My Fantasy Comes to One Billion Years Later

Chapter 330: Destiny stone wall!

"That spirit elder is so generous, he even gave me such treasures!"

Xiao Xin'er couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, if most people would not bear it, but that old man is very guilty of the Heavenly Holy Land and has always wanted to make up for the loss of Heavenly Holy Land. I guess that in the past 100,000 years, Heavenly Holy Land never gave birth to a powerful Son. That's why Ling Lao wants you to join the Heavenly Holy Land! "

Lin Tian guessed so.

"Anyway, this attitude of the spiritual old man shows that the heavenly holy place is really good. If the heavenly holy place is not good, presumably the instructor of Iron Shadow will not take me to see the spiritual old man. After graduation, I will go to the heavenly holy place. "

Xiao Xiner decided.


Lin Tian nodded.

For the next two months, Xiao Xiner spent most of his time on the Stele of Enlightenment Law.

There are not many opportunities to enlighten the Stele of Law, and strength control can be exercised slowly after leaving the Super Elite Student Training Camp, but if you miss the opportunity to enlighten the Stele of Law, it is the real loss.

Two months of enlightenment completely consumed Xiao Xiner's destiny points, but the progress was very amazing.

The rule of the sword is small, the rule of yin and yang is small, and the rule of the wind is an introduction.

At the same time, Xiao Xiner also realized the law of power, and also learned the law of power to the peak level, not far from getting started.

In comparison, Lin Tian's progress has been greater, especially in the law of swords.

If you divide the rule into small realms and divide it into percentages, then Lin Tian has now entered the rule of the sword to 40%, which is a huge improvement.

Once you understand the greatness of the sword's law, as long as you practice to reach the sub-god level, you can directly impact the level of the gods.

Just after practicing for a few years, Lin Tian has made such progress. It can only be said that it is too bad.

this day.

Instructor Tie Ying convened Xiao Xiner and others again, because today is the end of this session of the Super Elite Student Training Camp.

Collection square.

Instructor Iron Shadow stood in front of everyone and said, "The two-year super elite training camp officially ended today. Each of you has made rapid progress in this training. Although you are leaving, but as instructors, I still have a word for you-work hard! Work hard! Work hard again! Your life has just begun, don't think that this time you have made great progress and feel complacent, the future is still a long way. Void is not your end point, but A process on your life path. If you are lazy, you will be surpassed by others. I hope you will keep the same enthusiasm for training after leaving the super elite student training camp. I also hope that each of you can step into the level of the **** And become the envy of everyone "

Instructor Tieying spoke for a long time, but none of them were bored, and they all listened carefully.

"Finally, there is one more thing, which is the last thing you do in the super elite student training camp, and that is to engraving your name on the destiny stone wall, which means that you have been here before."

Iron Shadow instructor said.

"Destiny stone wall?"

No one knew about this place, it was the first time I heard about it.

"I'll take you to Destiny Stone Wall, but it's not easy to inscribe your name in a good position on Destiny Stone Wall!"

Iron Shadow instructor smiled.

Under the leadership of Instructor Tie Ying, Xiao Xiner came to a mountain of gods.

There is a huge stone wall above this **** mountain, hidden in the clouds and mist, emitting a faint light, waving the sky.

Before the stone wall, everyone stood, staring at this stone wall.

This stone wall is grayish white, with a length of about 300 meters and a height of about 400 meters. It is a very large stone wall.

There are names on this stone wall, which are engraved by students who have been here before.

Most of the names are engraved below. As you go up, the engraved names are very rare. As for the top position, the names are almost numbered.

"This is the Destiny Stone Wall. It is not an ordinary stone wall, but a treasure placed here that is transformed into a mountain body. Every ten thousand years, this Destiny Stone Wall will be taken away and stored in one of the Destiny Stars. In the exhibition hall, a blank destiny stone wall will be placed here again for students to inscribe the name, so that the destiny stone wall will not be full! At present, the exhibition hall has stored more than 200 destiny stone walls. Each stone wall is engraved with a large number of student names, which is a testimony of history! "Instructor Tieying introduced.

"Teacher Iron Shadow, is it harder to inscribe his name on the destiny stone wall?"

Xiao Xiner asked.

"Nice!" Instructor Tie Ying nodded: "The Destiny Stone Wall is a treasure. The closer you get to the top of the Destiny Stone Wall, the greater the pressure you must meet. You must use your own power and law power to offset this pressure. Only by retaining a certain strength can the name be engraved on the destiny stone wall. If the strength is not good, you can only engrav your name in the position below. "

When everyone heard it, they immediately understood.

But if you can engrav your own name on it, it is naturally engraved on it.

One is conspicuous, and the other is proof of strength!

"There are still many blank spaces on the Destiny Stone Wall, you go and try!"

The instructor of Iron Shadow just finished speaking, and a bunch of people went to try it.

Xiao Xiner didn't move, stood there and stared at the others leaving their names.

A group of people wanted to rush to the top, but didn't fly far, a terrible pressure was pressed down, and they fell from the air like dumplings.

In desperation, they can only fly slowly and try their limits.

Some left their names at twenty meters, some left their names at thirty meters, and some left their names at eighty meters.

The top Tianjiao such as Gufeng and Beishan all left their names at more than one hundred meters.

As for Sha Mo, he flew up to 230 meters in one stroke and left his name on it.

This position is already quite close to the top!

"Xin'er, you go too!"

Lin Tian hastily said.


Xiao Xin'er jumped forward and flew up to the top of the destiny stone wall.

At this time.

Many people stared at Xiao Xiner.

"Xiao Xin'er should be able to reach the top!"

They guessed one by one. ..

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