My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 2116: Omen

Chapter 2116: The Omen


It seemed that the words of the **** Youlan were fulfilled. The earth where the whole **** tiger clan lived shook. There was a strong shaking. The earth cracked and huge cracks appeared. A powerful evil light shot out from the depths of the earth.

"Kakcha, kakcha, kakcha."

Bloody lightning appeared in the sky above the area where the **** tiger clan lived, lightning and thunder, terrifying, the magic cloud was overwhelming, covering the entire **** tiger clan in it, a mysterious blood eye appeared in the magic cloud, scarlet, weird .

"The Eye of Heaven and Earth!"

The rumors lost their voice: "Great omen!"

"How come there is such a sign? I will calculate it now." Shen Youlan's expression was pale, and her eyes changed color while staring at the sign in the void. As he spoke, a sky mirror flew out of his body, and the sky mirror was shining with brilliant light. .

"It's all at this time, don't calculate it." Lin Feng walked up and looked at Shen Youlan and shouted: "Take me down quickly."

"Lin Feng, you scolded me!"

Shen Youlan's pretty face was slightly cold when she heard that, Lin Feng actually scolded her.

"You can speculate about the secret, and this **** may also be able to speculate about the secret. He is resisting and he has a premonition of his own crisis." Lin Feng looked at Shen Youlan and said: "If you are approaching the realm of the gods, why can't you understand this at this time? thing."

As soon as she said this, Shen Youlan was shocked.

"Go, Lin Feng, I won't care about you for now." Shen Youlan's figure stepped away, her voice came from the void and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Woman." Lin Feng's figure stepped away, following Shen Youlan's figure, he found that even though the cultivation base of Shen Youlan was shocking, and he had been in charge of the Shenhu clan for so many years, it was still a woman's character.

Then Shenyao, Long Aotian, Golden Dragon, Tiger King and others all chased after him. At this moment, the Tiger King was full of red light and full of spirits. The spring breeze of this dog day was once last night, and the yin and yang merged with Shenyao, so not only did it not get caught. Asked for it and received a lot of feedback.


The terror signs in the sky became more and more intense, and that eye became more and more mysterious.

This eye corresponds to a cave where the gods and tigers live. This cave is gloomy and terrifying, with a few ancient characters inscribed on it.

"Baihu Fengshendong!"

The breath of the years flows from the Baihushen Cave, and there are constant marks of swords, guns and swords around it. There are many bones lying at the entrance of the cave. These bones are full of evil aura, and from the breath point of view, the owner of these bones was very powerful before his life.

The entrance of the Baihu Fengshen Cave contains the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and these powers seem to be everywhere. Even the great masters of the neighboring gods such as Taiyuan City Lord, Great God Division, Taiyi City Lord and other nearby gods appear very much in front of this power. Weak.

At this time, two figures descended from the sky, it was Lin Feng and Shen Youlan.

"These corpses?" Lin Feng looked at these corpses changing color because he was so familiar with these breaths.

On the chaotic grave mountain and the bronze hall, he also felt this evil aura. These evil things made him uncomfortable. This discomfort seemed to originate from deep in his heart, natural rejection, and his eyes scanned the bones.

"These corpses?" Lin Feng couldn't help looking at Shen Youlan.

"These corpses are some very evil creatures. The leader of these corpses is the one held in the depths of the earth." Shen Youlan looked at these corpses and explained: "Okay, Lin Feng, don't waste time, we will do it now. Get inside."

"So that's it, I know." Lin Feng took a deep look at Shen Youlan, and the woman in front of her probably knew more than herself.

Shen Youlan avoided Lin Feng’s gaze, and a mirror appeared in her hand. It was the celestial mirror. The celestial mirror burst into divine light. The divine light rushed into the sky and penetrated between the sky and the earth. Then the divine light was scattered on the white tiger seal. Above the Shendong, the Baihu Fengshendong suddenly emitted a violent divine light.


In an instant, the mountains shook a radius of a million miles, the rocks rolled down, and time and space collapsed.

The entrance of the Baihu Fengshen Cave glowed with a violent divine light, and the sound of clicks came from the entrance of the cave, as if something was cracking, and the power of the Baihu Fengshen Cave was dissipated like a tide.

"Get in quickly."

The figure of Shen Youlan walked into it, followed by Lin Feng's figure.

The next moment the two appeared in a dark space passage. The space passage was filled with chaotic air currents and permeated with evil auras. These evil auras were very strong, with the power of corruption, destruction, and curse. The level of this power is very high, madly impacting Shen Youlan and Lin Feng.


At this moment, the celestial mirror on Shen Youlan suddenly exploded with violent divine light, which turned into a light circle to envelop Lin Feng and her figure.

"Good evil power, this level of power is too terrifying." Lin Feng felt these powers eclipse and said, this power is essentially the same as the power level of Luanfenshan, but it is more intense and ten times more violent.

Carrying a powerful impact.

"This is natural, this is a powerhouse at the level of gods." Shen Youlan said solemnly: "When this evil existence was suppressed, evil powers were violently shaken out. These powers have been accumulated to this day and cannot be eliminated. Now he is influenced by his powerful will to attack us."

"That's it." Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words.

"Fortunately, it's still sealed, otherwise it's no different from this god's personal shot." Shen Youlan looked at the void and said: "Lin Feng, I use the heavenly mirror to show that it is you. I hope you don't let me down."

"Patriarch, I also hope that your calculations will not be disappointed, and there is this seal, otherwise I will be considered as a pit this time." Lin Feng glanced at Shenyoulan Road, I don't know why, Lin Feng felt great when he stepped into it. The crisis is coming.

At this moment, he could clearly feel the terrifying power oscillating from the depths of the earth.

Even if he was sealed, if the **** used a forbidden technique, he would be killed on the spot if he gave it to him.

If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you will get a tiger.

He quickly calmed down.

"Don't worry, this seal is absolutely effective. Even if it doesn't work, I will die with you. You should be content." Shen Youlan looked at Lin Feng with a charming smile and said: "Boy, you dare to scold me."

Shen Youlan's body is dazzling with dazzling glory, and the city is peerless. She is also a powerful physique.

"Hehe, it is said that women hold grudges, they are not fake at all." Lin Feng smiled when he heard the words.

"Hmph, just remember it." Shen Youlan snorted coldly: "Well, Lin Feng, you rest now, I will try my best to urge the heavenly mirror to resist the invasion of these forces and save you strength."

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