My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 855: fight

‘I really looked down on this little turkey! "Liu Wei went back to Shouchun in the middle of Xuzhou in the middle of the night. Someone sent 800 miles to expedite and changed in Yizhou.

The letter in the hand of Liu Wei is the letter of help from his big brother Cai Wei. In addition to the recognition and arrogance of Liu Wei’s brother-in-law, the other is for Liu’s help, but the above is clear. It’s written that they’re almost ready to play.

Just waiting for Liu Wei to save his life, if Liu Wei does not go out of his mind, then the 40,000 troops of Cai Wei and Yan Yue will be accountable in Yizhou.

"This Cai Wei!" Liu Wei shook his head with a smile.

You said that if you ask for help, ask for help. He also threatened himself, what, if it is not able to help, the soldiers and horses are broken and throwing Liu Bei, they are regrettable.

This is telling Liu Wei, if you don't save me, my horses will be trapped and die. When you surrender Pang Shiyuan, don't look for me.

There is a kind of temper for a child, so that Liu Wei can't smile. Even if he is not willing to save, there is still a sneak peek at him. He is a brother of the opposite sex, and he will give up the singer!

"Lord, let our people start to act?" Xu Wei on the side asked Liu Wei.

"The army has entered Nanyang?" Liu Wei asked Xu Wei. As early as the month before, Liu Wei let the Yangtze River Squadron start operations.

√ "There has not been all entered, only 10,000 soldiers and horses in the city!" Nanyang County, now can be said to be air defense, basically some of the second-line troops.

The reason why Liu Bei has not swallowed Nanyang County, except that he still hopes that Cai Wei and Yue Yue will surrender there, that is, it does not have much effect on winning Nanyang County. He is still not digested in Jingzhou.

And now if Liu Wei directly sent troops. Liu Bei will certainly send troops to win Nanyang County. Liu Wei did not fight in Nanyang again. Naturally, the terrain of Nanyang, once Liu Bei won Nanyang County, then the excess Yangzhou is a tough battle, even for the current Liu Wei, the battle is not a big deal!

However, Liu Wei was afraid that Liu Bei would run. What is Liu Bei’s nickname, Liu ran. This pair of calves is not covered. It can be directly thrown from the Youzhou generation to the Jingzhou generation. No matter whether it is Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, or Lu Bu, we can't catch up with our Liu Run running shoes, but this time Liu Wei It will never let him run again.

Liu Wei wants two-way processing, completely blocking Liu Bei in Jingzhou.

"To send a letter to Sun Ce, it is necessary to take over the city defense of Nanyang within one month!" Liu Wei said to Xu Wei on the side.

Quietly enter the village. Do not shoot a gun.

"What about Cai Wei and Yu?" Xu asked questioningly. Now the Yangtze River Dongda can't move, and naturally they can't help them from Jingzhou.

"Jingzhou can't. We shot from Yizhou!" Liu Wei smiled indifferently.

"Yizhou?" Xu Wei did not understand, now Liu Wei is transferred to the army, Xu Wei is also known that the law is their people, but now Liu Wei is a family thief, and simply do not listen to Fazheng persuasion.

"He can have an ally in a small turkey. Can we not?"



"Hey, Liu Yan, Liu Yan, who is mournful, your son is not asshole! I know that you are a grandfather!" In the deep forest of Yunnan, one dressed in a barbarian costume, but with a Han Chinese dress The old man is squatting over there.

This person is not someone else. It is the old poison that we have disappeared for a long time, Jia Wei, Jia Wenhe.

This Jia Jia Jia Wenhe, originally a monk, in order to be able to protect himself, there is no need to say, this person can be said to accelerate the collapse of the Han Dynasty dynasty, and Cao Cao’s Cheng Hao two can be regarded as the most Two old sticks with creeps.

One can make a life for himself, and the whole Zhili generation can be caught in the flames of war. The other one, in order to let Cao Cao have enough grain and grass, even proposed to eat human flesh and fill the army, both of them are monks.

It is a pity that Jia Zhang Jia Wenhe, who counted others in his life, was finally counted by one person, that is, our Hanwang Highness Liu Wei Liu Hanyang.

