"Zhuge Kongming!" Liu Yin Zhentian's voice is completely in the palace of the king.

In the backyard hall of the Wangfu Mansion, there are quite a few people gathered here. There are princes and kings above the title. There are internals on the official position. There are Shangshu. It can be said that the top people in Yangzhou are gathered here.

This is a three-story trial. The seats above are the heads of Liu Wei’s family. One and two ladies have arrived, and even Yu Yu has come. Liu Wei was sitting on the main seat, and the surface was full of prestige, but this heart was playing back.

The following stands are Zhuge Liang, Lu Su, Xu Wei and others. There is still a person below, that is our Miss Sun Shangxiang. The scene was calm and terrible, or Liu Wei broke the silence,

"Zhuge Kongming, you said, what should you be guilty of!" Liu Wei preemptively, his face gloomy and questioning the following Zhuge Kongming while asking and looking at the other ladies on the side with his eyes. See what these people have reacted to, but it is obvious that Liu Wei was disappointed. This one-year-old wife has been practicing as soon as possible.

"What is the sin of the court." Zhuge Liang was deliberately surprised to ask Liu Wei.

"You are not guilty? You are not guilty, this, this Sun Shangxiang" Liu Wei originally intended to call Sun Shangxiang nickname, but this slogan has not yet opened, and several tigress brows on the side are close to each other, this is called This is not an early affair. So Liu Wei changed a name called "What is this Sun Chang Huo!"

"Hey, it turned out that the Lord’s husband called me to talk about Sun Chang’s care in the morning.” Liu Wei was sitting in danger, but Zhuge’s husband did not care at all.

"It's not what it is!"

"This is a simple matter. The male and female loves the human nature." Zhuge Liang is very casual.

"Well?" said this. Immediately four pairs of eyes will come over. Ok! Originally, Liu Wei came to cry and consumed himself. He is now framed. Now, listen to Zhuge Liang’s meaning. You have long thought about this Sun Chang.

"Madam, I, I am embarrassed!" Liu Wei expressed his embarrassment with his eyes, and squinted at Zhuge.

Zhuge Cunfu, you hurt me, Liu Xin’s heart is facing Zhuge Liang’s teeth, “Zhuge Shangshu. You should know what I mean, this Sun Changhu, he was not allowed to leave Yangzhou by Jiang’s permission to go back to Jiangdong, how can he still I Yangzhou, also, appeared in the room of the king." The last few words of Liu Wei are said to be arrogant.

"The original lord is asking this matter!" Zhuge Liang suddenly realized that "Sun Changhu had left, but there is something to discuss with the Lord. That is the position of Zijing who told Sun Chang to protect the lord's office. It is Zhou Cang Guanhai. The generals who let the grandson protect the sun, it looked too late. They rested early in the main government, how? What happened to the Lord!" Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Wei innocently.

"I. I, you, you!" Liu Wei pointed at Zhuge Liang and did not know what to say. Liu Wei just remembered that the place where he slept last night was indeed in the study room, not his master bedroom. The room is generally for the owner, but it can also be used by the guests. Liu Wei is reading. Tired, let Yuxia Guanhai and Zhou Cang randomly find a room close to the study room to sleep, this sleep will sleep a woman out.

"Oh, it turned out that my master's bedroom is not good, I like to sleep in the wing." The big Joe on the side looked at Liu Wei with a beautiful eye.

"Madam, I am, you have to believe me." Liu Wei looked at his wife with his eyes "I really don't know."

"I don't even know anyone on the side of sleep." Miss Lu also spoke.

"Oh, the lord of the family knows of course, the Sun Jia Niangzi had a beautiful lady in the bed before the main lord. How could she not know it?" It was the situation of the crisis, and the smuggling of the goods was added.

"Don't talk too much!" Zhou Cang opened his mouth, and Guan Hai on the side was shocked. He hurriedly pulled Zhou Cang but it was too late. Guan Hai wanted to cry. They and Zhuge Liang had a sigh of anger and fear. The Lord Gong punished, and you still have a pot that does not open the pot. Guan Hai has already felt the guilty eye of the lord Liu Wei.

"Oh!" Liu Yu sneered at Zhou Cang sneer twice, Zhou Cang also seems to know that he has a mouthful, can only follow the smile.

