My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 660: I am playing

"The sons come and come, I will respect the cup again!" In the Wuhou House, it can be said that it is a cross-stitching, singing songs and dances.

The whole atmosphere was very harmonious. Sun Ce was very hospitable. He had a cup of wine and a cup of wine against Lu Su, so that Lu Su could not stand it.

"Wu Hou, no, no, drink it and drink it." Lu Su shook his head at Sun Ce.

"What's wrong? Could it be that Zijing looked down on my Sun Ce? Is it because I lost Sunzhou to you, so you look down on my Sun Ce?" Sun Ce seems to spit the truth after drinking.

A few servants on the side rushed to want to go forward to stop the master of their own family. This Lusu is no longer a stranger. Now Lusu Luzi is the Shangshu Lang of Yangzhou. This is second only to Xu Wei. The big official of the phase, if you Jiangdong is okay before, now you lose, you have to surrender to Yangzhou, you go to Yangzhou, and finally a warlord, and Lusu is a book. If you ruin Lu Su, are you looking for death?

"Well?" Watching Sun Ce want to spit out the truth after drinking, Lu Su on the side can not help but have a heart, in any case, he Lu Su is now a courtier of Yangzhou, naturally will not favor Sun Ce, for Sun Ce is also It’s much more guarded than before. After all, he is a bad friend Zhuge Liang who came here.

"Don't stop me, there is something to stop, I will say, I will say!" Sun Ce on the side shouted.

"Lord, you are drunk!" Lu Meng is Sun Ce's guard, thinking that he should give Sun Ce to him to go back, let Sun Ce go to the back room to rest, but Sun Ce does not rely on it.

"I am drunk? Oh. I am not drunk. I am not a thousand cups. How can I speak, I tell you Lu Meng, don't stop me." Sun Ce shouted at Lu Meng on the side.

"Come, come and bring me to the bedroom together." Lu Meng shouted and the others were ready to help.

"Yes!" Several servants were about to step forward and lift Sun Ce. Lu Su also shook his head. If he was carried back, he thought about Sun Tsing and spit the truth. Lu Su was a bit regrettable.

"Who I dare to see!" Just when Lu Su regretted that he could not hear Sun Ce's wine and spit the truth, Sun Ce even pulled out the long sword on the side.

This seems to be a big deal. We must know that our Sun Ce adults are a warrior who refines the peak of the gods. This long sword is a weapon of killing in his hands. Lu Meng looked at his master and pulled out the long sword to stop.

"Hey!" I saw a cold flash, and suddenly a blood flower appeared on Lu Meng's arm. This was the sword that was stabbed by the sword, and the blood suddenly came out.

"Ah!" Lu Meng screamed and sneaked away. If he didn't evade it, maybe it would go directly to his head.

"General Lu Meng, General Lu Meng, you are fine, a bunch of people rushing toward Lu Meng!" I saw a large palm on the arm of Lu Meng was torn open, blood went down the wound It’s flowing down.

"There are people who are bandaging up for General Lvmen!" The servants over there rushed forward to help Lu Meng bandage.

"Don't care about me. Be careful of the Lord!" Lu Meng shouted loudly, and he was afraid that Sun Ce would hurt himself by playing the sword himself. After all, this long sword is not long-eyed.

"Yes!" Several of the sergeants were about to take the long sword from Sun Ce's hand, but did not expect that Sun Ce there seemed to be mad. "I see who dares to take my sword!" Sun Ce suddenly took a long time. The sword gave the assassination of the past.

"Hey!" The cold light flashed again. This is not just a matter of inadvertently hurting the arm. This Sunce's sergeant can not avoid the madness of Sun Ce, so he is directly stabbed by the sword. Through the chest, the armor was not able to withstand it, and it was pierced at once.

"Lord, the Lord!" This sergeant seems to dare not believe what he is in front of him. He is the master of Sun Ce. If you die on the battlefield, who would have thought of dying in his own hands.

No one saw Sun Ce’s eyes showing a trace of reluctance, but then it was a good cover.

