My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 280: Good for physical and mental health

? In the early morning, Luo Xiyun just woke up from his sleep, and saw the familiar ceiling on the top, there was a momentary puppet, subconsciously touched aside, but felt empty.

She then reacted. She was not in the villa, and Chen Xu was not lying beside her.

She sat up and turned her head to look at the window. The window was not closed. From time to time, wind came in, brought the curtains, and opened the corner, golden sunlight came in, forming a light spot on the red wooden floor. . When the raised curtains fell again, the flare disappeared again.

Everything here is exactly the same as the original villa room, and there is no deviation in the color of the quilt pattern on her body.

But she knew that even if she did it again, it was not the same room as it was because there was one thing missing.

She got up and got out of bed, walked to the bathroom, looked at herself in the mirror, her face was rosy, and her skin showed a sheen. Before entering the dream, she was almost like two people.

She opened the cabinet under the mirror and saw that there were skin care products inside, with delicate patterns printed on the surface. She picked up one of them and looked at it, with the method and effect printed on the bottle.

She bit her lip with a sting in her heart.

After being with Chen Xu, she started to do maintenance every day, but they did it at home. The two did not live together. Chen Xu should not know.

Before Chen Xu gave a flower, Secretary Jin had to do it for him. Now she was so careful that skin care products were prepared for her in advance.

Is this change because of those two women?

She closed her eyes for a while before reopening, and said to herself in the mirror, "You have broken up ..."

She stared at the mirror for a few seconds, put the bottle back in her hand, and when she was about to close the door, her hand stopped, and after just a second, she opened it again, like she said to herself, " I can't be compared by them. "

With that said, she picked one bottle at a time ...


Forty minutes later, Luo Xiyun stepped out of the room and set a few breakfasts on the table in the dining room.

"Good morning." Chen Xu came out of the kitchen and greeted her.

Still cold, she didn't respond, went into the kitchen, took out a lunch box, and served the porridge at the table.

Chen Xu asked, "Which industry do you think about?"

Luo Xiyun was just full, put the spoon back in the pot, turned to look at him, and said, "I choose artificial intelligence."

artificial intelligence?

Chen Xu froze slightly, and immediately saw from her slightly mocking eyes that she was intentional.

Yang Jinxia has already paid attention to this industry, and has begun to lay out, it can be said that he has obtained admission tickets.

Now, she also said that she wants to enter the field of artificial intelligence, obviously she wants to compete with Yang Jinxia.


Chen Xu's look remained unchanged, and he immediately responded, "When are you going to start learning?"

At this moment, Luo Xiyun's turn took a moment to turn around, but he did not expect that he agreed, but instead of knowing how to react, he looked away, "The faster the better."

Chen Xu said, "That's all for today. You sit down first. I need to understand your basics before I can arrange a course for you."

Luo Xiyun hesitated for a moment, still sat down.

Chen Xu gave himself a bowl of porridge and took a sip before asking, "Have you learned programming before?"

Luo Xiyun shook his head.

"How much do you know about the basics of computers?"

Luo Xiyun looked at him and said nothing.

"So, will reinstalling the system?"

"No. 35xs"

Chen Xu nodded. "Well, you are studying business. Mathematics should be good. This can be considered an advantage. I know how to arrange a course for you."

Luo Xiyun ate the porridge silently, but his eyes firmed suddenly.

If it was said that learning artificial intelligence had intentionally added a block to Chen Xu, now she has made up her mind to master the field of artificial intelligence.

Chen Xu felt a chill on her back, faintly grasped her thoughts, but didn't care.

Now that he was overly in debt, the soldiers came to block it, and the water came to flood.

Previously, he wanted to promote a stable life and a stable relationship. There was such a situation under the dark and the dark. He was not restless at the beginning, but after so many things, his mentality has changed. This colorful life is also very good. .


After breakfast, Chen Xu took Luo Xiyun to the host's location. He built a large laboratory next to the host, which could hold various large machines.

