My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3066: Uneasy

The third thousand and sixty-sixth chapter is uneasy and kind


Lin Feng stared at Bailixi Waterway, "What pill? Is it this kind of pill?" As he spoke, two demon-red pill appeared in his palm, exuding an evil aura. "

Baili Xishui looked at the pill in Lin Feng's hand, and his pretty face changed color slightly and said: "Lin Mansion really has a lot of knowledge, it's this kind of **** pill!"

"Tianxiangzhushen pills? How many can you provide?" Lin Feng smiled while looking at the Baili Stream. This kind of medicine was obtained from Master Situ.

It is an extremely evil main god-level heaven pill.

Let a top deity possess the power of the lower main deity in a short time, but after the medicine's power fades, this top deity will die very miserably.

That's why it is called the evil heaven pill.


Bailixi's fragrant tongue was sticking out, beautiful eyes watched Lin Feng Yinya bite slightly.

"1000!" Lin Feng was slightly moved when he heard the words, each one was worth a lot of money, and Baili Household took out 1000 Tianxiangzhu Shenzhu pills, which was so rich that it was unimaginable.

"Yes, as long as Lin Mansion gets these 1000 Tianxiang Lord God pills, he will have 1000 lower Lord Gods who will directly kill the guards of Langgufeng." Baili Xishui looked at Lin Feng and said quietly: "Plus Lin The master's mastery cultivation, this battle of the seven heavenly palaces, you are very likely to win."

"Haha. Win?"

Lin Feng smiled wildly when he heard the words: "Pavilion Master Baili, your imagination is too simple, you are too underestimating the people of the Lang family."

"Moreover, we also provide the Great Zhou Tiantian artifact of Lin Mansion." Baili Stream looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

"Oh, the Great Zhou Tiantian artifact? The Baili family provides so many resources, what is the picture?" Lin Feng said with a smile while looking at the Baili stream.

He knows the Baili family very well, and even hates more than the Lang family.

The Lang family and his real swordsmanship, but the Baili chrysanthemum from the Baili family is extremely insidious, and he has endured it for a long time to suppress others with power.

"The Baili family does not want the Lang family to marry the Shentu family!" Baili Xishui looked at Lin Feng and said.

"It's that simple?" Lin Feng scanned the Bailixi channel sharply.

"It's as simple as that!" Baili Xishui's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Fengyinya and said, "And to show your sincerity, you can marry a woman from our Baili family as your wife!"

"A woman is a wife?" Lin Feng said with a smile upon hearing the words: "Your Baili family gave me pills and artifacts from the Great Zhou Tiantian. Now they are married again, and I can't bear it for a while."


Baili Creek sneered when he heard the words: "Lin Mansion, this is the sincerity of our Baili family."

"Dare to ask who this woman is?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"A top god, our Baili family." Baili Xishui's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Feng and smiled: "Don't worry, the country is absolutely beautiful."

"What's the name?" Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

"Baili lotus!" Baili Xishui smiled and stretched out her white bare hand, a water curtain appeared on the bare hand, and a slim girl appeared in the depth of the water curtain.

"Baili lotus!"

Lin Feng closed his eyes when he heard the words, then suddenly opened his eyes and smiled: "A woman who is out of control? Just a little bit of Baili family blood."

Bailixi's pretty face changed color after hearing this.

"How did you find it?" Baili Stream looked at Lin Feng and said.

"It's just my guess. Will your Baili family marry me a distinguished woman from the Baili family?" Lin Feng looked at the Baili stream and smiled.

"Lin Mansion, with all due respect!"

A beautiful face of Baili Creek was covered with frost and said: "Even a girl from the Baili family is a very noble woman, enough to be worthy of you."

"Enough for me?"

Lin Feng stood up suddenly, his body suddenly leaned forward, almost close to the cheek of Baili Creek.

"Lin Mansion, please be respectful!" The frost on Bailixishui's face became more vigorous, and she revealed a trace of murderous intent.

"I think you are about the same." Lin Feng said with a wicked smile looking at the water of Baili Stream.


Baili Stream looked at Lin Feng coldly after hearing the words: "What status are you!"

"Haha, am I an identity?" Lin Feng looked at Baili Creek with a smile and said, "My identity is worthy of you. Today, I am touched by you."

As he spoke, his body slowly pressed down.

"court death!"

A terrifying blue light erupted from the body of Baili Stream, and the blue light emitted a terrifying force, oscillating out, and impacting Lin Feng's figure.


At this moment, a terrifying light radiated from Lin Feng's body, which was dazzling golden light, and the dazzling golden light hit the blue light and slowly suppressed the blue light.


The two forces erupted into a fierce collision, creating a turbulent flow of power that destroys the sky and the earth. These turbulences dissipated in the air like mud and dust like a sea.

Baili Xishui's pretty face changed color as he watched this scene.

She did not expect Lin Feng to be so powerful.

"Lin Feng, get out!" Baili Xishui looked at Lin Feng's Yinya and bit her slightly. The blue light on her body suddenly exploded by three points, but Lin Feng's power also exploded.

"Crack, click.!"

And the cyan light on Bailixi water began to collapse.

Lin Feng's body slowly pressed down, his body was getting closer and closer to the water of Baili Stream, and there was an evil smile on his mouth.

"Lin Feng, get out, if you dare to touch me, I will let you die without a place to be buried!" Baili Stream looked at Lin Feng, and the killing intent in the depths of the beautiful eyes became more and more vigorous.

"There is no place for burial?" Lin Feng looked down at Baili Creek and smiled, "If your Baili family really had this ability, I would have died long ago."

"Lin Feng, you really don't know good or bad, our Baili family is now drawing you, and you actually committed the crime." Bailixi said coldly, her face was frosty, and her beautiful cold eyes scanned Lin Feng.

"Following offense? I'm not a subordinate of your Baili family." Lin Feng looked at Baili Creek coldly and said: "I have tolerated you again and again, but your Baili family was uneasy and kind, and wanted to touch me again and again. , I want to use me to calculate me today!"


Lin Feng's strength skyrocketed while speaking.

The dazzling golden light crushed the cyan light fiercely.

The blue light on Bailixi water collapsed faster, and her figure trembled.

"Lin Feng, okay, don't you agree. I didn't say this time, let me go, otherwise I will cast a forbidden technique to kill you today." Baili Xishui looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes and said: "Kill you, I didn't anything."

"Use a forbidden technique to kill me? Do you have a forbidden technique for me?" Lin Feng looked at Baili Xishui domineeringly: "Today you took the initiative to deliver to the door, and still want to leave? How can there be such an easy thing, I want to go to you, first Get some interest back!"

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