flesh in the morning, return the money to me, I don’t want to play anymore...]

[Haha, the money cannot be repaid, but you can continue to deliver food. ]

[The battery cars that delivered the food were all taken away by the stock market (狗头)(狗头)(狗头)]

[It's me who said the leek...(cover face.jpg)]

[Bull market? Losing money in the bull market, don't worry about it. ]

[Everyone, don’t be fooled, it’s definitely another story that fellow villagers don’t leave. ]


The A-share market closed today, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index came out with a large positive line with a long lower shadow line. After the market, it fought +4.09%, closing at 2307.89 points, which was half of the large negative line on Tuesday.

In the early trading, there was a danger of falling below 2100 points. After the market closed, it directly stood above the 2300 points. Disaster.

As the saying goes, one positive change and three outlooks, after the market closed, the big V teachers of various stock commentators directly called the "Guo Jia team" to protect the market with strong funds, and their care for the big A was beyond words.

Yesterday, when the big yin line poured down came out, it was the teachers who said the big A pill, but today the big yang line soared into the sky, and it was the teachers who said that the bulls will return quickly.

And just as everyone was talking about the stock market, at the same time, the materials submitted by Fang Hong also reached the hands of the top management.

The higher-ups were also moved by it, and held an impromptu meeting for this matter that afternoon, and held a special discussion on this matter.


Next Thursday, morning.

Fang Hong was having breakfast with Tian Jiayi, Yu Qiu and others. After a while, Tian Jiayi answered a call from the company, answered a few words and ended the call.

Evelee, Lin Yun and the others are also very smart. They realized that Tian Jiayi had something serious to tell Fang Hong, and that it was not appropriate for housekeepers like them to hear them, so they quickly finished their meal and left the table.

But Yu Qiu is still there. She manages the Natural Science Foundation of China and is one of the people who has access to the core secrets.

At this time, Tian Jiayi looked at Fang Hong and said, "There was news from the company that the senior management sent people over directly, and they are now at the company headquarters."

Fang Hong asked: "A higher rank than Lao Qin?"

Tian Jiayi nodded and said: "It's called Luo Qing'an. The senior management directly set up a special working group led by Luo Qing'an. This group will become a channel dedicated to connecting our star capital with the upper management."

Obviously, the establishment of this working group is directly related to Qunxing Capital's big move this time.

Fang Hong asked: "Do you want to enter Qunxing Capital?"

Tian Jiayi shook his head and replied: "That's not true, but there will be an independent office in Xincheng."

"So we don't need Qunxing Capital to pay them wages." Fang Hong couldn't help smiling, took a tissue and wiped his mouth, then got up and said, "Let's go, don't make people wait too long."

The two soon left Jingxinju and went to the headquarters of Qunxing Capital together.


When Fang Hong came to Qunxing Capital, it was around 8:20 in the morning.

Luo Qingan had been waiting for a long time. Fang Hong arrived at the company and met with him in a reception room. They greeted him for the first time. After they both took their seats, Luo Qingan couldn't help laughing and said, "Comrade Fang Hong, your secrecy work is quite good. , the higher-ups are paying attention to it.”

What he said seems to be admiring, but it actually means that the upper management is criticizing Qunxing Capital for making such a big move, and they didn't even notify the upper management in advance. What happened was a bit unexpected, even caught off guard.

After a while, Fang Hong said: "Team Leader Luo didn't know that the inside of Qunxing was also infiltrated by the opponent. Fortunately, we were better at finding out the inner ghost, otherwise this time it would be really dangerous."

Luo Qing'an said with a look of surprise: "There is such a thing?"

Fang Hong nodded affirmatively: "Speaking of which, this financial war can have the current situation, thanks to the use of the insider to send false information to the opponent."

In these short conversations, Fang Hong also made it clear. The implication was that he had no choice but to fail to greet the higher-ups this time. There were ghosts in the team, and there might be other ghosts who hadn't been caught.


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