My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 231: Take care

Chen Xu woke up and took a habitual glance at the time, seven o'clock in the morning.

"Today is the fifty-first day."

He said in his heart that the dream time was over half. In the blink of an eye, Yang Jinxia came to Shuguang for ten days.

Today is an important day. After washing, he changed into a new outfit.

规定 On the Dawn, some regulations are very limited, like those living in the C-level area, can only wear uniforms. In the B-level area, there will be more uniform styles. Only in the A-level zone can you have the freedom to dress.

In fact, this regulation was originally designed to save resources and not need to build too many garment factories. Later, it became a way to show status.

Chen Xu is wearing a kind of casual clothes of the standard. He doesn't have much requirements on the clothes, just wear them comfortably.

After washing, he walked out of the room. The breakfast in the dining room was ready. There were soy milk and churros on the table.

怎么 "How could this be?" He was a little surprised that he could still eat soy milk fritters on the spaceship.

锦 Yang Jinxia washes the dishes in the kitchen, puts things down, hangs the dishcloth back to his original position, walks out, and smiles, "As long as I think of a way, I can always do it."

旭 Chen Xu thinks about it right. At the beginning of the construction of Shuguang, the production aspects were taken into consideration. The entire industrial chain was moved up and everything could be produced.

"Thank you." He sat in his place.

Yang Jinxia has poured a bowl of soy milk, put it in front of him, and sat down, saying, "You are going to use the learning machine today, eat more."

旭 Chen Xu thought of the after-effects after using the learning machine, looking at the white soy milk in the bowl, could not help but nausea.

见 She saw that he looked a little strange and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's just a little nervous." Chen Xu explained, took soy milk and took a sip, "The human brain has limited knowledge. This time, the interval is relatively short, and it may fail."

Using a learning machine is not 100% successful. The higher the frequency of use, the lower the success rate. Like him, if he is used three times in less than two months, the brain may be overburdened and produce a stress response. At that time, he will learn to forcefully stop.

If this happens, it will cause relatively large damage to the brain. In a short time, the learning machine cannot be used, at least one year later.

Yang Jinxia said, "In this case, it is better to postpone for a while."

"No." Chen Xu shook his head and said, "I have a hunch. If I don't use it today, I probably won't have a chance in the future."

She was puzzled, "Why?"

Chen Xu looked at her and said, "Think about our previous experience, there will always be a few days of stability, and there will be accidents. Although it is calm, but I can feel that there is a danger we do n’t know and is quiet Approaching. "

Yang Jinxia held his hand and felt his nerves tense, saying, "I will stay with you no matter what danger I encounter."

Chen Xu looked into her eyes for a while before she said, "I know."

After a while, Yang Jinxia pulled back and said, "Eat, it will be cold for a while."

He nodded, took a fritter and ate it.

I had breakfast and Chen Xu was about to go out. I just opened the door and suddenly turned around, saying, "Otherwise, I'll take you back to your spaceship. There are robots to protect you."

Yang Jinxia shook his head slowly but firmly, and said, "No, you are enough to protect me."

Chen Xu took a deep look at her without further persuasion and said, "I'm gone."

Uh ...

The Shushuguang has regulations that combat-type robots such as S01 are not allowed to enter. Only in 2003, the system determined that there was no threat before it could enter. However, they can only move in a fixed area and cannot leave at will.

旭 Chen Xu wants to release those robots, too. Once it is determined that the robots are invading, the spacecraft will enter the ultimate combat mode, using all means to destroy the enemy, including self-explosion.

As Chen Xu said just now, now the dream is over half, and it is close to the second node.

The last crisis, whether it is a cube or an alien hatched from a worm, is very dangerous. It can be successfully passed with luck in it. The second node will often encounter a greater crisis, and he really has no confidence.

He almost digested the knowledge he had instilled in the last time, and ca n’t wait to prepare to use the learning machine for the third time. Because he knew that time was running out.

He was sitting in the zero teleportation capsule and headed to the learning base.

Wu Taichu's voice sounded, "Are you sure you want to use the learning machine at this time?"

He said, "I have decided, so don't discuss it anymore."

Wu Taichu said, "So, good luck."

旭 Chen Xu didn't talk anymore, closed his eyes and recuperated, and adjusted his state to the best.

After ten minutes, the learning base arrived.

