My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 662: Come back home

"The young master came back to the young master!" Lu Su finally had time to go back to Kuaiji in the midst of the chaos, and went to his own Lujia Mansion. Once he entered Huiji City, the whole Lu family was boiling. They used to This young master is proud, because the younger brother’s friend is either the Jiangdong Metropolitan Governor or the Jiangdong Ergongzi. It can be said that the Lu family is one of the best in the Jiangdong because of Lu’s existence, but since the second Lu Su had no news after the son went out.

The news brought back by Sun Quan was that Lu Su was killed. At that time, the Lu family’s father was almost fainted. He is such a son, if this is killed by Yangzhou, they will be completely defeated.

Fortunately, after this, there was news from Lusu that the news was not only alive, but even the peak of Yangzhou civil servants. In addition to the internal phase Xu Wei, it was already one person below 10,000 people.

In addition to the six Shangshu and the internal military commander, he is not in charge of the other, the other large and small bureaucrats are not under the jurisdiction of Lu Su, the task of the cadres is to assess the officials every year, if the assessment is excellent, then Congratulations, if you have a vacancy, you may go one step further. If the assessment is bad, there is no problem in one year. If you are two or three years, then sorry, either you will resign or you will be scared to some places that are not important. Or let you go to the grassroots.

Therefore, the whole Yangzhou up and down one does not have a good for our Lusu Lu Shangshu gift, if you provoke Lu Su, you do not know how to die.

Lu Su is now in Jiangdong is simply returning home.

"The young master is good!" Lu Su came all the way. All the people or the family servants of Lu’s family greeted Lu Su, and Lu Su responded one by one. They are the big masters of Lu’s family. Always good people are good. Still very harmonious.

"You can come back to the young master!" Just when Lu Su was greeting. A daddy over there came over and shouted kindly to Lu Su.

"He Shu!" Lu Su saw the coming person. This is what Lu Shu called the uncle's old housekeeper. He has been following his father since he was a child. For many years, Lu Su was still watched by him. Therefore, Lu Su has never regarded this uncle, as an outsider.

He Guanjia is also gratified to see Lu Su.

"Father?" Lu Su asked the side and the housekeeper.

"Master is in the back room." He Shu said to Lu Su. "He is waiting for you."

"Then I will go first. He Shu. These are the people of His Royal Highness, my colleague, He Shu, you help me to entertain." Lu Su said to He Shu, to Lu, he Lu Even if it is the owner, it is natural to have the etiquette of hospitality.

"Do not worry, these will teach you uncle. You are going to see the master." He Shu smiled and said to Lu Su.

"Well!" Lu Su nodded and walked toward the back room.

"Come, you, all of you are the youngest brothers of the young masters. It is our friend of Lu family, come here. Please come here." He Shu was very well received. Yang Chen and others naturally did not dare to support the big, followed by He Shu.

Lujialufu, this place where Lu has been in existence for more than ten years, it can be said that the grass and trees here are very familiar, but I don’t know why, he entered here but there is a feeling of moving in. .

Taking a deep breath, Lu Su saw the familiar house over there and could not help but speed up the pace.

“Hey!” The wooden door will always have a ring when it is pushed open. Inside, an old man sat on a chair with a book in his hand and listened to the sound of the door. Lu Su wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

"Come back." Or the old man broke the calm, first opened. "When you come back, just come back, good old, let him go to the kitchen to give you the sweet and sour squid that you like the most."

"Father!" Listening to the words of the old father, the tears in Lu Su’s eyes finally couldn’t help, and they flowed directly. Lu Su slammed down to the old father’s side. “Father’s child is not filial, he is not accompanied. Around the father, I couldn’t give your father the slightest letter, the child was not filial, and asked his father to punish him.” Lu Su’s head was deep down.

"Stupid child, if you come back, just come back, just fine, how can you punish, you have to punish, today is also a penalty for you to accompany me this old man to drink two more cups." Lu Su's father Lu Taigong, he is not a simple The character, the Lu family was Linhuai, and the Lu family was also a member of the Linhuai family. However, Lu Taigong saw that the world was going to be in chaos. It should be prepared soon. The Linhuai was the rule of Yuan Shu. Next, even Yuan Shu also let Lu Taigong be the Taishou of Linhuai, but Lu Taigong still refused, because he can see that Yuan Shu is not a successful person, and he and Yuan Jia tied together and finally died with Yuan Jia, it is better to Move away early.