"The main public is crazy, the Lord is crazy!" Lu Meng looked at his own master and worried loudly.

"How can this be good!" Lu Meng was in a hurry. Now he wants to go up and dare not go up, because Sun Ce’s hand is holding a sword. If it is accidentally killed by Sun Ce, you say where it is. Going to shout, but not on, this Sun Ce, the master, may be hurt by this sword, so Lu Meng is now tangled.

"Fast, go to the public to come!" Lu Su on the side gave Lu Meng a plan, and he did not expect that our Wuhou Sun Ce adults are so bad, don't give you a drink and you will face each other.

"Yeah, look for the big governor." Lu Meng was also bright, but then it faded. "No, if I go, this master must do something more, what can I do?" Lu Meng worried about the Lord. Gongsun policy, if he leaves, this Sun strategy will be finished if it has three long and two short.

"General Lu Meng, you are going to call the public servant quickly, here is me, I will help you to stabilize!" Lu Su said to Lu Meng on the side, Lu Su did not want to smash this drowning, but no If you don't come, if this Sun Ce can't think of such a long and short thing, then Jiangdong will not be able to return to Yangzhou again. The terracotta warriors above the surface of the Yangtze River will inevitably make the whole Jiangdong ruined. Therefore, Lu Su is ready to stabilize our Wu Hou Sun Ce adults.

"Ah, sir, if this is the case, what about your safety?" Lu Meng was surprised. Now that Sun Ce is crazy, it is unrecognizable. Even Lu Meng’s confidant love will be able to be cut, not to mention you. Lu Su.

"There is no other way! You are going, you can save me quickly." Lu Su is rushing to save the word to explain the current state of affairs.

"Okay, then you must take care of you." Lu Meng bit his teeth and pointed at Lu Su's words. He immediately walked outside the door and "had come to prepare for the horse!" Zhou Yu's house is not here.

Looking at Lu Meng's departure, Lu Su was a bitter smile, and now we should face this Sun Ce Wu Hou adults.

"Come. Come. Lu Su Luzi respects me to drink! Come and pour me wine!" Sun Ce called out loud. The servant on the side did not dare to go forward and poured wine on Sun Ce. He was afraid of being killed by Sun Ce.

"I heard no, come and pour me wine!" said Sun Ce's long sword in his hand waving everywhere, another unlucky one was killed by Bai Ce's long sword in his hand.

On the side of the house, the servant was frightened and looked at Lu Su on the side. Now Lu Su is the backbone of the heart.

"Give, pour the wine to Wu Hou adults!" Lu Su had no choice. If he did not pour the wine to this grandson, he would kill again.

When I heard Lu Su’s words, the servants could only tremble with fear and slowly approached the past. They were always on guard for fear that Sun Ce would kill them.

Fortunately, Sun Ce is just drinking. It didn't make any madness, which made the servants not so guilty.

Sun Ce took up the wine glass and drank a few large bowls before putting the cup down.

"Zi Jing, Zi Jing, come over, come over, and drink some!" Sun Ce over there called out loud.

"Don't let the adults go!" The deputy messenger from Yang Hong on the side reminded Lu Sudao that his mission is to protect Lu Su, so the safety of Lu Su is his most important thing. This Sun strategy has gone crazy. And also killed several people. How could he make Lusu close to such a word?

"Zi Jing, son respect!" Sun Ce shouted. He knocked over the cellars around him, and shouted over there, but he ignored him.

"Ah!" Sun Ce was mad again, and a servant who was pouring wine was smashed. This time it was not simply piercing the chest, but directly making a big head rise to the sky. By doing this, it’s a bunch of people who are scared to jump.

"Zi Jing, Zi Jing!" Sun Ce shouted loudly, a pair of Lu Su did not come back.

Lu Su looked at Sun Ce's appearance there, and he could not walk over there.

"Adult, you must not go over!" Yang Fu, on the side, speaks to Lu Su.