"Zhou Cang, why the cakes sent to my study above the house will always be two less!" Liu Wei said sneer at Zhou Cang. Zhou Cang is greedy, basically giving Liu Wei’s gourmet dessert in the house, he has to secretly hide a few

"Hey, hey, you are trying to poison the Lord, you can't let the toxic things let the Lord eat!" When did the goods also learn to use excuses.

"Yes! You will be so good"

"That is of course, you are loyal to the Lord, you must not let anyone and things hurt the Lord." Zhou Cangyi said in a proper way.

"Then why do I listen to people in the mansion saying that you often go to the kitchen!"

"Hey, hey, it’s not busy watching the kitchen. Oh, that’s to help. The Lord, you see, such a big house, you don’t recruit people. They are too busy. Where are the prostitutes moving? Those grain bags, oh, that is to help them." Liu Wei does not like to have too many prostitutes and servants to dismiss except for some necessary others.

"Hey, so to speak, I want to thank you!"

"That's not necessary, you are willing to help others and dedication!"

"Since you like to be helpful, so good, from today, you will give me the position of guard, go to the kitchen to help, Liu Chen," Liu Wei shouted at the man of the housekeeper Moyang.

"Wang Ye!"

"Zhoucang will teach you"

"Ah! That lord, when will this week's general go back!" Liu Chen

"When is the kitchen not lacking people, you are letting him come back again!" Liu Wei has nothing to say about this stockpile, he can't fight it, killing can't kill, you don't like to go to the kitchen, throw him away in the kitchen. Do a good job of hard work, so that you can see it as a net.

"Lord, the main public. Hey." Zhou Cang still wants to argue but was taken over by Guan Hai. "Thank you for your grace!"

"I still want to do what Liu Chen brought with Zhou Zhou goods." Liu Wei is not a big problem, but this Zhou Cang does not tell himself to bring a woman into his own room. This is still good, Sun Shangxiang has no wrong way. If Sun Shangxiang has a disagreement, then Liu Wei can be miserable. Looking at this smashing goods was waiting for Liu Yu’s heart to be a bit comfortable.

"Oh, the king of the king is a great prestige!" On the side of Miss Lu, although she did not prevent Liu Wei from handling Zhou Cang, she still sneered twice.

Liu Wei was so comfortable for a while, and could not help but smile. "Madam, I really don't know at the beginning."

"Who knows if you know it!"

Fortunately, Zhuge Liang finally did not pretend to be stupid. "The Lord, the mother, the Lord is the king, and this should be the king of the hundred and twenty people: the latter, the three ladies, the nine, the twenty-seven, the female Eighty-one. The main public is the King of the Great Han Dynasty, although it is no more than a hundred and twenty people, but there should be three or four, in order to reveal the attitude of everyone!"

The so-called number of three or four is the three wives and four sorrows. This is to let Liu Wei not swear by one hundred and twenty, but you have to have three wives and four squats, otherwise your prince is not a joke.

"Three wives and four beggars? Hey!" The voice of cold voice came, and several women on the side went to Liu Wei, and the eyes were cold. They all doubted whether Zhuge Liang was prepared by Liu Wei. . In order to let him Liu Wei is a good wife and a wife.

Liu Wei is simply awkward.

"Meng Zi Zeng Yi, no filial piety, no aftertaste is big! The main public is the great Han dynasty king. Sitting in Yangzhou but no children, although the Lord is just in the prime of life, but the people are uneasy, so it is urgent to increase the number of people. "Zhu Geliang's words made the women on the side dumb, and Miss Lu was not dimmed, because these days have come, but these few have not been pregnant, Liu Wei is the king, according to the truth At this age, there are at least a few daughters and sons. If you don’t follow the ancestral training, you must be guilty.

"After the lady, the eldest son!" Zhuge Liang began to divide Liu Wei's several ladies, to know that they are not letting Liu Wei bring a woman back, Zhuge Liang is telling them that even if Liu Wei has a woman outside, But you are still big in terms of name. You are not thinking about whether Liu Wei is outside or not, and you can't control it. After all, Liu Wei's identity is where the big man is king, and now there are countless princes in the world. All you have to do is the blind man. As long as you have children, you will have to rely on your son. Even if you have a son, you can’t compare with you. The name of Yu’s is called 庶, you are called 嫡子, you can inherit the prince’s and even inherit Liu Wei’s family business.

