My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 944: Perfect match

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

It doesn't matter what he Xie Qing thinks, the facts are what Xie Xian said.

Sanye Xie said with a long breath: "You said this happened."

Mother Xie took a deep breath: "What did you do?" Curious, wondering what else the son could say that is mentally retarded.

"It used to be a good beam, but now--"

"The third brother." Xie Erye was too far away to kick him, otherwise he wouldn't interrupt him on the table. At least for the face, Xie Erye has always respected Xie Sanye, so let's not say what he is selfish.

Is there really no eyes, is the fire in the eyes of the old lady burned to her eye sockets?

Sanye Xie didn’t think he would be disgusted: “There’s something I can’t say in my own home. I don’t believe that there are people who dare to leak anything out with Alang’s methods... Everyone can see it, the emperor-the first emperor, now. It’s time to be called the Emperor Xian. If it’s not so intolerant, can you turn it back one by one? Jiang Xia, half of the people are buried in the soil. It's really not so cruel, can you turn it back?

"It's going to be reversed, it's long overdue."

"Say, keep talking." Mother Xie smirked: "We still have dozens of heads enough for you to drop, don't leave them."

Xie Sanye waved his hand: "Mother doesn't want me to say it, I won't say it, isn't it just that way?"

Reason is the truth, not what you can say!

Mrs. Wang pulled off his sleeve, shut your mouth quickly, and listen to you.

She is not concerned about these: "How many ministers are there, are you, Alang?"

Xie Qing: "That's why no one has a brother. How much does the emperor trust the emperor brother." It is not without sourness, the emperor Xian, including the emperor and his father, are all well-known favorites Xie Xian.

A group of Yan dogs.

Xie Xian nodded slightly, "I have me, Yue Zhang Xiao Sikong, general Chu Yan, Yu Zhang Wang, and Xu Ze, the official secretary."

"Erlang?" Madam Wang was completely shocked, "There is actually another Erlang, and then you will have to support each other." She was happy, her son-in-law, and she felt worthwhile for her son-in-law.

Well, that's how it should be.

Xie Qing covered her chin, now she knew what was going on.

They are not threatening to their own family.

There is only one Chu Yan, the king of Yuzhang has nothing to do with the Xie family, but the king of Yuzhang is still young. Although Chu Yan is cunning, he is sleek and easy to sin——

The emperor and Xie Xian pitted him when he offended him. If he didn't offend him, he offended the emperor himself.

It was his brother who was really cruel, he could see it.

This is not the same as when he was a child. Xie Xian is obviously no longer the lonely but transparent Xiao Lang before. He has a black belly and ruthless hands. He can do everything.

After all the questions were asked, Mother Xie dismissed everyone:

"It's been tense for a day. Now that the dust has settled, let's all go back to our yard to rest." Including Xie Xian, his eyes are all stuck to his wife's body. If you don't let them go, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing.

"You also go back and rest."

Xie Xian smiled faintly: "I have to enter the palace in a while. It's a very time. I can't make any mistakes. I have to keep an eye on the whole process." He just couldn't worry about going home. It's safe.

"You have to take care of your own body. Everything else is secondary." Mother Xie felt distressed.

Regarding the foundation of the inside, the old lady didn't ask a word.

When the grandson is older, he knows what he is doing, and he can't stop him.

Knowing that Xie Xian was about to leave again, Xiao Bao felt confident and took Xie Xian's hand all the way out of Yi'antang. Fortunately, it's not really clear at night.

"There is a mess in the palace, and there must be no one who remembers to eat. Have you not eaten a bite of food until now?" Xiao Baoxin frowned, "It's not too late for you to eat at the palace first, and then enter the palace. "

"It's too late." Xie Xian gently squeezed her hand.

‘Don’t worry, I can’t starve myself. ’

It takes more than half an hour to prepare food from the house, and it takes more than half an hour, which is too long.

"That..." Xiao Baoxin hesitated, did not ask, but turned to Xiao Sikong: "My dad is also a minister of the government? Is that going to transfer dad back to Jiankang?"

"Not in a hurry. Now that the emperor has just passed away, just in case Bei Wu receives the news and suddenly moves his army south, we still have to let Yue Zhang stay in Xuzhou for a while to deter Bei Wu."

Xiao Baoxin nodded when he heard the words. Fortunately, the emperor had left a will, otherwise he wouldn't be in a mess?

Xie Xian smiled slightly, as if she had seen her thoughts through.

‘I forged the edict. If the emperor had such a foresight, he would not force King Jiang Xia to oppose it. ’


Xiao Baoxin's jaw dropped.

Will her husband be too courageous?

‘Don’t worry, how can I do things that I’m not sure about? ’

Xiao Baoxin swallowed. He couldn't tell that this guy had a face like a jade and a gentle temperament. In fact, everything he did would be sharp and sharp. It was all ruthless means.

No wonder people have to kill the emperor before they have to kill her first.

It's her, she must also kill their think tank, too threatening, dare to dare to dare to do it.

In August, the wind is already a bit cold.

Lanterns have been hung high outside the residence. Because news of the emperor’s death has spread, the temples in the capital have been ringing bells uninterruptedly, appearing noisy and desolate. Every family and every government has replaced lanterns and curtains, all of which are white, and officially entered the national funeral period.

Xie Xian sighed and raised his hand to touch Xiao Baoxin's head.

"I'll leave everything to you at home. Take care of your own safety and take care of your body."

‘If anyone wants to hurt you, you don’t have to worry about who it is. If you kill it, you will have a husband to give you the bottom line. ’

Xiao Baoxin smiled: "Don't worry."

The two of them are really blackhearted, the other is cruel, and they are perfect match.

If it weren't for the public, and considering her reputation, he really wanted to hug her into his arms and kiss her.


"Take care."

The maid sisters: It's been a long time, you guys are leaving.


Xie Xian got in the car and suddenly raised the curtain: "Tomorrow, the queen will make an order for the maidens of rank 4 and above to go to the palace to cry for funerals. Be more grand, and bring everything you can bring to your husband on your birthday. "

Xiao Baoxin was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched abruptly two or three times.

Are those big killers?

He didn't say, he would put it in her library to eat the dirt.

Is it so blatantly running in the palace to swagger?

Xiao Baoxin knew that he couldn't refuse, and Xie Xian's words clearly meant that he regarded the palace as a wolf's den of cannibals, and he should not worry.

Xie Xian took Mujin into the palace, but did not come back together at this time, obviously leaving her in Miyagi for another purpose. On the other hand, he may think that the palace is not at peace now.

"Okay!" It's unrealistic to put on everything. Although the big killer he gave was a weapon of murder, it was really too grand to wear. They went to the palace to cry for fun, not to go to the beauty pageant.

Xie Xian was relieved to leave.

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