"Lu Su shook his head and said to his deputy messenger on the side. "I don't want to go, but I have to go!" ”

If Sun Tzu only kills these own people, then he has a half-money relationship with Lu Su, and he will not look at it when he looks at it, although he is a little bit unbearable in his heart, but after all, everyone is their own.

But now it is not the same. He Lusu can not care about the life and death of the people under Sun Ce’s hands, but he can’t help but care about Sun Ce’s life and death. This potty Sun Ce Sun Bofu started to play against himself in the killing. Self-mutilation.

Nima can not make people worry, Lu is panicked, if Sun Ce injured here and died here, he Lu Su has 18 mouths and can not tell, and the most important point is that Jiangdong is Lu Su’s hometown, he really did not want his hometown to be caught in the flames of war. The appearance of Liuzhou in Yuzhou was there. A good Yuzhou was finally beaten for thousands of miles.

"Do not worry, Deputy Yang, I will take care of myself!" Lu Su said to the deputy Yang on the side, but the deputy of Lu Su is still not at ease, and finally Lu Su can't help the "Yang, the deputy, leaving Yangzhou Before, what did the Lord say, what did Foreign Minister Yang Hong say, did you forget it?"

"Forget?" These words, how can he forget Yang Chen, Liu Wei’s order is that Jiang Dong’s order is all taught to Lu Su’s decision, whether it is war or peace, and is given to Lu Su, and Yang Hong gives Yang Chen The words are that in addition to protecting the words of Lu Su, there is also that they all listen to Lu Su.

"Since Vice Minister Yang still remembers!" Lu Su did not want to be serious with this man, but there is no way.

"Let's get out!" Lu Su said sternly, Yang Chen said.

"Yes!" Yang Chen could only reluctantly give in.

"Zi Jing, Zi Jing, you are there, son respect, come to accompany the prince to drink, drink!" Sun Ce shouted.

"Zi Jing is here, Wu Hou! Zi Jing came to accompany you to drink." Lu Su is also careful to approach Sun Ce.

"Oh, come, oh, come, come, I will pour the wine, let's drink together!" Sun Ce smiled at Lu Su.

"Wu Hou, we have already drunk enough. We don't drink well. Let's go back to rest." Lu Su comforted this Sun Ce Sun Bofu on the side.

"Relax, no, I haven't had enough to drink. These wines are nothing. A little bit of horse urine is like drunken my Sun Ce Sun Bo! It's just a joke." Sun Ce said a lot of words.

Lu Su helpless. Turning your eyes straight, if you are not drunk by these horses, how can it become the virtue of the present.

"Good! I will accompany you to drink with Wu!" In order to appease Sun Ce, Lu Su could only live with the gentleman and open his drink.

"Long time, good measurement!" Sun Ce gave a thumbs up to Lu Su "come!" Sun Ce directly slowed himself up, and slowed down Lu Su.

The two of you have a bowl of me and I have a bowl of drink, but I ended up drinking it directly with a bottle. Okay. This time, Lu Su really wants to drink spit. When Lu Lujing, Lu Sujing, had drunk so many drinks, the wine was in chaos, and the wine could make the name of Brin, so Lusu had not been drinking much. The child drank a big hair.

"Can't drink, Wu Hou, I really can't drink." Lu Su shook his head violently. He cried in his heart. This mouth had to be spit out, and the whole body was tumbling and uncomfortable. This Lu Meng is still not coming back, how can you not get this public money? He Lu Su could not hold back.

"Don't drink? No, do you want Lu Su to look down on my Sun Ce Sun Bo? I lost, I lost to your Royal Highness, then what? If you lose, you can look down on me. I am not satisfied, you let the Liu Wei children stand in front of me, I want to single out with him. Inevitably killed him." Sun Ce loudly called.

"Don't let go!" Yang Chen was angry on the side, and Liu Wang was the master of his morning, and now such a Sun policy dared to swear words and even kill the Lord, this is not to make Yang Chen angry.

