My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1345 [Play the game slowly and slowly]

Wednesday, May 2nd.

Fang Hong was paying attention to the news on the Internet. After a while, the beautiful assistant Qian Bushan came over, sat down next to him and said: "We will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to officially announce it to the public, and also announce the launch of the project construction bidding. "

Hearing this, Fang Hong nodded slightly and stared at the screen and said, "Just proceed according to the established plan."

Tian Jiayi suddenly said: "The launch of this plan has affected many people's cakes. Commercial housing has been greatly impacted. The real estate market has declined to varying degrees in recent days. Maybe this year will become the peak of the real estate market."

Fang Hong: "Huh..."

Just a gentle smile from Yun Danfeng, this was his emotional reaction.

The employees of Qunxing Enterprise were originally a very potential group of buyers of commercial housing, and the number was huge. As a result, Fang Hongzheng's actions caused this huge group of buyers to disappear overnight.

It doesn’t matter if the scale is small, the key is that the scale is terrifyingly large, that’s 14 million people!

The recent property market has been declining, and among them employees of the Galaxy Group have contributed a lot of selling pressure. Yes, not only has this group with great purchasing potential disappeared overnight, but even those who have already bought a house are still there. Jump off the car.

With this housing benefit, many employees of some cluster companies who have bought a house and are repaying the loan decisively choose to quit their job, unwilling to bear the mortgage loan and live a life of making monthly payments on time.

Because everyone is also good at calculating accounts. The mortgage interest over thirty years is worth the price of the house itself. A house worth 1 million yuan will cost about 2 million yuan to buy it, including the loan interest.

There are now companies that provide free housing, and the specifications of the houses are not bad at all, and most of them are even better than the houses you bought yourself.

Of course, you just need to live in the free house provided by the company first, and then buy the house with full payment later. Although the house price may increase during this process, you save interest. Even if the price doubles when you buy a house in the future, You can also afford to buy a house with full payment, which is basically the same as buying a house with an advance loan now.

If you don't buy it now, the money will always be in your hands, which means you have greater initiative to advance or retreat.

As for the fact that houses will triple in price in the future, it is impossible. In the current property market cycle, where are prices? What is the current birth rate? In fact, home buyers have some idea in mind. If the price doubles in the next cycle, it will definitely trigger fireworks. The probability of double the current volume is very small.

But even if it doubles, I can accept it. In the future, the price of buying a house will double compared with the same period last year. When the full payment is taken, the worst is just that buying a house now will be burdened with interest. In the worst-case scenario, still compare the current loan The cost of capital paid to buy the house is roughly equal, which is acceptable.

But here comes the question, what if the house price doesn’t increase in the future? Wouldn’t that save money on thirty-year loan interest?

Not rising means saving money on a house. What if the house not only does not rise but falls in the future? Not only will it save interest, but the down payment now may be able to buy a fully paid house in the future.

The only risk considered is that you may lose your job, but it doesn't matter. If you lose your job, you will still have seniority to bear it. This is another strong buffer. The most important thing is that even the subsidiaries of Galaxy Holdings are facing large-scale layoffs, and most of them are mid- to high-end. These large-scale layoffs of high value-added profit companies can largely explain that the economic environment is extremely bad for most industries and industries. How can the property market be immune?

In that case, the property market will definitely not be able to boom, and it will even fall in both volume and price in the cold winter. This situation may not even be a bad thing. After all, I saved a lot of savings before the big layoffs, and maybe I can just rely on the savings. Save up the entire amount to easily buy a house of your choice.

As for having no savings, I can only say that I have no brains and no plan.

The conclusion drawn from such calculations is obvious. It is most beneficial to transfer the house now and hold cash, so that you can advance or retreat and have the initiative.

Therefore, a large number of corporate employees who have already bought houses and are paying monthly payments have jumped out of their cars, further putting pressure on property market prices, and it is only natural for them to decline.

And the impact is not limited to the property market, but also affects banks.