"Miss Sun Jia, closely related to the great cause of the protagonist, is the success or failure of this, but also hope that the mother and other people take the overall situation as the most important!" Zhuge Liang said, he took the Lu Su on the side and bowed down. Originally, I was told by the prostitute that it was a matter of Wang Hao.

After all, he is a big woman, just like the Queen is in charge of the harem, Zhuge Liang, this outsider can't get in, but now it is different, Zhuge Liang uses the righteousness to suppress these people.

"Sister and sister, what do you think!" asked Miss Lv on the side.

"My father has three wives and seventy-two." Yuan Fang said to her, Miss Lu. Yuan Fang agreed, and Yu Yu on the side did not speak because her father was a very old man and there were more than a dozen wives. Liu Wei is already a good one.

Qiao Yu went straight to the following Sun Shangxiang's face. "You are the fragrant scorpion head, remember my sister!" Qiao Yu asked, smiling at Sun Shangxiang.

"You, you, are you Yu's sister?" Sun Shangxiang was a little afraid to believe that although Qiao Yu was the principal of the family, it was superficially Miss Lu. Therefore, Sun Shangxiang did not see the appearance of Qiao Yu, and now it is clear.

"No, Yuer's sister has already died in Yucheng!" Sun Shangxiang shook his head.

"Stupid girl, if I am dead, who are you seeing now? I still remember the fact that you used bamboo slips to bake my rabbit." Qiao Yu said to Sun Shangxiang, when Joe Yu and his sister raised one. Bunny, but did not expect to be baked by Su Shangxiang, the wild donkey, and his firewood was actually used by his brother's military book, it was a good fight.

"You really are Yu's sister?" Sun Shangxiang is not convinced.

"Everything will wait for the sister to talk about it again." Saying that Joe Yu pulled up Sun Shangxiang to their position.

"This, what is the situation?" Liu Wei is a bit stunned.

"Oh, my good husband will have sisters in the future. You need to speak directly to me. There is such a thing today. Hey!" Qiao Yu screamed at Liu Wei twice, feeling Qiao Yu All of this was done by Liu Wei, who wanted to put Sun Shangxiang into the door, but he was afraid that his wife would stop it. This brought Zhuge Liang and Lu Su and others to act.

"Master Mother Ming Jian" Zhuge Liang and Lu Su fell down again.

“When is the wedding thing going to be done?” asked Zhuge Liang on the side.

Qiao Yu said, "This fragrant sister has been eaten by someone and has a husband and wife. Naturally, the sooner the better."

"The day after tomorrow is a good day, don't know if it is OK?" Zhuge Liang said.


"When the book invitation notice should be sent to someone, how many times to do it!" The two asked each question. Liu Yi was thrown aside by this party, as if this was not his wedding, Liu Wei could only laugh two times and sit in danger.


"What, he Liu Liu and Liu Hanyang have to kiss again?" A serious middle-aged man in the Lijiang River suddenly sat up, with a trace of twilight on his face. "This Liu Wei kid, when a certain sword in his hand is not good, again and again And then, my family, let me put my family Ling!"

"Hey, I said that you can't eliminate the fire of Dahouye. Now it is also a general of the auxiliary country. How can you still be like this!" A lady on the side was dissatisfied with the middle-aged man.

"Mrs. Ladies, this Liu Wei boy has to kiss again. This is already four women. He still wants to ask again. The thing of Mrs. Cai of Jingzhou has not been liquidated with him. Here is another time. He put the Linger of our family wherever it is!" This middle-aged man does not need to know, naturally, our father-in-law Lu Bulu is the first to "No, I have to go to Shouchun, I am looking for this kid to talk about it." ""

"My great grandfather general, you still sit down for me, what happened to the four women, my great prince, you also took three ladies," Mrs. Yan said to her husband.

"Hey, I only three, but he took four!" Lu Bu said with dissatisfaction.