"How can I not say it right! He Liu Wei's child He De He can, isn't it just a few slutty tricks, not those broken warships! If it is the same, my Jiangdong man does not have to be Liu Wei At that time, hehe, the one who sent the messenger is my Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu!" Sun Ce shouted loudly.

Yang Chen is going to deal with Sun Ce before, but it was stopped by Lu Su. Lu Su is now a blessing. Sun Ce said a little more and spit out some truth, so that he can judge whether this old club really wants to surrender. Yangzhou is still a lie at the beginning.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it! You can dare to fight with me. You don't dare, you don't dare! I am a grandmaster of Sun Ce, and I am a master of Sun, and I have resisted the grand servant of this grandson, but I am But it was lost, lost!" Sun Ce's voice is getting lower and lower. "I am not willing, I am not willing, I am tired, I am really tired, Zhongmou, why do you want to do that, why are you! You I want to give you this big place, my brother is tired, my brother doesn't want to fight, you don't want Jiangdong, well, I gave him to Yangzhou Liu Wei, this thing is hindering you and me. Obstacles in front of the brothers. You are not necessary, you have the ability to go with the Liu Wei children!" Sun Ce Yue said that the voice is smaller.

"Tired? Zhongmou?" Lu Su one by one to record his heart.

"Call, call!" Just when Lu Su still wanted to see how our Sun Ce adults, Wu Hou, were there, there was a snoring voice. This Wu Hou, this Sun Ce adults actually drunk, fell asleep. It is.

"Mr. Lu Su, Mr. Lu Su, the general governor is coming, the big governor is coming!" The voice of Lu Meng also rang. Lu Meng rushed to the place and yelled at Lu Su, and there was still behind him. What should be done in a dumpling coquettish is the Governor Du Zhouyu Zhou Gong.

"Hey! The voice is a little smaller, Wu waits to fall asleep!" Lu Su yelled at Lumen outside, and this Sun Ce was only asleep. If Lu Meng had a big slogan and woke up Sun Ce, he wouldn’t have been ruined. It is.

"What, fell asleep!" Lu Meng saw Sun Ce, who was lying on the ground, and he was relieved. "Good, okay!"

"Oh, it’s too late to come, this Wu Hou just fell asleep, you are coming!" Yang Chen Yin Yang on the side is grotesque, but it is not, this Sun Ce just fell asleep, he came with Zhou Yu, Please ask Zhou Yu to be so big and long? Is he Zhou Yu is not caught outside the city.

"Yang Chen Shao said a little!" Lu Su also has a trace of twilight, after all, this is not his Lu Su Yangzhou thing, but Lu Su still makes peace and restraint Yang Chen actually restrained,

"I'm sorry, sorry! Mr. Lu Su is my fault, we are on the road!" Lu Meng said to Lu Su and Yang Chen.

"Is sorry for a sentence?"

"This is not Lu Meng's fault! It's my fault!" A weak voice came out of the Jiaozi, a man who was sick but still had a special beauty and man came out.

"Well?" Lu Su's eyes widened and looked at people.

"Mr. Xiao, Zhou Yu Zhou Gongyi is not here to pay for you." This sick beauty man rushed to the side of Yang Chen holding a fist.

"You are Zhou Yu?" Yang Chen also saw Zhou Yu. Although Zhou Yu is an enemy, he is also convinced by Zhou Yu's temperament. The heart of Zhou Yu’s image was better.

"It is down!" Zhou Yu said with a smile.

"The public is not innocent!" Lu Su said to this former friend.

"Lu Daren. For a long time no see!" Zhou Yu is also speaking to Lu Su.

"What's wrong, public money, although you and I are the masters, but the previous feelings are gone?" Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu's speech to Zhou Yu.

"Oh, that's natural, Zijing, you can be much stronger now than me!" Zhou Yu released his free and easy.

"Haha, this is the Zhou Yu Zhou Gong who I know!" Lu Su smiled.

"Cough!" Zhou Yu also showed a smile. However, after two laughs, I couldn’t help but cough up, and I was so weak.

"Just, what's wrong with you!" Lu Su looked nervously at Zhou Yu, and his friendship with Zhou Yu was real.

