My Fintech Empire

Chapter 135 [Showing off the invisible is the high-end gameplay]

As long as one vote of veto is obtained, and the company has a major issue to vote on, Qunxing Capital will not be able to pass if it does not agree.

Small things don't matter, just leave it to Qin Feng's founding team to decide internally, as long as it's not a big thing, even if Qunxing Capital doesn't approve it, it can accept it.

But big events must be approved by Qunxing Capital, such as major strategic adjustments of the company, or the introduction of other new investors in the next round of financing, all of which must be approved by Qunxing Capital.

Otherwise, it will be rejected by one vote.

One size counts for one size. In business, Fang Hong is a completely rational person. Although he is very optimistic about Qin Feng and his genius technology development ability, he is not irreplaceable in Fang Hong's eyes. .

Because Fang Hong himself can use the assistance of the reputation system to "create" geniuses, it is nothing more than spending more money, accumulating more reputation points, and consuming more achievement points.

In the eyes of others, a genius-level character is a treasure that cannot be found, but it cannot reach this level in Fang Hong's place, because it can be replaced, and it is nothing more than a matter of paying more.

Huayu on the other side also called back: "Understood."

As long as you get this one-vote veto right, it means you become the company's only one-vote veto right. If other shareholders want to get a one-vote veto right, Qunxing Capital will definitely not agree.

This is a major company vote, Qunxing Capital holds this one-vote veto in its hands, and if it does not agree, the vote will not pass.

It is absolutely impossible for Fang Hong to let this company have a second one-vote veto right, and it is impossible to share this right of one-vote veto with others.

After explaining the matter, Fang Hong ended the call.


After Qin Feng left Jingxin Residence, Hexuan came down from upstairs not long after. She took an Apple notebook and a high-definition digital camera to the leisure area and sat down next to Fang Hong.

"Are you finished talking about the business? Then you are at my disposal now, take a group of photos for me..." He Xuan smiled sweetly, and immediately handed the high-definition digital camera to Fang Hong.

Hexuan glanced around in the leisure area, her eyes locked on the glass hanging basket, she immediately got up and took a laptop to sit down in the glass hanging basket, looked at Fang Hong and urged, "Hurry up..."

Fang Hong readily took the camera and got up to the glass gondola. Needless to say, she must be posting on Weibo to share photos of her daily life.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'll turn on the computer first..." He Xuan, who was sitting in the glass hanging basket, turned on the Apple laptop, and said to herself, "What kind of pose should I pose..."

Fang Hong glanced at her and said, "Let's take a few sideways photos. The right foot is placed in the hanging basket, and the left foot is put down naturally, showing a sense of laziness brought by the dangling calf without touching the feet. The hair on the side of the side face is pulled behind the ears, and the head is leaning against the glass hanging basket, closing the eyes and taking a nap."

"This image is not bad..." He Xuan's eyes lit up when he heard it, and immediately followed what he said. Fang Hong held a high-definition camera, quickly took a dozen photos, and then continued to take a dozen photos at a different angle.

After taking dozens of photos, he handed the camera to He Xuan: "Go and choose by yourself."

Fang Hong went back to the sofa in the leisure area and sat down. He Xuan also came over with a camera and sat beside him carefully selecting the photos he had taken and preparing to share them on her Weibo account.

At this moment, Fang Hong saw the page of Hexuan's Weibo account displayed on the laptop. The number of fans had reached nearly 900,000, and he would soon become a blogger with millions of fans.

Fang Hong was also happy to see her gaining so many followers, which meant that He Xuan's personal influence was increasing, which could also indirectly contribute a considerable amount of fame to Fang Hong.

The mechanism of the social reputation system is like this, people who are influenced by Fang Hong, the greater their own influence, the greater the reputation value they can contribute.

Now Hexuan's eyes are full of Fang Hong, full of admiration. It goes without saying that Fang Hong has influenced her.

Because of this, it didn't stop her from posting these hateful daily life on the Internet.

