My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 296: pretty good

After the screen was dark, I immediately switched to another lens, which was far away. Immediately afterwards, the screen quickly zoomed in, and the army appeared in front of the entrance of the cave again.

At this time, Zheng She rushed over two cups of coffee and brought them over. Chen Xu picked up a cup and took a sip, saying, "There are still some stocks in the underground world. These things have not been seen in the video brought by the clone."

Yang Jinxia waved her hand to signal that she didn't need it, saying, "If high-tech products are hidden and used by a small number of people instead of being promoted on a large scale, the technology will only be retrogressive. After so many years, their inventory is It would be too much. "

Chen Xu nodded. The higher the level of science and technology, the more high-quality industrial population is required. In the video brought back by the clone, it does not look like an industrial society at all.

Yang Jinxia looked at the huge transport vehicle in the back and asked, "Why not start?"

Chen Xu said, "Let the soldiers go first and see what they want to send someone up."

Yang Jinxia smiled, "You are not worried at all, in case it is a weapon beyond our imagination? After all, the level of science and technology that can create an underground world is beyond our imagination."

Xi Zheng's so-called level of technology is so high that it's too high. The cold era of the steam era, the era of the internal combustion engine ...

The same reason, in case humans in the ground still retain their previous super weapons, maybe they can be hanged.

旭 Chen Xu said indifferently, "If that's the case, pre-emptive action is mostly useless."

In fact, his confidence comes from the knowledge of the game. In the early days, it was impossible to arrange an enemy he could not deal with.

发展 The base has developed to the present, and Chen Xu has developed force to the greatest extent. If this can still be lost, it is estimated that no one else can clear the customs.

Star-rated games can be time-adjusted. With the click of a button, you can fast forward to one month later. Like him, there are very few players who have not adjusted the speed.

Because for him, whether the game can pass the customs is secondary. The most important thing is how much you can learn in game time.

If you are playing this game with time acceleration, when you give instructions, you will definitely ignore a lot of details. Over time, it is a big gap.

Chen Xu is confident that unless it is open, few players can surpass themselves in the development speed.

Moreover, if you can communicate with them, you can get more information, which is conducive to the completion of the main task.

In the video, a robot comes forward, "you ..."


战士 Underground human, a soldier raised his weapon, and the robot exploded.

Seeing this, Chen Xu decisively ordered, "attack."

Since they don't want to talk, they have to fight until they serve.

Countless robots emerged from the ground and started firing at the same time.

旭 Chen Xu arranged a total of 2,000 robots in front of the cave entrance, and dug a shelter, already ready to go.

Suddenly, countless bullets were dumped, and the army of the underground fell almost halfway.

The second wheel bomb arrived again, and the remaining half fell almost completely.

After two rounds of set fire, the underground army was almost destroyed.


I can stand still, only those black parasitic armored soldiers, roaring one by one, and rushed towards the robot.

The third wheel bomb arrived again, hitting the parasitic armor, it was a hole, and in a blink of an eye, the wound closed again. They paused for a while and continued to kill them.

At the same time, the compartment behind the last transporter opened, and a weirdly shaped mesh device was exposed.

Chen Xu hadn't seen it clearly, but there was a light on the front of the mesh device, and the screen turned black again.

After a while, the screen was still dark. He asked, "What about spare lenses?"

蛇 Zheng She heard some hastily voices, "The connection has been lost. At the same time, there are 2,000 robots and one hundred drones on site ..."

What kind of attack is this? Suddenly 2,000 robots lost their connection ...

Chen Xu was startled and asked, "Has the main gun of the landing ship been recharged?"

"It's fully charged."

Chen Xu decisively ordered, "fire."

On the screen, the main gun of the landing ship appeared, and a bit of blue light condensed in the muzzle, and a blue sound flew out at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Chen Xu continued to order, "mobilize the drone closest to the battlefield to investigate."

"It's already arranged."

On the screen, the screen switches to the other side. It is a drone in flight. The screen advances quickly, and it reaches the battlefield in less than a minute.

In the picture, the robots appeared first. They looked intact, but they fell motionless in the bunker and did not know what kind of attack they had suffered.

Moving forward, a ditch with a solitary shape appeared on the ground. The further forward, the deeper the ditch, extending to the foot of the mountain-I saw that the original cave was in the place where a hole really appeared and penetrated. The circular hollow of the whole mountain.

The underground army, including the transport vehicle carrying the high-power weapon of unknown function ~ ~ disappeared.

This is the power of the main gun of the landing ship. One shot can penetrate a mountain.

"Search at the scene to see if there is any fish missing the net. Then, send a backup unit to clean up the scene."

After Chen Xu gave the order, he sighed and said, "This time, I am afraid that humans in the underground world will be in trouble."

If this gun goes down, the door that cuts off the underground world in the cave will also be penetrated. The radiation from the ground will penetrate the underground world without hindrance. I am afraid that many people will die as a result.

Thinking of this, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Yang Jinxia comforted, "This is also no way out, that weapon is too powerful. Your approach is correct, otherwise we will suffer greater losses."

旭 Chen Xu looked at the location of the cave and said, "Sometimes, it's really difficult for me to completely treat this as a game. There is no way to harden my heart."

In fact, with the strength of the base, sending robots to the ground and sweeping the entire thirteen districts will probably not be a problem. Active attacks can also surprise them.

I waited for the underground world. If I could harvest the data of the civilization that established the underground world, even if I lost 20,000 or 10,000 robots, it would be acceptable.

He couldn't make up his mind. Once killed, many civilians will be killed or injured innocently. He didn't want to make such a sin, even if it was just a game.

Yang Jinxia took one of his hands and said, "This is actually quite good."

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