"No, nothing! It was the last accidental injury." Zhou Yu paled to the words of Lu Su, although Zhou Yu was laughing, but Lu Su still felt the painful look on Zhou Yu's face.

"Last?" Lu Su is to know what is going on, Zhou Yu's injury should be our Jiangdong Ergongzi, another friend of Lu Su, Sun Quan Sun Zhongmou.

"Just, why are you!" Lu Su shook his head, and he knew why Zhou Yu came so late. That is because Zhou Yu’s wound on the chest is crusted and has not healed yet. Can not stand the big bumps, so Lu Meng went to call Zhou Yu, and then brought Zhou Yu from Zhou Jiafu, the road can not be too fast, can only use the Jiaozi this delay.

"You will not blame me for your respect!" Zhou Yu smiled and said to Lu Su.

"How can this happen? Your injury can be raised early. After all, the body is the most important thing." Lu Su is concerned about Zhou Yu,

"That is natural, but I still want to be with you to be the official with the son!" Zhou Yu smiled and said to Lu Su.

"The same hall is the official?" Lu Su chewed the word in his heart. He looked at Zhou Yu's eyes. "You are willing to do it?" Lu Su asked Zhou Yu that this means that you Zhou Yu Zhou Gongyi is willing to give this Jiangdong, and he is willing to What do you do with Jiangdong’s dominance?

"What is reluctant, why not give up, why not give it!" Zhou Yu did not directly answer Lu Su, his eyes deepened, Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu's eyes, it turned out to be a few prostitutes there. Prepare to help Sun Ce leave the hall and go to the backyard to rest.

"The place with him is naturally the place where Zhou Yu Zhou Gong should stay!" Zhou Yu said to Lu Su.

"Wu Hou?" Lu Su frowned. Zhou Yu’s feelings for Wu Housun’s policy were too deep.

"If he wants to die, then Zhou Yu will be with him. If he says that he is tired, he doesn't want to fight, then Zhou Yu is also with him!" Zhou Yu looks at Suntek over there. .

"If you go too far with him, you will be ruined in your life!" Lu Su said to Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu naturally knows what Lu Su said about the ruin.

Sun Ce entered Yangzhou, Liu Wei, according to the convention, can make Sun Ce a living as a rich family. It is still done in the righteousness. This is still in the face of the main mother Sun Shangxiang, but Sun Ce wants to regain control of the military power, it is impossible. If Zhou Yu doesn't drink Sun Ce too close, then Zhou Yu may be appreciated by Wang Liu, because Zhou Yu's talent is there, even if Zhou Yu is a good book.

But once Zhou Yu and Sun Ce are too close, then Sun Ce has no chance, and Zhou Yu will follow the opportunity, even if you have talents will not be used, because you have a jealous heart.

"Oh, it’s not bad to have a peaceful life! We didn’t think so at the beginning?" Zhou Yu still smiled like that. Lu Su couldn’t see Zhou Yu. It’s true that they have had a long life. But that was after they settled this chaotic world by their own hands. At that time, the horse was placed in Nanshan, and the swordsman was put into storage. This is what they want.

But there is no peace in this world. This cockroach still has to fight. Why is Zhou Yu going to live a peaceful life?

"Hey!" Lu Su sighed. "The public servant is well-trained. Wu Hou adults will teach you! I have to go back to rest." Lu Su said to Zhou Yu.

"Well! Sons are slow to go, have the opportunity to drink together!" Zhou Yu said to Lu Su.

"Sure, must!" Lu Su turned around and left. He really couldn't bear to see the kind of sorrow that he had made to his friends. The original ambition had disappeared.

"Adult, adult!" Yang Chen followed Lu Su and left.

"Yang Chen, what do you think about this Wu Hou and Zhou Yu Zhou Gongyi?" Lu Su asked Yang Chen on the side.

