“River expansion? There shouldn’t be, Xiao Li, are you mistaken? ”

When the leader of the rescue team heard this, he said a little strangely.

He was the leader of the rescue team at this time, but before the rescue team in the city, he was a civil servant, and this kind of river expansion was obviously a big project, but he had no news.

“Absolutely no mistake, the river was not so wide at that time, and I made a bet with my friend that I could jump over the river.” The members of the rescue team swore that they were confident in their memory.

“What’s that about? Such a project, without planning, is it Longtan Village’s own behavior? ”

The leader of the rescue team looked at the ‘big river’ five or six meters wide in front of him, and temporarily put his doubts in his heart.

They headed towards the back hill, and soon they were there, and in the distance they saw an old temple hall, surrounded by many villagers.

“No wonder there are not many villagers in the village, are they all here?” Seeing this scene, the rescue team was even more puzzled.

They walked up and caught the attention of the villagers: “Who are you? ”

“We were a rescue team sent by the city, and we were supposed to prevent flooding.” The leader of the rescue team replied, and did not continue the following words, because it seemed that Longtan Village obviously did not need rescue.

“Oh, we don’t need rescue, we have the river god blessed!” The villager who asked said with pride when he heard this.

“River god again?” The captain of the rescue team frowned, feeling that something was wrong, and the performance of the villagers in Longtan Village, in his opinion, was not quite right.

“Could it be that the villagers in this village are so superstitious?” He couldn’t help but think to himself.

“Is your village branch secretary there?” The leader of the rescue team only wanted to talk to the people in charge of the village, thinking that the village branch secretary should not be so superstitious.

“Yes, I am.”

As they talked, a man came from the temple and came this way.

In his forties, with some traces of grace on his face and more light in his eyes than ordinary people, it was Chen Fusheng, the village branch secretary of Longtan Village.

“I am Cao Guobin, the captain of the fifth rescue team sent by the city, I want to ask what is the situation in Longtan Village now? Was there any loss during yesterday’s heavy rainstorm? ”

Cao Guobin, the leader of the rescue team, asked Chen Fusheng, the secretary of the village branch.

Chen Fusheng thought for a while, and then replied a little strangely: “What situation… You should have seen it as well, the village was not affected … As for the losses, even yesterday there was a mud-brick house in our village, which did not withstand the heavy rain yesterday, and was washed away by the heavy rain, and the owner himself sprained his foot during the run, and there was no other loss. ”

“How so?” Cao Guobin, the leader of the rescue team, was still puzzled, unable to understand that there was nothing in Longtan Village.

You know, many villages in the vicinity that are higher than Longtan Village have been flooded, and the losses are very large, why is there nothing wrong in Longtan Village?

“Maybe it’s because of the existence of the Longtan River.” Chen Fusheng, the secretary of the village branch, replied: “The Longtan River in our village is very large, and yesterday’s heavy rain only caused the water level of the Longtan River to rise a little, so our Longtan Village was not flooded by stagnant water. ”

After all, Chen Fusheng, the secretary of the village branch, is a cadre, and even if he saw that incredible scene with his own eyes yesterday, he also understands that this kind of thing cannot be said on the surface… Otherwise, it will definitely cause some trouble.

If you really say it, the biggest possibility is that it will be regarded as ‘superstition’ by the rescue team.

Those who did not witness that scene with their own eyes must not be able to believe that the river god existed… Chen Fusheng is aware of this, so when he reported, he was not prepared to report the real situation at all.

Chen Fusheng’s words did not mention the river god, and the explanation was presentable, but Cao Guobin, the leader of the rescue team, believed it and accepted this explanation, believing that Chen Fusheng was worthy of being a cadre, and his consciousness was different from that of the villagers.

In this kind of thing, the feudal villagers only think about what kind of river god, but the village cadres are not so superstitious.

Cao Guobin nodded with satisfaction: “So it is, since Longtan Village is in such a situation, then there is no need for the help of our rescue team.” ”

“That’s not right, Captain.” The rescue team member behind Cao Guobin spoke, and asked Chen Fusheng: “I passed through Longtan Village last month, and at that time, the Longtan River was obviously a small river, how did it become a big river in such a short time?” ”

“This… Maybe you remember wrong, Longtan River is not small. Chen Fusheng said perfunctorily.

“Hmph, it is clear that the river god manifested his spirit and widened the river.”

Among the villagers, someone snorted and said dissatisfied: “Overnight, the Longtan River became so wide. ”

“That is, it is the river god who has appeared.” Among the villagers, an old man with white hair on his head and a wooden stick said: “Yesterday, it was also the river god who moved the water from the village to the Longtan River. ”

“Ahem. The villagers are somewhat superstitious. The village branch secretary coughed twice in embarrassment.

Cao Guobin showed a ‘I understand’ expression to Chen Fusheng to show understanding.

But he was very puzzled in his heart, even if it was superstition, the villagers in this village were too superstitious, right?

Why, do they all say that it is the river god apparition?


Chen Run was in the old mansion, slowly opened his eyes, everything that happened in the village did not escape his senses.

He knew all about these things that happened in the village, mainly because these things happened not far from the Longtan River, so they could all be detected by Chen Run.

For Chen Run, there is nothing wrong with the handling of Chen Fusheng, the village branch secretary.

Of course, even if Chen Fusheng reported everything truthfully, the rescue team would not necessarily believe it, at most it would be half-believed.

In any case, these things will not affect Chen Run for the time being.

What really made Chen Run care was that in just one night, the divine power that had been consumed in his body had all recovered under the pious incense of the villagers, and there was still growth.

The recovery of divine power gave Chen Run some thoughts.

He wants to pass through the ancient well and go to the west to see the world!

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