The 14 million employees of Galaxy Enterprises do not need to bear mortgage loans if they do not buy a house. It is not an exaggeration to say that banks will lose more than ten trillion yuan in loan business in the next thirty years, and what they will lose is the highest quality business with the lowest bad debt rate.

Today happens to be the first trading day after the May Day holiday. The banking sector plunged -4.63% today, breaking a new low since September 2016. The drop from the highest point in January this year has exceeded -22%.

At this moment, Fang Hong's cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and was surprised, and immediately answered the call: "...Is this happening? Haha, yes, I knew about this from the beginning. I have expectations in my heart... I feel relieved with your words, um, okay, goodbye."

Tian Jiayi saw him hanging up the phone and asked curiously: "Who called?"

Fang Hong said concisely and to the point: "Luo Qing'an."

Tian Jiayi's eyes flashed with strange color: "Luo Qing'an?"

Fang Hong tilted his head and looked at the beautiful assistant and said with a smile: "Many people came up to complain and complain, and by the way, they got me involved, just because of the recent incident."

Tian Jiayi asked: "Who?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "Who else can it be? Whoever this hurts the most is the one."

After hearing this, Tian Jiayi generally understood, and immediately asked: "Is there a lot of resistance?"

Fang Hong smiled and said calmly: "There are obstacles. It's not a big problem."

The upper level is actually also very troubled by the real estate market. Although whoever has the child, whoever has the child, this is a game between the upper level and the local government, if the local government really lies down and starts to move, it is impossible for the child to be really indifferent.

One or two is fine, and it can be dealt with. The problem is not just one or two, but a group. If you manage this, the other one will definitely compete with you. When the other one sees it, he will think, "Oh, you can manage it. As long as you cry, you can get candy. Then I will cry too, and cry even harder."

I originally chose to start to move directly when I could grit my teeth and wait for you to manage it.

At this time, the stars came in one by one, which was a bright spot for the upper level. Letting the stars play the catfish effect may open up a new situation. The key is that they can still hold the situation, because it is unlikely that the stars will come in one by one and want to pat their butts and leave.

Looking around, only the size of Qunxing can cover it. It is really too rich, especially how much wealth has been accumulated overseas. The higher-ups can't figure it out, but it must be quite amazing, at least it is far beyond the book data.

Fang Hong is also very clear. He knew it before he threw it in, but he still did it, because joining the game is the only correct answer.

When Luo Qingan called, Fang Hong also understood that there was a lot of resistance, but you held up the resistance. You go and fix it. If you fix it, everything will be fine. If you don't fix it, you can't just pat your butt and leave, otherwise you will be patted. Either stop now and don't mess up this muddy water.

Don't mess up this muddy water.

That's what I said, but you are the only one in the village who can hold it. If someone comes to ask you to join the game and wade into this muddy water one day and hopes that you can lift a hand, can you say no? It's the same reason that the higher-ups can't really let the child die, and it's also the reason why Fang Hong still chose to throw this stick in when he knew the interests involved.

Naturally, they won't just walk away after coming in with a stick. It's okay to cover the bottom line, but how to cover the bottom line? Qunxing can always say a few words that have weight, right? Correspondingly, it will naturally bring the right to speak, which is the bargaining chip, and this is a new layer of game. The current Qunxing is also an existence that cannot be terminated, and it is also a bargaining chip, which is another layer of game.

Qunxing has developed to its current size. Some things cannot be put on the shelf just because they want to. Such a big body is placed there, and no one can ignore it. It seems that it is not in the game, but it has already entered the game. It is not subject to personal will. The moment the body rises means that it is in the game.

It is precisely because Fang Hong has understood these that he has nothing to worry about. Now that the time is right, he will decisively promote the 4 trillion plan and control the rhythm in his own hands.

It's not that bad. At least the opponent is worse than bad, and the other way around is not his advantage.

The situation is so complicated that there is nothing to worry about. Just play slowly and play slowly.


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