For Jia Wei, knowing this Hanwang Liu Wei is a disaster. First, under Shouchun, he collected his own terracotta warriors and wanted to be able to get a book in the hands of Liu Wei. Who would have thought of contributing himself? Jingzhou, finally gave himself to the pit.

Not only did Liu Yi enter Jingzhou, but now it is better. The Liu Wei, a small bastard, directly lost his grandfather Jia Jia to such a mountain.

How long is this? ! Jia Wei did not feel any more.

Now, in addition to the hair on his head, which point is like a Han Chinese, Jia Yu wants to die.

There was no Liu Wei’s order over there, and he did not dare to go back. After all, his son’s family and his family had a small life in Yangzhou’s Yangzhou.

Therefore, Jia Wei can only sigh and sigh. The only fun every day is to go to the secret forest. Every day, he curses Liu Yusheng’s son and has no asshole.

"Mr. Wenhe, Mr. Wenhe!" Just as Jia Zhangzheng and Liu Wei started their energies, there was a shout outside the woods.

"Mr. Wenhe, Mr. Wenhe, my grandfather, my grandfather sent people!" A breathless big man over the other side said to Jia.

"What!" Jia Zhang suddenly jumped up. This is not happy, but afraid. Isn't it, isn't it something that he is guilty of, and was it known to the child? Is it the secret of this silly big one?

The current Jia Zhang is all guessing.

Fortunately, the stupid big man in his mouth reminded Jia Zhang, otherwise he would run away that night, according to Jia Wei’s temper.

"Mr. Wenhe, my grandfather wrote a letter, said, let me send troops!"

"Attacking troops?" Jia Yi took a moment and took the letter from the stupid big man. This letter was read up and down before and after, and the final conclusion was that he could not understand.

Because this is not a text at all, but it is like a ghost, which makes him look at Jia. Even Jia Wei thinks that his ability is superb. Think of yourself as a genius. But I can't read this ghost symbol.

Fortunately, this stupid big man also helped Jia Wei read it out to him. It turns out that these barbarians, who are illiterate, even if there is such a great writer on the side, they are not willing to learn to write, read, and take their words, it is better to knock on a few girls and take the opportunity. Explore the origins of mankind in the tree hole.

But don't underestimate these barbarians. They naturally have their own set of communication methods, that is, to draw such ghost characters.

The ghost character in this stupid big hand is the princess of Liu Wei, which was painted by the former barbarian princess Yu Yu.

Jia Wei couldn't understand, but the stupid big man understood it. He told all the letters on the books and told Jia Zhen over there.

"Send a soldier to Yunnan?!" Jia Yi heard the words suddenly and his eyes were bright. How long has he been here? He didn't know Jia Zhang. What did he think about all day long? Isn't that going out? It's such a deep forest, he doesn't want to stay for a while.

There is such an opportunity now.

"What about your brother and sister?" Jia Zhang asked.

"He is in the tribe. Waiting for you!" Stupidly said a word.

"Follow me!" Jia Wei strode toward the barbarian tribe, and the energy was excited. Directly dragged a stupid big man, almost stupid big can not catch up with him.

Jia Wei trotting all the way directly into the barbarian tribe.

The people of the barbarian tribe saw that Jia Zhang was very respectful to Jia Wei.

Can you be disrespectful, such an old poison is there, whoever is offending him is not an old birthday star to eat arsenic and live impatient.

Jia Yu entered the big camp and saw that the current barbarian leader, the tiger, had already been ready to go.

"Wen and Mr!!" The tiger saw Jia Zhang open his mouth and smiled.

Jia Wei nodded. "Mr. Wen and my grandfather let us send troops!" The tiger said that he would let him go.

Jia Wei was also free to go directly to the main position. He was not on the main position to seize power, but on the other side there was a table set up with wood, all of which were built with mud and sand.

If you carefully distinguish it, then you will know that this is not a reduced version of the map of Yunnan.

Jia Wei looked at the past, and Liu Wei sent a letter to let them send troops to Yunnan.

The current owner of Yunnan is Zhao Wei.

When did Zhao Zhao offend the shameless Liu Wei? Jia Wei is really a bit puzzled, because the purpose of the original Jia Yu with the barbarian here is why he won the Yizhou and Jingzhou, which is used to deal with Liu Biao and Liu Wei.