Now, he uses it as a classroom, and puts four chairs. In front of each chair, there is a terminal. The terminal is directly connected to the host, and the required information can be called at any time.

The host has a highly efficient learning system, which is part of the colonial package. It can be targeted for teaching according to each person's characteristics. As long as he is willing to study carefully, the learning efficiency is very high, just like one-on-one teaching by famous teachers .

For the past three years, Chen Xu has spared time every day to learn new knowledge in this learning system. It is no exaggeration to say that it is more than ten times more efficient than self-study.

After Chen Xu asked Luo Xiyun to sit in a chair and teach her how to operate, she went to do her own thing. The last experiment was not finished yet.

He was immersed in a bunch of machines and looked up at Luo Xiyun from time to time. Somewhat anxious because of the failure of the test, immediately calmed down. Try again.

Unconsciously, one morning passed.

When Chen Xu came over with lunch, he saw Luo Xiyun still sitting in a chair and walked over and knocked on the table.

Luo Xiyun took off his glasses and asked him, "What's the matter?"

"Let's eat first. You've studied all morning."

Luo Xiyun was indeed hungry and stood up.

Next to it was a table dedicated to eating. The lunch was quite hearty, with three dishes and one soup.

Luo Xiyun saw that the soup in the bowl was creamy white, and when he took the spoon, it was actually anchovy soup. In such an environment, it was possible to get the sturgeon, and it can be seen that Chen Xu took great care.

She didn't ask, and quietly took a bowl and drank.

Chen Xu didn't talk, eating and thinking about things.

After lunch, Luo Xiyun sat on the chair again and continued her studies.

Chen Xu packed away and left. He still has a lot of things to deal with, and it is impossible to spend all his time studying.

The robotic production line with high-strength silicon molecular materials as its main body is about to be completed. This production line hesitated for a few months and cannot be abandoned halfway.

After the completion of this production line, the problem of labor shortage can be effectively solved.

Moreover, in the installation program for these batches of robots, the back door that crashed when the signal was interrupted was removed.

This back door seriously affected the use efficiency of the robot, the previous robot, he did not have permission to change. But these robots are made by him, and they can be set up whenever you want.

Chen Xubuo stayed in that factory building until four o'clock in the afternoon. Thinking about how impossible it is to finish the installation today, he paused, left the factory building, and left the final work until tomorrow.

He came to the laboratory, and it was no surprise that he saw Luo Xiyun still studying in a chair. Walked over and knocked on the table again.

Luo Xiyun took off his glasses and stared at him, "It's not dinner time yet?"

"You've been sitting here for a whole day, so what would you do? Get up and exercise and play badminton next door." Chen Xu held a pair of badminton rackets.

Luo Xiyun held her hands on her chest ~ ~ and said, "If you exercise, I can run alone."

The underlying meaning is not wanting to play with him.

Chen Xu nodded, "Indeed, running is a good idea. However, in such a large base, there are only two of us at the moment. Our biggest enemy is actually loneliness. You should have realized this. We play together. Being able to exercise the body is good for the mind. "

"Isn't there a lot of biochemicals in the base? I can talk to them."

Chen Xu said, "Biochemicals can actually be seen as robots in human skins. They only know how to obey orders and get things done. They don't understand anything. You can't understand them when you talk to them."

Luo Xiyun frowned, recalling that when he was outside with Chen Xu two days ago, he had never seen him communicate with a biochemical person.

Chen Xu said, "Let's go, proper exercise and rest can improve the efficiency of learning."

Luo Xiyun still stood up and followed him to the next door. I took a racket and went to the other side to stand.

"it has started."

Chen Xu kicked off.

Luo Xiyun watched the badminton that flew over, and he couldn't help picking up the racket, and fought hard. Watching badminton blasted to Chen Xu like a bullet.

It's really fun.

Next, every ball she played with all her strength.

After a while, her arms became a bit sour, but she didn't care. When she saw the badminton flying over, she slammed it in the face, thinking that it was Chen Xu's face.

ps wait a bit and there is a change, it may be late, you can watch it tomorrow morning.


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