My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 641: Big prison

Although Yang Hong was locked in the prison, but there was no panic, on the contrary, Yang Hong was indifferent because he knew that no matter what, Liu Biao did not dare to kill himself, kill himself, then Yangzhou is It has not been alleviated thoroughly. Even if Liu Wei does not want to fight Jingzhou, it will not work even if Liu Wei does not play Jingzhou. /

Therefore, Yang Hong entered the cell. Liu Biao not only did not dare to kill him, but also arranged for him to guard him for fear of being harmed by others.

"Adult!" Liu Wei's men pressed Yang Hong toward the big domain of Fuyang, and it was natural to come to Liyang prison.

"Open the door!" This Liu Wei's men are full of energy. In Jingzhou, who does not know the prestige of this two sons, doing things under the guise of the second son, naturally can rise.

According to the reason, the official residence of this Puyang prison is much larger than the Liu Wei's guard, but this Puyang prisoner has to bow his head and smile at the two sons.

"Yes, yes!" The prisoner squinted and let the men open the door to the cell.

"I don't know this general?" The prisoner pointed to Yang Hong and asked Liu Wei's guard.

"I am here to be a guest. Don't care about me." Yang Hong smiled lightly.

Guest? How can I be a guest in the prison?

"Hey!" On the side of Liu Wei's guard, although he could not help but kill this Yang Hong, but it is very helpless, because the main public Liu Biao has issued an order to protect this Yang Hong. Can't kill him but let this Yang Hong suffer, let him stay in this prison for two days, this can also be out for their generals. I thought about this Liu Wei’s guard and said to the prisoner’s prison in Fuyang, “This person is the guilty of Jingzhou. It’s the prisoner who is hand-picked. It’s sure to take care of it. If you have the slightest slack, you are asking! "This Liu Wei's guard is sternly speaking to the prison, like a subordinate.

Although the prisoner was angry, but did not dare to show it, he could only nod and say yes.

"Okay, let's go!" Liu Wei's **** left Yang Hong after he let go, and the safety of this Fuyang prison is still very reassuring.

"What stuff! Not just a good master, I am! Not a dog of Liu Wei! Five people and six." The prisoner on the side said disdainfully.

"Hey, don't talk too much." The prisoner was very cautious and shouted at the man on the side.

"No. Boss, we will talk about people later, I am you are not flat, how do you say that you are also a school, then a Liu Wei's a guardian also dared to yell at you." The soldiers said indignantly.

"Is there any way to do this, you also said, who makes people home with a good master!" The prison school shook his head and said with a smile. Now the strength of Liu Gong, the son of Ergong, is in the middle of Jingzhou. It is not only the position of Cai Junshi, but now he does not even talk about it. Only the yellow shot is not dealt with Liu Wei.

Yang Hong listened to the words of this prisoner’s school and smiled indifferently. It seems that this Jingzhou is not as calm as it is. “This general is polite and doesn’t know where the cell is underneath?”

Looking at Yang Hong's imprisonment is very indifferent. Prison school can't help but face up, and the ability to know people for many years is still there. There are only two kinds of people who can enter the prison. The first one is crazy, the kind of people who don’t care, in other words, they are not afraid of death, and the other is confident to go out. As with this jail, as Yang Hong said before, it is a guest.

"This gentleman doesn't know how to call it? Where does it come from?" The prisoner also asked for a fist.

"Call me Yang Hong, I am coming from Yangzhou!" Yang Hong said with a smile.

"Yangzhou!" The prison school sucked a sigh of relief. Now Yangzhou’s intimidation against Jingzhou is basically a Jingzhou person who knows that this jail school even knows some insider. He has watched Yang Hong’s eyes. Is it coming out?"

Yang Hong did not speak indifferently. This prisoner knows that he is right. It is no wonder that this person has entered the prison and is so indifferent. The Liu Wei’s guards also let this prisoner guarantee the safety of Yang Hong.

"Hey!" The prisoner’s school smiled bitterly. What is this called? You said that you are a messenger, you don’t stay, you are running a prison. However, although the bitterness is bitter, the prisoner’s school still waved his hand.

"There is work!" Yang Hong accompanied the Puyang Jailer into the prison, this Fuyang prison will not be very luxurious, and most of the big prisons have a stinking smell and a feeling of ghastly.

"General, where is this Yang Hong arranged?" asked the jailer on the side.

Although this prison is too gloomy and not a good place, he always has high and low points, and there are also unspoken rules and bad places.

