My Fantasy Comes to One Billion Years Later

Chapter 82: Disputes between two principals!

Earth Galaxy University, freshman tutor office.

Gao Ling sat at his desk and suddenly received a message.

He clicked and checked it.

"Well, Xiao Xiner took the A-level task?"

As a mentor, he is one of the candidates for reviewing the A-level task. If he does not have time to review, this task application will be transmitted to other specialized persons.

In the same office, Meng Mo and Gao Ling's deadly opponent heard Gao Ling's words and laughed: "Gao Ling, the difficulty of the a-level task is very high, which a-level task Xiao Xiner of your class chose?"

"Challenge that A-level task of freshmen at Tarot Star River University!"

Gao Ling replied casually.

"Oh, that mission, I remember you added that mission. The Federation League has a total of 10,245 Galaxy Universities. Our Earth Galaxy University ranks 206. It stands to reason that it belongs to the top position in the entire Galaxy University. But as the first Galaxy University, or the ancestral Galaxy University, this ranking is very embarrassing. That Tarot Galaxy University is 103, much higher than us, you have to add this task. "

Monmorton paused and said, "Although Galaxy University has regulations, a low-ranking Galaxy University can challenge a high-ranking University freshman in a freshman. Once the challenge is successful, the resources of the League of God will also be inclined. But, how about you choose a star university that is not too much higher than us, and challenge Tarot Star University? Is n’t that looking for abuse, the Xiao Xiner in your class may not be qualified. "

When talking, he was secretly gloating.

If Xiao Xiner's first task is not qualified, it is not only shameful of Xiao Xiner, but also the mentor of Gao Ling.

Gao Ling said indifferently: "This is not what I mean, it is the principal's meaning. Don't you know that the principal is entangled with Tarot Star? His old man naturally wants to learn from Tarot Star's Xinghe University so that he can find his face! "

Meng Mo remembered suddenly, saying, "What do you mean by the fact that our school was trampled by Tarot and the principal was taunted by the president of Tarot Star River University at the exchange conference of the Star Alliance University of Star Union?"

"Of course that is the thing, or else?"

Gao Ling said.

"It's no wonder then that the headmaster was so angry that he almost got to work on the spot with the principal of Tarot Star River University."

When thinking of the original picture, Meng Mo knew the principal's mood well, and why the principal asked Gao Ling to post the task.

"Meng Mo, would you like to take another gamble and win back a lost crystal?"

Gao Ling cried with a smile.

"Can bet Xiao Xiner challenge success?" Meng Mo asked.

"Yes, just bet on this!"

Gao Ling nodded.

"This" Meng Mo thought for a while, then shook his head, and said, "Forget it, don't bet. The Xiao Xiner in your class is really too wicked. There is a possibility of success. I don't want to lose another God crystal, don't do it! "

Gao Ling shook his head, no longer talking with Meng Mo, and incidentally, he gently touched the screen of the virtual computer and agreed with Xiao Xiner's application.

At the moment of approving the application, the mentors who were far away from the mentor office of Taro Star River University and other missions also received the application for challenge from Earth Star University.

At this time, the news was passed to the President's Office of Tarot Star River University.

"Principal, Earth Galaxy University sent a challenge application, and one of their freshman students is about to challenge our freshman, so let's prepare." When the assistant principal received the letter, he immediately reported to the principal.

The president of Tarot Star River University is a strong man wearing a burly, looks like he is only in his forties, but the actual age has reached 5,000 years old.

He is a star awakener and a great deity in people's eyes, with a life span of up to 10,000 years.

People respect him as the headmaster of the giant tower!

The headmaster of Juta heard the assistant's words and smiled coldly, saying, "Earth Xinghe University, the ancestral school of Xinghe University, the name is loud, but the strength is getting worse and worse. The old white man who almost worked with me now is still the principal It is probably his attention. Otherwise, how can the galaxy galaxy university dare to challenge our school? Their school is much weaker than our tarot galaxy university. You can prepare freshmen and send 30 good students to meet, remember Don't qualify each other's students! "

"Yes, principal!"

The assistant answered.

"The school agreed with my application, and it will be arranged!"

Xiao Xiner began to look forward.

This wait should not be too long, it is estimated that it can be challenged in a few hours.

Because the challenge is also in the Star Network, Xiao Xiner did not go offline, watching the tasks on the virtual screen while waiting.

After three hours.

Earth Galaxy University sent a notice that they have negotiated with Tarot Star River University and are ready to challenge.

"Choose the challenge!"

Xiao Xiner saw a challenge button appeared in his a-level task, and then clicked to start the challenge.


An appeal came, and it was teleporting.

Tarot star is far away from the earth, so the distance between the star nets is also relatively long. Xiao Xiner must transfer to Tarot star in the star net to challenge.

call out!

Xiao Xiner disappeared and went to Tarot Star River University.

The challenge officially began.

A contesting ring.

Xiao Xiner sat there with her knees crossed, quietly waiting for the students of Tarot Star River University to come and accept the challenge.

There are many seats around, many students came to watch immediately after getting the news.

After a while, the seats around were full, some of them were students of Taro Star River University, and the other were other StarNet viewers who came to watch the news.

This challenge is open and anyone can watch it, but once the Star Network challenge field is full, other people will not be able to transmit it, but they can watch the video.

At the challenge scene, Lin Tian sat there imposingly.

He spent some star coins, also teleported to Tarot Star, and came to the challenge field for the first time, occupying a seat, and can watch Xiao Xiner's test live.

Xiao Xin'er also saw Lin Tian among countless crowds and nodded slightly. ..

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