My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 268: Return home

"I'll just take a look."

Tamarix Yumeng said nothing to Luo Xiyun. I'm afraid she didn't believe this.

Luo Xiyun's immediate response when she heard of Chen Xu's accident proved that her feelings for Chen Xu were really unusual.


启动 She started the car, went back to the hotel to get luggage, and a passport, and drove to the airport.

On the way, Luo Xiyun has called to book a ticket. The most recent flight back to China was three hours later and it took a dozen hours to fly back to China. By the time she meets Chen Xu, it is estimated that it will take twenty hours.

Yuliu Yumeng came with her and naturally returned with her.

On the way to the airport, Luo Xiyun kept calling Chen Ziqi, but couldn't get through, and didn't send any information back. Then I fought Chen Xu, but it also failed. It was anxious.

Then, she called Chen Xu's parents and couldn't get through.

In the end, she could only call Secretary Jin, and finally got through, but in the end, Secretary Jin asked a few questions and only said that Chen Xu didn't go to work today.

Until she got on the plane, she was shut down by her flight attendant.

别 "Don't worry, there is no news, not bad news. You have to think about the benefits, now, take a good night's sleep. You see what it looks like."

Yan Liu Yumeng comforted her.

Some time ago, Luo Xiyun was with Chen Xu at the hospital. The rest was not good. After breaking up with him, he couldn't even eat or sleep. I've been abroad for a few days, and I'm getting better.

Uh ...

Within the dream.

旭 Chen Xu was sitting inside the landing boat, holding an alloy lunch box, and was eating. The meal was simple, rice, potatoes, and beef with sauce.

He looked at the screen while eating.

It has been almost a month since I entered the dream. After that, the black birds never appeared again. However, he didn't dare to take it lightly. Whenever he went out to work, he always dared, and didn't dare to leave too far, so as not to be caught off guard by the black bird.

Plus he is only one person, and the progress of the project is very slow.

He originally planned to build a camp in one day. With only one person left, it took him a month to build it.

Among them, the biggest obstacle is that he did not continue to remember this identity. In order to skillfully drive those engineering vehicles, it took a lot of time.

的 The biggest role of landing ships is transportation. Only when the camp is established can the instruments brought on board the spacecraft be put into use.

Among them is a weapon of mass destruction.

这些 After the equipment and the weapon are installed, the next step can be carried out.

"According to the plan, a supply ship will be sent down today. I don't know if there will be support from personnel."

His eyes kept looking in the direction of the sky, thinking in his heart.

虽然 Although he did not inherit this memory, he saw the planned arrangement through the diary log.

Every ten days, the spacecraft will launch a small communication rocket to send their exploration team back to the mothership. As long as the rocket can fly away from the atmosphere, the mother ship can receive the rocket's signal.

He has relayed the news of the deaths of others. I don't know what kind of arrangement is over the mothership. However, he did not have much hope.

Dream equipment is so ironed that he can play a stand-alone game. How can he send someone to him?

The location of the sky was full of thick clouds. Strangely, these clouds were obviously thick, but it did not give him a gloomy feeling. It's like clouds on a sunny day, it's especially white and looks like it.

"I don't know if those three rockets flew out of the atmosphere."

He was a little worried, and other than that, those supplies were very important. In case the planned supplies were not dispatched, half of the functions of the camp could not be used. It will be more difficult to get a foothold on this planet.

After various tests, this planet is not suitable for human habitation. Other issues are not too big, such as gravity, the composition of air, and so on. The most troublesome is radiation.

If directly exposed to the air of this planet, it won't take long, it will cause great damage to his health.

This will cause him great inconvenience.

After a while, he would have to wear heavy protective clothing if he wanted to go out. It's no different than living in space.

I don't know how these plants and how these black birds survived here.

At this moment, he saw a spaceship breaking out of the clouds and flying over here.


He was a little excited, waiting for the supply boat to land.

The spacecraft was extremely fast, and a few minutes later, the supply ship landed beside it.

旭 Chen Xu didn't act rashly, sitting there and eating all the food all the time. As soon as the bowl was set, a group of black birds appeared above the clouds.

果 "Sure enough, when the spacecraft penetrated the clouds, it made too much noise and disturbed those black birds before they launched an attack."

猜测 He guessed, opened the defense system of the spacecraft, opened fire, and in just ten seconds, wiped out nearly a third of the black birds.

Next, the black bird surrounded both ships and peed wildly.

旭 Chen Xu has the previous experience and is not panic at all. Anyway, it is a spaceship used to carry a spaceship. The thickness and hardness of the outer layer ~ ~ are worth worrying about.

Sure enough, after half an hour, the black bird returned for no reason.

This time, Chen Xu didn't plan to let them go, killing them for a while, killing nearly a third, and the rest flew into the clouds.

Uh ...

When Luo Xiyun got off the plane, it was already five in the afternoon. After turning on the machine, she opened WeChat for the first time and saw Chen Ziqi sent her several messages, and finally a positioning.

When she opened it, her fingers trembled. "Sister Xiyun, sorry, the phone is out of power, and it is now fully charged."

"Chen Xu ... he didn't say clearly in WeChat, let's meet after we meet."

"Get off the plane and contact me immediately."

"This is my positioning."

Luo Xiyun didn't hear the thing he was most concerned about, so he quickly dialed in the past, but prompted to shut down, and he was even more disturbed.

"General Luo." Secretary Guo waved to them far away.

Before getting on the plane, Luo Xiyun notified Secretary Guo by phone and asked her to come over to pick up the plane.

Luo Xiyun didn't make nonsense, and sent the location directly, saying, "Send me to this place."

Secretary Guo Guo didn't ask much, helped them with their luggage, went to the parking place, and moved their luggage to the car.

子 The address given by Chen Ziqi is a sanatorium, not in the city center, and the location is a bit off, not too far from the airport, about an hour by car.

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