"Send him to the elegant room." The prisoner said, waving his hand.

"There has been someone in the boss's room." The man replied.

"Well?" The prisoner’s brows are wrinkled. There are more than one or two elegant rooms in the prison. But these people are all there. These people are nothing but the victims of the two fights of Huang Lu and Liu Wei. Today you are jealous. I will drop a few of my men, and tomorrow I will take some of your hand under the handles into the prison. Of course, these few of them are still very interesting. They don’t really tear the face and die, the evil of the Wu family, they are all I tried it.

Liu Wei killed the Wu family up and down, disgusted to the Huang family, broke the arm of the Huang family, and, similarly, almost put him on Liu Wei, and finally had to launch his own deputy to kill as a confession. Therefore, both of them are restrained. The elegant room of the Fuyang prison is for those of them who have been detained in the official position, waiting for the limelight to be released.

“There is no room, how can this be good!”

"Do you want to let the boss come out?" Someone suggested on the side.

"Who will vacate it? The two master fights, but can you and I can get in?" The prisoner immediately shook his head and retorted it. The yellow room and the Liu Wei people in this elegant room, you let Who moved out? This allows Huang’s men to move out, then you just look down on the yellow shot, and the yellow family behind Huang’s shot can spare you? Now the Cai family does not listen to the announcement, and the family does not speak. The Huang family is the largest sectarian force in Jingzhou.

If Liu Wei’s men move out, the fun is even greater. Liu Jun, the general of the military division, can also indirectly control the prison. He is a small prisoner who can’t dare to fight and kill the mortal.

"There is no room for it! Give him a normal cell?"

"This lord is from Yangzhou." Jingzhou people have always been afraid of Jiangdong people. That is because Jingzhou and Jiangdong have basically won't win, so the subconscious will be afraid of Jiangdong people, and Yangzhou people will even take Jiangdong people. After defeating, Jiangling was also broken, so Jingzhou was even more afraid of Yangzhou. This Yang Hong is the messenger of Yangzhou. If he is treated badly, when he settles, he has several heads to ban.

“Would you like to squeeze?”

"How can they be willing?" Huang Liu and Liu Wei are not in harmony with each other. Now let Liu and Huang’s men and Liu Wei’s messengers arrange together. This is not to find out.

"What can I do?" Just when the crowd was in trouble, a jailer suddenly shouted.

"Right, school, you forgot a place."


"He is from Yangzhou, and the Lord is letting us take care of it. We can put him and that person together."

"That?" The prisoner was a little confused. "Do you do this?"

"Don't try to know."


"Which one is my cell?" Yang Hong waited for the prison arrangement.

"Let's go!" The jailer took Yang Hong in the big cell and turned left and right. Finally, he said to Yang Hong at a remote corner, "Mr. that is your cell,"

Seeing the environment over there, Yang Hong couldn’t help but frown, because it was an ordinary cell, it was gloomy, still damp, and even the mouse was running. Yang Hong was a bit bleak. He thought of Liu Biao’s meeting. A bit rude, after all, Yang Hong is coming to ask for money, but he will not be polite to this extent. Pressing into the cell should be a comfort to Liu, not a slap in the face of Yang Hong.

"This is the hospitality of Jingzhou?" Yang Hong said coldly.

"Mr. There is no other place for Mr., and Mr. will be more." The prisoner looked down at Yang Hong. It seems that he is a prisoner. There is no way that a small person can only bow down.

"Is the left general?" Just when Yang Hong was unhappy and wanted to continue to speak, there was a female voice suddenly coming over there.

"Women?" Yang Hong stunned. How could there be more women in this prison? Is this a female prison?

It’s really a female prisoner, because the woman’s entry into the prison is basically not, or it’s being killed on the spot, or it’s being sent, and few of them are in the prison, so it’s relatively empty.

"Mrs, it's me! I'm here for the lady." The prisoner nodded and said that Yang Hong noticed that there was a lunch box in the prison.

"There is a general who has worked!" said the woman named Madame, whispering.

"Mrs?" Yang Hong did not understand, which lady was actually living in a prison.

The imprisoned prisoner on the side relieved Yang Hong from doubts. "This is Mrs. Cai!"

"Well?" Yang Hongyi's eyes widened, Mrs. Cai?

"Madam, this adult is called Yang Hong, coming from that Yangzhou." The prisoner continued to speak.

"Hey!" Suddenly, it was the sound of the lunch box falling on the ground. I only heard a trembling voice "Yang Yangzhou!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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