Once Liu Biao blocked the Yangtze River, then the soldiers of this barbarian were the only ones who could give Liu Biao a fatal blow in the back.

It is a pity that Liu Biao died early. The situation in Jingzhou is all sung by you. When we played, he was not a force, and he did not have any bird things.

Originally, I thought about the completion of this Liu watch. This Liu Gong, the protagonist, wants to call him back, but this monarch Liu Wei seems to have forgotten Jia Wei. Yes, Liu Wei really forgot ours. The old poison is stunned.

Who wants the current Yangzhou stall to be big, now Yangzhou can be described as a talented person, and Jia Yu is also a high-ranking emperor. If this is not the case, Zhao Wei will send troops. If he is not good, Liu Wei can leave Jia Yu’s life forever. In the barbarian.

That is not to force our Jia Wenhe to drive crazy.

Now Liu Wei is not doing it, and started to engage in Zhao Wei? "The Lord did not say why he was going to send troops?" Jia Zhang frowned and asked, although for Liu Wei, Jia Wei was a hundred curses and a thousand greetings to his female.

But once you get into the state of the military division, then Jia Wei is like a person.

If Liu Gong, the protagonist, wants to plot Yizhou, he should not send troops now. Zhao Wei and Yizhou Mu Liu are not in harmony. Now Zhao Wei is sending troops to Yizhou. They should let them lose both sides. This is Jia. When I came out.

At that time, it will not only be able to eliminate Zhao Wei but also to occupy Yizhou.

But if you send troops now, then you can only break Zhao Yi’s troops and horses, and you still have to face Liu Wei. It’s not worth it.

"It seems to save someone! I forgot!" The tiger over there seems to think of something, but can't think of anything.

"Rescue?" Jia Zhang said on the map.

"Tiger, tell me all the news that has been explored among the people in these days!"

"Oh!" The tiger nodded and went down to call all the barbarians who were out.

One by one to tell Jia Zhang what happened outside.

These individuals are not professional spies. They just change some salt with the Han people. They have animal skins, but they don't have salt and the like, so they change them with barter.

Going to the market, even if you don’t understand anything, you will slowly listen to something back.

Immediately, these miscellaneous news began to flow in the mind of Jia Wei.

What Yizhou has three pigs in the head, or another family that has been born with several dolls, and then he is the big girl he likes.

For a long time, our Jiaxie got some keywords from these messages. Among them, Jingzhou sent troops. After that, it seems that the boss is hanging up, and then it is inside Jingzhou. The Yizhou Army first helped the other party to fight the other party and helped the other party to fight this party.

Now I heard that the two sides of Yizhou have helped each other. "Who is this other party?" Jia Yu asked with a frown.

"The other side! It seems, like, what cat. Yes, the cat that will cook!" A barbarian man will think.

"Cai Wei!!" Jia Wei is really an old poison, his eyes are extremely sinister, and he guessed the name at once.

Now that Jiaxuan’s brain has formed a line, that is, this Cai Wei and the original Jingzhou Army have guilty. The original Jingzhou Army wants to swallow Cai Wei. Cai Wei is not willing to fight back, but now it is blocked by others. It’s hard to walk in Yizhou.

Therefore, the Yizhou Army was in urgent need of help, but the Yizhou Army went to play Zhao Wei. This made Cai Wei’s internal troubles, and they just wanted to beat Zhao Wei to lift the Yizhou encirclement, and then let Yizhou soldiers and horses go. Help Cai Wei's terracotta warriors.

"Good!" Jia Wei nodded "Tiger, pass me military orders! Send troops to Yunnan!"

"Army order?" The tiger snorted.

Jia Zhang patted his head, and he thought of it. These barbarians didn’t know anything about military and military orders. Jia Wei had to say it in plain language. "The tiger, to summon your people, it is best to The barbarian three mountains and six ethnic groups all gathered for me, we have to go out to fight!"

"Do you fight? You like it the most!" The tiger didn't speak yet, and the stupid big man spoke first.

The tiger doesn't like to fight because he knows that the fight represents a tribe to die, but this is the princess's order, and the tiger can only nod. (To be continued...)

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