My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 256: Star games

The car stopped and Chen Xu looked out the window. The hospital had arrived.

He didn't get out of the car. Just now what Yang Jinxia told him, he finally made up his mind and said, "I need your help."

When Yang Jinxia saw him seriously, he closed the document in his hand and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Xu said, "I need some investment."

Yang Jinxia thought for a moment and asked, "Is 100 million enough?"

Her understatement made Chen Xu's heart suddenly a bit more stressed. Before, although he knew her identity was not simple, he did not have an intuitive understanding. It was then that he really felt to what extent she was rich.

He hasn't said what he wants to invest in, she just said a hundred million. This is the vast majority of money that can't be earned in a lifetime. Even for him, it takes years to get the net worth to the most optimistic.

He said, "You don't need so much in the early stage, you only need 20 million."

"Okay, tell me when you want it, I'll call you directly."

Chen Xu said, "You don't even ask, what do I want this money for?"

Yang Jinxia laughed, "You can speak to me and prove that you have full confidence, don't you?"

Chen Xu did have a lot of assurance. Originally, he didn't want to let his feelings be mixed with money. The magic of money is so great that he fears that his relationship with Yang Jinxia will deteriorate.

However, Yang Jinxia's 30 billion yuan just made him feel pressured. Such a huge fortune left Luo Zhenghai and her with no room for relaxation.

He wanted Luo Xiyun to talk to Yang Jinxia, ​​and nothing else, Luo Zhenghai's level alone would not pass.

What kind of character Luo Zhenghai is, compared to him, he is just a small shrimp. If Luo Zhenghai irons his heart and wants to pack him, he will not even be able to protect himself.

Although Yang Jinxia will surely protect him, it is quite stupid to put his own safety on others. Only when you become strong is the last word.

It was out of this pressure that he finally set aside his concerns and spoke to Yang Jinxia.

For him, the most difficult is the first bucket of gold. It would normally take a few years to get enough startup capital of 20 million. Now he can't wait.

"You know, I learned a lot using the learning machine." He took the initiative to tell her a part of the truth, "I plan to find one from it that doesn't require much investment to start a business."

Yang Jinxia nodded and said, "However, you must wait for your illness to be able to do this. Before that, all you have to do is to take good care of yourself."


Chen Xu returned to the ward, lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep. I didn't sleep last night. When I got up in the morning, I went to Luo Xiyun. I just talked with Yang Jinxia for so long.

I didn't know how long I slept, and in his sleep, he seemed to hear Chen Ziqi's voice.

When he woke up, the light in the ward was on, and he looked out the window, and it was indeed night. He felt his phone and it was eight o'clock. He slept for more than ten hours.

"Chen Xu, you are awake."

A familiar voice sounded, and he turned to look, not who was Chen Ziqi.

"When did you come?" He sat up, feeling very hungry, and asked, "Did you have any food?"

"Hurry up, help your brother bring all the food." Zeng Wenli was also here, listening to what he was going to eat, picked up the lunch box and walked over, while calling Chen Ziqi.

Chen Xu took the lunch box, picked up the chopsticks and ate, and asked vaguely, "Don't you say you want to stay with your grandma for a little longer?"

Chen Ziqi pulled a stool and sat down in front of the bed, saying, "It's not because of you. I heard Lao Chen said you were sick and hospitalized, and I hurried back. It looks like you're fine, you can eat and sleep."

"It was nothing. I think you just came back for an excuse." Chen Xu felt much better when she saw her.

Chen Ziqi sighed, "Well, you don't know how enthusiastic my grandmother is, holding my hand at every turn, wiping her tears and telling her how hard her daughter is ... As soon as I want to come back, she starts crying. What do you think I can do? "

Chen Xuqi said, "How did you convince her this time?"

"I told her, you're like my brother, right, let's say, I said a few tears, she would let me go."

The two chatted, and Chen Xu ate quickly, and all the food was consumed.

Zeng Wenli came over to pack and asked, "Are you full? If not enough, I'll go out and get you another snack."

"I'm full." Chen Xu has been full for six or seven, and she doesn't want to bother her.

"Yes, this is for you." Chen Ziqi did not know where to bring a bag and handed it to him.

"Are there gifts?" Chen Xu took it out, and it was a bag of tea in a poorly packed package.

Chen Ziqi said, "This is a wild camellia planted by my grandmother's house. By the way, sister-in-law, why didn't she come? I sent her a WeChat message in the afternoon, and I haven't returned to me yet."

With a smile on Chen Xu's face, she said, "She has been in trouble for the past few days and can't come."

Chen Ziqi glanced at him in doubt, but didn't ask much, and said, "Then, give it to her next time."

After chatting for a while, at about ten o'clock, Chen Ziqi and Zeng Wenli left, leaving Chen Xinwen to accompany him in the hospital.

As soon as Chen Ziqi left, the ward became much quieter.

Although it was late, Chen Xu didn't have much sleepiness. He had just slept for more than ten hours. However, he did not want to affect the rest of his dad, so he lay in bed, closed his eyes, and awakened the interface of the virtual dream device.

He opened the personal center and found the column of personal games. There are four games on it. They are all dream games that he has experienced, "Survival of the Doom", "Invasion of the Beast", "Era of the Mist" and a Valentine's Day special.

In addition, there are two star games as compensation. No name, but a few question marks.

These two star games were paid to him as compensation. As for the difference between star games and ordinary games, he is still unclear. Last night things happened so suddenly that he couldn't even bother to look at them.

"The system will randomly draw a star game for you, so stay tuned."

When he opened it, he saw such a prompt. Then, those question marks jumped quickly, and they were very fast. I couldn't see what was flashing.


"Congratulations, you got the two-star game Discovery Team. Do you want to start the game?"

When Chen Xu saw the name, he really couldn't read it, and asked, "What's so special about this star game?"

"Star-level games can invite other players to participate together, and the time span is longer, which can give players a better gaming experience."

In other words, you can play as an online game.

Unfortunately, it didn't do much for him.

He asked again ~ ~ Can I bring my playmates in? "

"When you enter the game, the system will automatically send an invitation to your playmate, and as long as the other party agrees, you can enter the dream game."

"That's fine."

Chen Xu took a deep breath and chose to enter.

"Sorry, your body is not in a healthy state. According to regulations, you cannot enter the star game. Please go to the hospital for treatment in time, recover your health, and then play the game."

"Anything else?" He frowned.

In this case, he had to give up the idea temporarily, turned on the playback function, spent ten game coins, and chose the second dream.

His goal is the materials he has seen in the shelter control center, and those materials are worthless to the earth.

PS: At the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket.

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