"Oh, you guys, Weng Yu!" Mrs. Yan shook her head with a smile. Lu Bu feared that her daughter was suffering. On the one hand, there is still a convenience. That is Lu Buzhen. Your boy took my daughter. Originally, people said that their daughter is Dad's close-fitting cotton jacket, father-in-law and son-in-law are the enemies of the last life. In this life, your daughter will retaliate against you. Now you not only robbed my little cotton jacket, but also got my wife more than my father-in-law, I can be comfortable, not convinced.

"My great grandfather, don't forget that although I took four ladies, but I couldn't find the beauty of the world," Mrs. Yan comforted Lu Bu.

"Well, this is reasonable!" Lu Bu nodded, and the beauty of the world was unparalleled. Although there was compliment in it, it was indeed a beautiful woman, at least in the mind of Lu Bu, the most beautiful in the world. Lu Bu’s heart is much more comfortable, and you have more and more wife. I am a woman who is the best in the world.

Mrs. Yan shook her head and shook her head. For Mrs. Yan Yan, she had not had the kind of embarrassment, because she was old, and she was almost forty. Now Mrs. Yan is thinking about home and everything. It’s good to be happy, and your daughter will be fine.

"You don't go to this wedding, you can save the children!" Mrs. Yan said to Lu Bu.

"I don't go, why are you going to a woman's house?" Lu Bu frowned and said.

"I went to nature to have my use. Linger has been with her for so long, but there are still no half-children. You are not worried about this, but I am anxious!" Mrs. Yan thought long ago. Grandson.

"Do you want to use that square?" Lu Bu frowned and said.

"Well, I have a child at an early date, and my mother is also at ease."

"Well, let's go, I will send someone to **** you to Shouchun."

"This is no longer necessary, my nephew has already picked me up." Mrs. Yan said with a smile. Liu Wei couldn’t put Zhou Cang in the kitchen all the time. Putting him in the kitchen is not about putting the mouse in the rice tank. So Liu Wei sent the Zhou Cang directly to the Lijiang River and asked him to bring a team of people. To **** some people.


The two-day time passed by, Liu Wei wanted to marry Sun Shangxiang as a beggar. According to the truth, it should be a gift to the grandson of the Sun family. The Sun family agreed, and then they could decide to kiss each other, but for political purposes and for other purposes. So many processes are saved.

In the Liu Yan banquet, Yangzhou Wenwu is the main man. The battle ahead has stabilized. In addition to the father-in-law Lu Bu did not come to think of Zhang Liao, Chen Gong and so on are all coming.

It is also a good thing that Lu Bu does not come. Liu Wei is also guilty. After all, this Yangzhou still started slowly with the cost of the Laozhang people. You got the daughter’s family business from the beginning, and now it is developed, it’s a small three, and the old man Will be comfortable and strange.

Liu Wei is afraid that this old man will start a fire. There are not many people who can stop him.

Liu Wei has no elders in this world, so Mrs. Yan has been on the high court to receive Liu Wei and Sun Shangxiang to meet. After the completion of the three weeks and nine worships, the bride Sun Shangxiang was sent to the mortuary, but Liu Wei was After leaving the drink, the Yangzhou Wenwu will not let Liu Wei’s. In the temple, Liu Wei is the lord, they are subordinates, but there is no distinction between high and low on the wine table. The front yards are intertwined.

In the backyard, nature is also very lively, and all the women of Liu Wei also have wine on the table. Chatting with God.

"Mother, why are you coming alone? Father is an adult!" Miss Lu asked her mother in confusion. She sent an invitation but asked her father.

"Your father, there must be someone sitting in the middle of the river. Chen Gongtai has been holding on for a long time, let him come out to relax and relax. Besides, if your father is here, this nephew's wedding can still be handled well." Mrs. Yan is facing Said my daughter.

Ms. Lu nodded, but this is also, according to his father's hot temper, today Liu Wei is definitely lying back.

"Linger, you told my mother, how is the bed between your husband and wife?" Mrs. Yan suddenly asked this question to Miss Lu.

"Ah!" Miss Lu, a sigh of relief, then her face turned red.

"Mother, this is not for your sake. Mother's meaning is, is there any movement in your stomach?" Mrs. Yan is naturally coming out.