"Identity Confirmation, Dear Agent Captain, your current study time is eight hours, and the mode is soothing. The corresponding credit points have been deducted from your account. I hope you have a good time.

Chen Xu once again lay inside the instrument, closed his eyes, and soon fell into darkness.

Uh ...

At home, Yang Jinxia was sitting on the sofa, thinking, "He won't come back at noon, what can I eat?"

Suddenly, the light in the room flickered a few times and dimmed.

"What's wrong?" She stood up with a dignified expression, and on the ground, the room once again recovered its light. It's like nothing happened.

She remembered Chen Xu's words in the morning and couldn't help but sigh. "Is it true that I haven't even given a few days of stability?"

At this time, a voice sounded, "Ma'am, there is something wrong with the power plant, which is inconvenient for you, I am very sorry."

She looked up and said, "You are too young?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She asked, "Does the power plant on Shuguang use fusion power?"

"Yes. Due to the lack of manpower for routine maintenance, there was a small failure in the operating procedures of the power plant, and now it is closed ..."

Before the words of Tai Taichu were finished, the house suddenly vibrated violently, and all kinds of things fell to the ground in the sound of thumping. Even Yang Jinxia was unstable and sat on the sofa.

She clutched the armrest and asked, "Is it serious?"

As soon as the utterance was finished, a sharp voice sounded, "the first-level alarm ..." The light in the room also instantly flashed red, showing how critical the situation was.

She got up from the sofa, pulled a rubber band from her wrist, tied her hair, and asked, "What about Chen Xu?"

Wu Taichu said, "Still in the learning machine, the learning process cannot be interrupted, and he must wake up after the learning time is over."

"how long will it take?"

"Seven hours and thirty."

"Can the Dawn continue for so long?"

"This time the power plant explosion / explosion did not affect the most important areas-"

Xi Taichu's words weren't finished, it was another violent shaking, and then the whole room was dark. Its voice disappeared.

She sighed, "It's really unreliable. 2003."

As she called, 2003 came out of the room, and a beam of light was shining from her eyes.

She went to the wall, grasped the position of the handle, pushed and pulled, and pulled out a drawer, which contained a set of lightweight spacesuits.

She put on the spacesuit three or two times, put on a round transparent hood, and said, "Let's go, let's go to him."

Uh ...

When Chen Xu woke up, his head was a little dull, as if he had a cold. He didn't even hear the prompt of the learning machine, climbed out of the instrument, and walked straight out.

The learning time has been extended this time, but the most advanced learning machine is used. Instead, the side effects are much smaller before, and there is no nausea.

一 As soon as the door of the learning base opened, he saw the outside channel flashing red, and after watching it for a few seconds, he realized that something was coming, went out, and shouted, "Too early, what happened?"

Wu Taichu's voice sounded, "An explosion occurred in the power plant, which damaged the surrounding communication base stations and caused a large-scale communication interruption for Shuguang ..."

When Chen Xu heard it, the whole man suddenly became energetic, and anxiously said, "What are you waiting for, I'll fix it."

"That was seven hours and thirty minutes ago." Taichu continued. "The communication interruption affected the operation of the other two power plants. A few minutes later, the same explosion / explosion occurred. This time, a chain reaction occurred. ... "

旭 Chen Xu was stunned. During these eight hours of studying the machine, what happened?

"Just say it, how severe is the spaceship loss?"

"The power system is almost paralyzed, and the power system is damaged by 90% ..."

旭 Chen Xu listened to a series of data reported in the beginning, and her heart was cold.

终于 He finally understood what the test of the second level was. The spacecraft had an unexpected failure. All human beings became cities. ~ cooperated to repair the spaceship ...

However, the only humans on the Dawn are him and Yang Jinxia, ​​and there are 990 androids who are being educated, and another 990 fetuses who have not been born in the incubation room.

怎么 How is this done?

Immediately, he thought of Yang Jinxia, ​​interrupted it, and asked, "What about my wife?"

Wu Taichu said, "Still in a Grade A residential area, three minutes ago, she sent a message through the space suit's connector."

旭 Chen Xu said nothing, walked to the position marked with a mark on the wall, pressed his hand on it, and the wall popped up, with a space suit inside.

He put it on and said, "Send her location to me."

"Take care."

旭 Chen Xu heard it, looked back at the location of the camera, and said, "Take care of you." Then, he walked out of the passage.

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