My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4143: The only real world origin

"It is the only real world!"

Shaking his eyes and staring at the black lotus, said: "It is rumored that the only real world appeared in ancient times, but unfortunately after that time, I have never seen it again."?? "The only real world, One of the ten supreme artifacts of the heavens is the only real world!" Lin Feng quietly looked at this black lotus and said: “I know very little about this supreme artifact. In fact, the ten supreme artifacts of the heavens are in the end. Which pieces of me

I really don't know. "

"Hahahaha, of course you don't know, you see that you have only passed a few levels now, you are just a loser in front of me, Lin Feng!" Vicious Tianzun looked at Lin Feng with a mad smile.

"Oh, you guys tell me, what is the only real world? Let me open my eyes." Lin Feng looked at the vicious Tianzun, shaking light, Tianji and others smiled.

When Yao Guang and Tianji were about to talk, Jun Wuming suddenly spoke.

"Let me talk about the origin of the only real world." ?? Jun Wuming stood with his hand, looking at the void and waiting quietly: "It is rumored that in the ancient times, the ten supreme artifacts of the heaven were born. The supreme artifact was made by the master himself, and each one has the power to destroy the heavens.


"Jun Wuming, you are not talking nonsense, everyone knows that when the ten supreme artifacts of the heavens exert their power to the extreme, they can cause devastating damage to the heavens." Vicious Tianzun looked at Jun Wuming coldly. Tao.

Jun Wuming ignored the vicious Tianzun, and then continued: "But the top ten supreme artifacts are also divided into high and low, and also divided into up and down. The only realm is the number one supreme artifact."

"The No. 1 supreme artifact is not the only real world, but the doomsday sacred flower." At this time, Tianji looked at Jun Wuming coldly.

"Where can I get the Doomsday Flower, but the Great Chaos Reincarnation Pool!" At this time, Yao Guang smiled coldly. "I think the ten supreme artifacts of the heavens are hard to distinguish between superior and inferior, because no one can exert all his power, unless it is the supreme ruler. If the supreme ruler exerts all the power, you are dead. See." At this time

Dongfang looked at everyone coldly.

"Yes, the top ten supreme artifacts are also hard to distinguish between superiors and superiors. As Dongfang Bai said, no one will give full play to their power." Lin Feng looked at the people and said, "Don't discuss these issues now, but discuss the origin of the only real world. "??" Rumor has it that in the endless chaotic world, there is not knowing that there is one life body like the heavens, but there are many. On a certain day, a life body will perish, that is, the supreme ruler death, our world Supreme ruler

This dead supreme ruler of heaven refining, after refining, becomes the only real world. "Jun Wuming explained lightly.

As soon as the words came out, everyone changed their colors.

Isn't this only real world another heaven?

"Jun Wuming, according to your meaning, the only real world is another heaven." Dongfang Bai looked at Jun Wuming coldly.

"You are really telling a joke. In the vast chaotic world, there is only one celestial realm. There is no second celestial realm. Who gave you the answer? Is it the central emperor of the ancient times?" The vicious Tianzun looked at Jun coldly. No life.

"According to the information I have consulted, there is no second heaven in the chaotic world beyond the heavens, Jun Wuming, who said your guess?" Yao Guang also looked at Jun Wuming indifferently.

"Don't care who said this. This is the origin of the only real world. Okay, now I won't discuss these issues with you, let the only real world ask your questions." Jun Wuming was impatient. Looked at everyone.

While speaking, a mysterious key flew out of Jun Wuming's hand.

This key is engraved with endless textures, which are mysterious and dominate.

Everyone looked at this key and changed its color, but no one saw the origin of this key.

But they felt that the power contained in this key was not under any weapon. Even they might be another weapon of supreme artifact level.


The key came out and flew directly on the black lotus.

Then if a faint light of divine light is emitted, the only real world in the shape of the black lotus will be enveloped in it.

The only real world gradually changed, and a faint black light burst out, and this black light condensed into a figure in the void.

This voice is full of stalwart aura, it is tall, majestic, mysterious, and it is impossible to describe this figure in any words.

When everyone looked at this figure, there was a feeling of worshipping, like seeing the former supreme master.

"You are the supreme ruler!" Vicious Tianzun looked at this figure and said.

"The supreme ruler cannot be the supreme ruler." Shaking his eyes and staring at this figure firmly. ?? "Impossible, this cannot be the Supreme Lord, I absolutely don't believe that the Supreme Lord is imprisoned here, but this breath...!" Tianji stared at this figure and lost his voice.

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