"Sun Ce should kill. Zhou Yu is good!" Yang Chen gave Lu Su the answer, but Lu Su shook his head. He naturally knew what Yang Chen called the killing. That is to say that Wu Housun’s oral slogan to the protagonist For Yang Chen, who is Liu Wei is naturally supposed to kill.

"Others!" Lu Su continued to ask.

"Heroes are lonely, the end of the road!" Yang Chen continued to say that this is the most he felt in Sun Ce's house. That is the depression, whether it is a domestic servant or a son-in-law or another, one by one. They are all scared and panicked. Looking at Yang Chen and others, they are not afraid to breathe, and there is even something in the eyes called despair. That Sun Ce’s look is the same as Zhou Yu’s. It’s like autumn is coming, everything is going to be broken.

"Yeah! The end of the road, they are tired! Kong Ming, it seems that you have a wrong time." Lu Su looked at the sky and muttered to himself, "You are, Jiang Dongmei Zhou Lang, you are my Lu Su People who have always wanted to surpass, how can you become like this, I want you to finally recover from Zhou Yu!" Back to the house, Lu Su immediately wrote a letter and sent him to Yangzhou.


"I said, this Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu, he is a small bully, he should also surrender, that is, the wolf can also be trained as a dog!" Liu Wei looked at the desktop on the house of Shouchun The secret letter sent by Lu Su, all written above is the heart of Jiangdong, all of them, whether it is the people or the official generals, it is a depression.

Sun Ce did get the inheritance of Xiang Yu. The West Chu Bawang was dying and refused to cross Jiangdong. It was Chu Bawang who had no love, and his Sun Ce was different. Sun Ce was a family, old mother at home. There is also the younger brother who is in the prison, and Sun Shangxiang, who is now Liu Wei’s wife in Yangzhou. He can not care if he can care for them.

Therefore, Sun Ce has not persisted, and it is sooner or later to surrender. The Zhuge village husband, hey, this is a good face, it is necessary to send troops and send troops. Liu Wei was thinking about seeing Zhuge Liang again, looking at Zhu Geliang's gloomy face.

"Lord, this son respects Zhou Yu Zhou Gongyi, how do you plan to dispose of the Lord?" Xu Wei stood by and said to Liu Wei, this letter above Lu Su, except that Jiang Dong may surrender, there is also this Zhou Yu Zhou Gongyi’s admiration, the above is simply to praise Zhou Yu as a flower.

In the end, Lu Su also came to a sentence, more than the public, the ten of the Lu Su is not worth.

Ten Lusu are not comparable to a Zhou Yu? You Lusu Luzi Jing, too, look down on yourself too. If Lu Su and Zhou Yu stand together, it is true that Liu Wei believes that Lu Su is better than Zhou Yu, whether it is from talent or appearance, from Wencai to Wuyi. This is the case.

However, Lu Su has his characteristics, that is, serious, one and a half Lu Su absolutely hanging Zhou Yu playing, if two or three, huh, huh, Zhou Yu is not enough to see, did not hear a sentence that is called three stinkers After Zhuge Liang!

It is Zhuge enchanting, and he also has a place to miss.

"Zhou Yu is talented, but there is no such thing as a child!" Liu Wei shook his head and said, "This person is a little taller than the child, and Lu Xun is in the middle of the room, and is worse than the Zhuge village husband."

Xu Wei looked helplessly at his main lord, Zhuge Cunfu, Zhuge Cunfu, this Zhuge Liang is still his own younger brother, you can not say a good point in front of his brother.

"This Zhou Yu I will naturally use!" More than one such talent Liu Wei naturally wants to use it, and receive Zhou Yu, how can such a group of people who have a good reputation to let go.

"But the Lord, if this Zhou Yu is loyal to the Sunce!" Xu Wei said to Liu Wei, who was on the side, according to Xu Wei’s thoughts, Sun Ce brought him back to Yangzhou and went to a leisurely position to stay or go to logistics. If Zhou Yu is a diehard loyal to Sun Ce, then it is difficult to do it. Is it possible to hide Zhou Yu?

"Oh, this is easy!" Liu Wei is a light smile, do not care about this problem! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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