My Fintech Empire

Chapter 660 [STAR4 Conference]

The following day, Friday 7 June.

The press conference of Star4, the fourth-generation product of Xingyu Technology, came as scheduled. All the major media, including many mainstream media, focused on the new city. The headquarters of Xingyu Technology has become very lively.

And the five major offline flagship stores once again saw a long line of queues, so let’s take the pit first.

The press conference will be held at 15:20 in the afternoon. At this point, it is after the A-share market closes.

At the same time, in the A-share market at this moment, the market opened for half an hour in the morning, and the market index opened flat and rose until it rushed to 2250.63 points at around 10 o'clock, and the Prev index rose by +0.33%.

Xingyu Technology opened high and went high, soaring to +5.89% around 10 o'clock, but just after 10 o'clock, the market index rose and fell, and turned green after more than 20 minutes. At the same time, the stock price of Xingyu Technology Also a little impatient.

Because the market index continued to fall at the same time, today is not only the last trading day of this week but also the last trading day before the Dragon Boat Festival. The stock price of Xingyu Technology has been rising steadily, but the market index in the same period has gone out of seven consecutive losses today. However, the upward trend of the index "Red May" turned sharply downwards in June.

The reason for the decline is still the financial sector.

After 11 o'clock, the index accelerated its dive, which also brought Xingyu Technology down.

When the market opened in the afternoon, the three financial idiots took the lead in diving. Quantitative Capital’s second consecutive board fell to the limit. The stock price fell to 45.85 yuan, and the market value shrank to 64.098 billion. Xingyu Technology also turned green, falling -3.23%.

At around 13:25, the Shanghai stock index’s decline expanded to -1.46%. At the same time, Xingyu Technology, which fell by more than 3 percentage points, stopped falling and rebounded, which also drove the index to stop falling and rebound.

Five minutes later, Xingyu Technology turned red and turned up. Funds are constantly pouring in, and the return flow is very obvious. The time-sharing line is also going up all the way, driving the consumer electronics sector to rebound.

About ten minutes later, Xingyu Technology's time-sharing line crossed the highest point in the morning, and the increase expanded to +7.89%, and it was still on a heavy-duty upward attack.

At 13:57, major market software pushes news:

[Xingyu Technology closed its daily limit in late trading, and the current turnover exceeds 7 billion yuan. 】

At this moment, Xingyu Technology's daily limit board was blocked by 2.2 billion yuan of funds, the stock price rushed to a new high of 4.91 yuan, and the market value reached 1,351.993 billion yuan.

In this wave of high-volume daily limit in the afternoon, many stockholders regretted that they did not buy underwater, and those who sold the flying in the morning also shot their thighs.

Unknowingly, Xingyu Technology's stock price has risen from the historical bottom of 1.14 yuan to today's daily limit price, which has increased by +330.70%, more than tripled.

But at this moment, just after Xingyu Technology closed the daily limit, the market index rebounded to -0.97% and stopped abruptly, because the big finance is still falling, the index turned down again, Xingyu Technology has reached the daily limit and can no longer drive the market .

Quantitative Capital, the previous leader in popularity, had a limit-down on the second consecutive board today.

As the saying goes, a faucet is not as good as a dog.

Twenty minutes later, the market index further fell to the 2205-point water level, and the decline expanded to -1.62%, and the 2200-point mark was in jeopardy.

Fortunately, it did not break through in the end, and the stock index closed down -1.39%, at 2210.90 points. Xingyu Technology's daily limit in the afternoon was firmly closed until the close.

The market index has fallen for seven consecutive days, and the structural differentiation of the market is particularly obvious. Here Xingyu Technology's daily limit elephants are dancing, and the big financial sector over there is not familiar with the decline.

The first week of June ended like this. Most of the stockholders lost money this month. Everyone couldn't help but think of K God's Weibo post during the New Year's Day of the new year. This year is indeed more intense in terms of structural differentiation. The market can be described as the two heavens of ice and fire.

What's even more amazing is that the GEM, which K God was optimistic about at the beginning of the year, has been the best among the three major stock indexes since the beginning of the new year. At the end of the month, the GEM index rushed to a height of 1089 points, the fastest rising. In the past few days since June, the Shanghai Index has fallen for seven consecutive days, and the ChiNext Index is the most resistant. Today, it closed up +0.78% despite the sharp drop in the Shanghai Index.

Many stockholders went to look at God K's Weibo on the New Year's Day holiday for his outlook on this year's market, and then look at the current market, they can only worship!

With the closing of the A-share market, many investors, especially those holding Xingyu Technology stocks, are paying attention to Xingyu Technology's press conference.


Xincheng, Xingyu Technology Headquarters press conference site.

At around 15:15, more than 3,000 people gathered at the conference site, and the audience was full.

Investors, consumers, industry insiders, peers and businessmen, etc., are all focused on Xincheng at this moment, focusing on this conference, and the STAR4 conference can be described as attracting much attention.

Fang Hong is also paying attention to the STAR4 conference, but he did not go to the scene but sat in the living room at home to watch the live broadcast of the conference.

As time went by, at around 15:20, the STAR4 press conference arrived as scheduled.

As the founder and head of Xingyu Technology, under the focus of many cameras and eyes, he calmly walked onto the stage of the press conference. The fans who came to the scene at this moment were greeted by him It was time to be the first to cheer and applaud.

Qin Feng is currently a well-known figure in the technology and business circles. He is known as a leader-level entrepreneur of the new generation. There is no need to say too much about his influence. Now when he visits some places, the specifications for receiving him are often The leader of the local province.

The stock price of Xingyu Technology continued to rise sharply, and Qin Feng's value also doubled and soared. He is currently the second largest shareholder of the company and the largest individual shareholder, holding 8.98% of Xingyu Technology's shares. Based on today's closing price of 1.35 With a market value of trillions, the market value of the equity held by Qin Feng is 121.4 billion, ranking second on the domestic rich list.

As for the No. 1 richest man, it is the belief of billions of stockholders of Big A. Jiang Huren is the god K who is nicknamed the "God of Investment". As early as last year, his net worth exceeded 200 billion.

However, at the press conference at this moment, Qin Feng came to the middle of the stage, and the applause fell. He faced thousands of spectators in the auditorium, and his voice resounded through the audience: Good afternoon, welcome to all old and new friends, here is The scene of the STAR4 press conference. "

Compared with the previous conferences, especially the first-generation product conferences, Qin Feng is calm now.

That's right, he was extremely natural and calm in the face of this big scene.

"Today, Xingyu Technology has been established for about five years." Qin Feng on the stage walked with some body movements with both hands and continued: "In the smartphone industry just five years ago, the first generation The iPhone brought a technological revolution to the industry and changed the world at the same time."

Qin Feng stopped to look at the auditorium and said: "In 2010, when the first generation of STAR series smartphones was launched, we stood on the shoulders of predecessors and giants to lead the new trend of technology and fashion, and at the same time, we changed the world."

Speaking of this, Qin Feng's voice fell, and the press conference was very quiet. The lights in the auditorium area dimmed, but many screens were on. The audience present were basically holding STAR series mobile phones in their hands. Of course, there were also The media reporters who came here were also constantly taking pictures.

Qin Feng's voice resounded through the audience again: "Five years from now, at this very moment, of course we should release a new technology that will determine the direction of technology in the next five years. The STAR4 we are going to release today will be the first generation of STAR. The biggest leap forward since the advent of series smartphones."


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