"This belly!" Miss Lu Da eyes a little bleak, these days, Liu Wei stayed in Miss Lu's room for a long time, but there has been no movement.

"Oh, no wonder!" Mrs. Yan shook her head in exasperation.

"What happened to the mother?" asked Miss Lu, wondering.

"Linger, my mother is pregnant with you, your father is still only a small waiting time. At that time, all the time in the state is fearful, and Wujuan Xianbei, these foreigners are endless, your father every time. The times are full, and three or two people come back. There is no one in the body. It is not blood. Once, my big man estimated the wrong information and let Nawumao get close to the city." Mrs. Yan told Ms. Lu, she said Miss Lu Da is a premature baby, the foreigner entered the city of Seoul to burn and rob, and Mrs. Yan’s pregnant baby, with Miss Lu, was surging in the road and was born prematurely. At that time, there was no nutrition, so the lady above Lu Tian was a bit flawed. This will affect the survival of future children.


"Fortunately, I met a **** doctor for my mother. I asked for this prescription from the doctor's point of worship. As long as you respect this medicine to take medicine and make up for it, there are many things that can be done." Mrs. Yan spoke to her daughter.

Miss Lu Da took the prescription from Mrs. Yan’s hand. This is not just a prescription, but also a few pictures. After seeing this picture, Miss Lu’s face is red again, because this is not an ordinary landscape painting. Ah, but a few pictures of the posture, I can see that Miss Lu’s face is more rosy, and she has to follow the above posture to take medicine.

Ms. Lu Da’s face is red and her face is also ruddy, because when Mrs. Yan is talking, they are listening, they don’t have to take medicine like Ms. Lu, but that picture They can be used in the above posture.

Ms. Lu asked the next person to prepare the room for her mother. The picture in his hand was taken by Qiao Yu on the side.

"Sister!" Miss Lu Da is a little confused "this, this picture!"

"Well, my sister and sister know that this picture is a picture of the child." Qiao Yu said with a smile at Ms. Lu, and Mrs. Yan did not avoid them from the confession of Miss Lu.

Qiao Yu looked at the little man on this picture is also blushing.

"Linger, that negative person, although we let him marry Xiang's sister, but can't spare him like this!"

"Sister, what do you mean?"

"Call Yu Yu and Fang sister together."

The banquet in the front yard is finally at the end. Although Liu Wei was filled with a lot of wine by the helpers, Liu Wei was trained by modern liquor, so he can continue to do so. These ancient drinks are not equivalent. Beer.

After a sway, Liu Wei returned to the backyard with the help of his parents.

Today is his day of great joy. Liu Wei couldn’t help but laugh out. Although there are several beautiful women in the family, Sun Shangxiang also has the beauty of Sun Shangxiang. In the past few days, Liu Wei has not eaten yet, today. In the evening, I must have a good training.

Sun Shangxiang likes to take the initiative, the more he can stimulate Liu Wei’s interest.

Liu Wei opened the door and smiled and walked in. "Yangzi, Niangzi!" saw Sun Shangxiang, who was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a red dress and red hijab.

"Yiangzi, come for the husband, pick up the hijab for you!" Under the light of the candlelight, Sun Shangxiang's face was particularly touching, and Liu couldn't help but kiss him.

"Mother, let's go to bed!" Liu Wei blew out the lamp and put her on the bed in the shyness of Sun Shangxiang.

"Well?" When I went to bed, Liu Wei found that something was wrong. "How do you get off so fast?" Sun Shangxiang's red dress has not been removed yet. However, Liu Wei does not care, it is easy to take off, it is convenient to take things off quickly.

Liu Wei is about to hug this beauty, but when he reaches out and suddenly finds it, hey, this side is also soft, here is also soft, big, small, medium.

This feeling, Yuer, Linger, Fang Eryu? Liu Yan’s eyes widened. With the moonlight, Liu’s wine also woke up a bit. Sure enough, Sun Shangxiang was on the bottom of the bed.

"This, this, this!" Liu Wei had a bad feeling. I even had the urge to run my legs. I didn’t have time to turn around and I was caught by a few pairs of jade hands behind me. You don’t want it, come!

Suddenly Liu Wei was overwhelmed.

"Save, save your life!" The tragic form cannot be expressed in words. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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