However, Fang Hong is also very clear that as Hexuan is like this, as her fans' attention increases and her popularity and influence on the Internet continue to rise, she will definitely be criticized and attacked by extremists and jealous people, including moral kidnapping and so on. Maybe you will be late, but you will definitely not be absent.

At this time, Fang Hong suddenly said: "If you don't want to be chased by black people, and you don't want to be hurt by cyber violence, just do as I say."

He Xuan couldn't help looking at him with her head tilted, and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Fang Hong stared at her Weibo page and said in an orderly manner: "Your way of showing off directly is too rudimentary, and not to mention vulgar, it attracts hatred. Although many people will envy it, it attracts more hatred. Xuan Yu Intangible is the high-end gameplay, I will teach you a slightly more advanced gameplay."

Hearing this, Hexuan put the camera aside, blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at Fang Hong, who said with a smile: "You can position yourself as a knowledgeable fashion blogger, if sharing outfits is a luxury item, don't expose the brand, let alone Don’t directly disclose the price, just share the outfits and so on.”

Hexuan couldn't help but said: "If you don't mention the brand or the price, how can you make others envious?"

Fang Hong smiled and said: "You don't need to talk about this kind of thing. There are a lot of boring netizens. They will look it up, and the netizens are so powerful that they will definitely find it for you and then tell you in the comment area. Did it work?"

He Xuan who heard this was stunned for a while, but was speechless, and couldn't help laughing coquettishly: "Is this the so-called dazzling invisibility?"

Fang Hong emphasized: "Since we have chosen to follow the route of 'knowledge fashion' bloggers, we should not only share luxury items such as outfits, clothes, cosmetics, etc., but also choose products with affordable prices. Your fans can also afford it, so that they have a sense of participation instead of just being a spectator, so that the number of fans can increase faster, and the fan stickiness and interaction enthusiasm are also higher.”

He Xuan nodded involuntarily while listening.

Fang Hong smiled and continued: "In addition, I will teach you how to create a positive image for yourself and how to gain everyone's favor. In the future, if there are sunspots, fans will take the initiative to defend you and help you fight. One fan is the top ten blacks."

Hearing the words "one pink tops ten black", He Xuan suddenly chuckled, and the flowers trembled. It was the first time she had heard this kind of saying, and immediately looked at Fang Hong and asked quickly: "Then what should I do?"

Fang Hong thought for a while and asked, "Didn't I hear you say that some brands contacted you through private messages, hoping to promote their brands?"

He Xuan nodded again and again: "Well~, there is this matter, it seems that four or five brands have sent me private messages, but I didn't respond."

Fang Hong immediately said: "In the future, if there are brands that come to you for promotion, you can contact them and confirm that their product quality is not a problem, you can accept their advertisements. These income include your Weibo account in the future. All income generated is donated directly.”

After a moment's pause, Fang Hong added: "Don't worry about whether the donated money is put into practice or is embezzled by others. That's the problem of the next link, which has nothing to do with you. You donate money to accumulate merit, embezzlers He is accumulating karma for himself, how much karma he has accumulated will not affect your merit."

After being attacked by Heizi, some fans came forward to defend and heizi's object. This can actually be understood as the benefit of the merits accumulated before.

Fang Hong emphasized again: "But remember, don't take the initiative to publish the donation, otherwise it will change the flavor, and the sunspots will find the attack point, saying that your motive for donating is not pure, it is to package yourself."

He Xuan couldn't help showing suspicion on her pretty face when she heard the words, and asked back: "If you don't post it, everyone won't know. Heizi will point out that you are so rich, why don't you donate some to needy groups? What should I do?"

Fang Hong smiled indifferently, and said slowly: "Who said that everyone will not know? No matter the right time, they will naturally know. If you encounter the situation you mentioned, there will be netizens with great powers who will dig out the secret of your secret donation. Deeds, the effect of exposing yourself and being exposed by others is very different. Once netizens find out that you have secretly donated all the income from your Weibo account and never publicized it, your positive image will immediately be revealed. Just up a few notches."

At this moment, He Xuan looked at Fang Hong, her beautiful eyes flickering silently, and after a while, He Xuan pretended to be coquettish with a touch of admiration: "You have so many tricks..."


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