Chapter 266: The Legend of Xiao Qiang

Of course these words were just discussed in a low voice.

But one person started the discussion, and immediately someone started the discussion.

The originally silent venue suddenly became a bit lively.

The old man on the stage seemed to feel this change on the scene.

After a sharp glance at the venue, he found the culprit here.

His eyes were cold, and he stopped his speech.

He said coldly, “Since Commander Chu is here, please take a seat!”

The first thing he saw was of course the extraordinary and glamorous Major General Chu Hongyu.

Of course, from his tone, he could hear that he didn’t like Chu Hongyu.

He is an old-school military officer, with solid military exploits.

And Chu Hongyu, although he was of the same rank as him.

But this woman is dressed in gorgeous clothes for a day, and she is in a high position at a young age.

As an old senior, he naturally couldn’t see it.

However, he is not a fool, of course he knows that this woman’s force value has surpassed everything.

Getting crazy to kill him is no different from killing a chicken, so I don’t dare to be presumptuous towards her.

This may be the weakness of human nature.

No matter how the society progresses, people are always in awe of those with strong military value.

Put aside social status, honor, and money.

The value of human force is also very important.

If you don’t believe me, look at it. The people who are being bullied outside are old people, children, or weak chickens who seem to be weak.

Who dares to provoke a muscular man?

Before he was punished by the law, he had to feast on his old fist first.

However, this phenomenon appeared in the body of this old officer and a beautiful woman, and it made people a little bit ridiculous.

It’s funny to say it, and a big man is afraid of a woman.

But anyone who really understands the woman Chu Hongyu can’t laugh at all!

The words of the old general spread through the microphone throughout the conference room.

Everyone’s gazes came over at once!

Many people’s eyes are quite scorching.

Regardless of Chu Hongyu’s strength value, it looks seductive!

It looks so good!

Even the most popular female celebrity can’t match this appearance.

And those female stars have done a lot of maintenance! Even plastic surgery is commonplace!

Those green flowers in this army are wonderful!

What’s more, he is still a major general! A 27-year-old major general, what is this experience?

You know, in the previous ceremony, a fifty-year-old officer was awarded the rank of major general.

It also aroused suspicion from the masses.

Say it’s too young!

That’s right, too young!

Being in his fifties is just the beginning of high-level politics.

And now, a beautiful 27 major general is right in front of them!

About her deeds, it has been widely circulated in the military.

But few people have seen a real person.

Seeing it today, it really was extraordinary.

No one would doubt what kind of relationship this woman relied on, and the unspoken rules were in charge.

Those who can sit in this position must rely on their true ability to take the lead!

“I’m going, is that Commander Chu? This is too good-looking!”

“Hehe, you can see it looks good!”

“What’s the matter? Everyone has a heart for beauty, so don’t let people say it?”

“Forget it, you’ll be fine in private, but don’t waver in front of Commander Chu, otherwise…”


“Have you not heard of it? An officer was transferred from the rest of the base before. Seeing that Commander Chu is beautiful, he is more than just a tall man, he went to harass Commander Chu!”

The officer who was still praising the beauty of Chu Hongyu asked in confusion, “What happened then?”

The officer who was chatting with him gave him a cold look, and said gloomily: “That male officer took a few people with him, and when the first few people went, he was still worthy of brothers.”

“But since that one, none of their brothers have to do it?”

“Wow? What happened? Did they fight for Chu’s command and fight?”

The person telling the story said with a weird face: “No, they will become sisters afterwards~”

There was a lot of discussion from everyone, and it didn’t seem to arouse the anger of the big guys on the stage.

Instead, this big man looked at Chu Hongyu and his party with cold eyes.

It seems to embarrass them with a heart.

Chu Hongyu chuckled, “Major General Ye is polite. If you continue, I will be seated myself.”

Her voice was clear and powerful, and it seemed like a powerful blast, and it was like a bolt from the blue sky.

The sound is not loud, but everyone in the meeting room with hundreds of people can hear it clearly.

Even my heart trembled when I heard it.

This is relying on a meaty voice, which can be compared with this big guy with a microphone.

Even Ye Jun felt magical!

Xiao Qiang on the side secretly explained to Ye Jun:

“This is our master’s unique learning, bodhi clear heart sound, it needs extremely martial arts cultivation to be able to produce it.”

“There are two kinds of effects, one can make people calm and calm.”

“Oh? Is there another one?”

Ye Jun asked with great interest, after all, Xiao Qiang was still quite interested in this division.

Compared with the legendary lion roar, such a marvelous technique is more frightening.

Xiao Qiang narrowed his mouth and said, “Have you ever heard a poem, Bodhi has no tree, and Mingjing is not a stage.”

“There is nothing, where can the dust be caused.”

Ye Jun took it casually, how could he not know such a classic Buddha Jie.

“How does it have anything to do with your senior sister’s skill?”

Xiao Qiang said: “This bodhi clear heart sound is pronounced in a special way, which can refresh the mind and clear the mind and calm the energy.”

“But according to the legend, if you have achieved great success in this cultivation technique, you can send someone to the west with a sigh of relief!”

“Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil! It fell on a vast land, so clean!”

“I’m going, really? This Nima is too evil!”

Ye Jun repeatedly shook his head in disbelief, this was too evil.

In addition, Xiao Qiang has always liked to exaggerate!

Could it be that this Chu Hongyu can kill people only by sound, then she still puts here and mixes with herself, and just called out to solve herself, isn’t she clean.

Ye Jun asked suspiciously: “Does your senior sister have this ability?”

Xiao Qiang said: “No, it’s just a legend left by our school. I heard that someone has succeeded before, but it doesn’t work anymore.”

“I asked my master why. My master told me that in this era, everything is dead.”

“Also told me that if my senior sister was born a thousand years ago, they would all be soaring wizards!”

“I’m going to your mother, you leave here to write Xiuxian novels!”

Ye Jun patted Xiao Qiang’s shoulder fiercely, and this guy almost flickered him to believe it.

Xiao Qiang smiled twice, not saying more.

This side gags, and the other side Chu Hongyu looks at the two of them speechless for a while, what time is it now?

This old man dared to lose her face like this, the two people still have the intention to discuss some things here.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun’s handsome face, a smirk appeared on his face.

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