Therefore, the Lu family abandoned a large amount of assets to prepare to cross the east of the river. The Lu family had several grain and grass in Linhuai, and there were too many food and grass to take it. Therefore, under the plan of Lu Taigong, one of them gave a total angle to Lusu. Zhou Yu, the Zhou Yu at that time, was the nest of the nest. It was because of this wave of grain that Zhou Yu could quickly pull up a soldier to help Sun Ce.

Therefore, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are very grateful to Lu Su, and there are food and grass, Lu Taigong directly and simply put the granary, all of them to the local people. At that time, the grain was still very valuable.

In this way, Lu’s reputation in the local area is infinite, Lu’s family wants to cross east, Yuan Shu is not allowed, and wants to use strong ones, but these good people who are grateful to Lu’s family help Lu’s family, which makes Lu’s smooth transit. Going, even many Linhuai people have followed Lu’s family to Jiangdong. It’s because of the fact that when Lu’s family was in Jiangdong, people didn’t dare to look down at the beginning, plus the behavior of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu’s charity. Therefore, Lu Jia quickly established a foundation in Jiangdong, so Lu Taigong can not be ignored.

Lu Taigong also knows that the difficulty of his son, he has now become the minister of Yangzhou’s cadre, and is the minister under the slogan of Liu Wang. If he sends a letter to Lu, it will not bring benefits to Lu, but To the Lu family brought disaster, after all, Jiangdong and Yangzhou were enemies. If you know that Lu Su is playing for Yang Hao in Yangzhou, then he will not kill Lu.

Even if there is Zhou Yu, it will not work. That is to say, Jiangdong has now completely lost, and it is basically difficult to fight with Yangzhou. Lusu can return to Jiangdong to Lujia as the messenger. If Jiangdong is no longer willing to do anything with Lu, then unless it is not to be killed, or if Yangzhou regains Jiangdong, Lu Su’s 吏 尚 尚 想要 wants to play with you, don’t do it yourself, the following people can kill you. .

"Master, the banquet is ready, waiting for the master and the young master." The door came from outside the door.

"Okay, I will be there soon!" Lu Taigong also responded to the housekeeper.

"Father, I am holding you, past." Lu Su said to his father.

"The young master is still coming." The housekeeper on the side is talking to Lu Su.

"Well?" Lu Su frowned. He rarely came back to support his father. This is not filial piety. Why are you not blocking him?

He Guanjia looked at his big master and frowned. Of course, he knew that this young master was thinking about something. He couldn’t help but smile. "The young master, not letting you hold the master, but you can’t help." Lu Su It was only after seeing that there were two strong servants behind the house, and instead of supporting the father, he set up a stool directly. I put the whole stool together with the father.

"Father, this?" Lu Su seemed to think of something, could not help but look at his father.

"Oh, Suer, old, this body bone has not been tough, and can persist until you come back without getting into the soil is already good, but this leg can not go, there is nothing." Father said very cheerful.

"Can't the legs go?" Isn't that what it is? Lu Su had a pain in his heart.

"The young master, since you have no news, the lord has been washing his face with tears, this time is also the time!" He Guanjia sighed and told his young master. The old man was fainted after knowing that Lu Su was killed in Yangzhou. This fainted in the past, and when he woke up, it became like this, and his legs could not move. This is an old father's concern for his son.

"Father, baby, babe!" Lu Su fell down again, and he fell to his father's side and didn't know what to say. The child wants to raise and does not wait, so Lu Su he came back in time, if Lu Lao Tai has a long and two short, Lu Su will not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Suer, these are not related to you. If you come back, it will be good. After that, our family is round and round. This is better than anything! Well, today is your big day. Let's go. Let's go to the front hall." Those guests, and your colleagues, waited anxiously." The old lady really wants to open, what is rich and rich, for Lu Lao Tai, he wants to open, the only thing he wants now is his son. Peace and safety, they can be harmonious and harmonious, which is better than anything else.

"Well!" Lu Su whimpered and could only wipe away the tears "He Shu, let me come!"

Business Trading, he is not very worried about it. It’s a very big one.

"The stool is heavy, but my father and I still have a back!" Lu Su said with a smile on the side of the house.

"This?" He Guanjia looked at his own young master and looked at the old lady at the side.

"Forget it, old man, you let him back." Lu Lao Tai waved and said, rare son is around.

"Yes~!" He Guanjia nodded.

On the side, Lu Su bent down and fell commonly to his commonly father. The old woman was on the back of Lu Su, and Lu Su took his father back. Although the father is not heavy, but this father's love is a major burden, and he is so overwhelmed that he owes his father too much.

Lu Lao Tai was telling Lu Su about Lu’s childhood, so that Lu Su wanted to laugh and want to cry. A dinner soon began. Although there was no singing and dancing, the dinner was full, because it contained real love, no artificial! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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