My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 217: No matter where you go

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At noon, Chen Xu's repairman level was raised to 3, and he was done with his work. He went to the nearest room, sat at the table, opened the refrigerator and glanced, which contained seven or eight bags of nutritious meals.

In this case, the food should be sufficient. He took a bag out of his pocket, unscrewed it, and ate it.

"Yes, what should I call you?"

The voice rang from the wall next to it, "My codename is too early."

Chen Xu couldn't help asking, "Do you know a colleague named Tai Chi?"

"Tai Chi is the code name of the previous generation of super smart computers."

Really know each other.

Chen Xu thought, would it be related to keeping up with a dream world?

He asked tentatively, "Yes, I always forgot to ask, where is our place? Secret base? Or something else?"

"Your authority is too low to tell."

Chen Xu swallowed the last nutritious meal and threw away the packaging, saying, "Let's think about ways together, how can we improve our authority?"

"According to the regulations, after the maintenance worker is upgraded once, it will take six months to apply again." Taichu replied.

Chen Xu heard frowning, that is to say, upgrading the maintenance worker's level was temporarily blocked.

He asked, "Is there any other way?"

"Yes, if you can learn more knowledge and master more important skills. After passing the assessment, you can transfer to more important departments and gain higher authority."

Chen Xu scratched his head. As soon as he said that he was learning knowledge, he remembered the experience of the second dream. At that time, he spent a lot of time studying, but with little effect.

He said, "How long does it take to learn?"

"With a learning machine, the learning process can be effectively shortened."

"Learning machine?" When Chen Xu heard the term, her heart fluttered. "What's that?"

"A learning machine is a machine that helps humans learn. It is a technology that instills knowledge into the brain in a state similar to hypnosis. It can effectively allow the human brain to memorize a large amount of knowledge in a short period of time."

Chen Xu's heart leaped wildly, knowing that he finally came to work. This learning machine is the most valuable item for him.

He couldn't take everything out of the dream, except knowledge. Just write it down, it belongs to him. The problem is that he has no unforgettable skills, and he spends precious dream time on inefficient learning, which is really a waste.

However, with an artifact like a learning machine, everything is different.

"However," Taichu said in a tone. "Using a learning machine, you need to pay 10,000 credits an hour. And the credit on your account is only 723."

Chen Xu knew that it wasn't that simple. With the pee nature of this game, he would be required to complete the task before he could get a reward, saying, "In other words, what I need to do now is to make money."


Chen Xu said, "Tell me what you have to do to make money fast."

"I will discharge the tasks you can take from hourly to hourly." Tai Chu said, a light curtain appeared on the wall. There is a long list.

Chen Xu looked at the first one, "Clean up the sewerage. The hourly salary is 150. That is to say, I can't sleep 24 hours a day and can only earn 3,600 points?"

"Wrong. There is an eight-hour work day here. Overtime hours must not exceed five hours a day."

Chen Xu was a little depressed, and it was too few. Ten thousand credit points would take at least a few days to reach. He asked, "What is the hourly salary for overtime?"

"Double pay."

It wasn't even three thousand, and it was ten thousand in four days.

This is already the highest paid hourly job. As for sobering the sewer, he doesn't care. In the previous dreams, he was regarded as coming in by blood and blood.

He stood up and said, "So, let's get started."


Just as Chen Xu was struggling in the sewer, on a planet more than a dozen light years away.

When Yang Jinxia woke up, he opened his eyes and found that he was no longer in the original room. She sat up, looked around, and looked at this unusually familiar place, and smiled again at the corner of her mouth.

This is a small space, except for a bed and a table, there is only one large cabinet.

To be precise, this is a carriage.

When she turned to look at the cabinet and found that it was empty, she could not help frowning. "What about people?"

After a while, her eyebrows were loosened, and her expression returned to normal. She walked to the door, held the handle and pushed it hard, and the door opened.

"the host."

Outside, there was a metal robot guarded with a metal light, and the position of the eyes was bright green. When she saw her coming out, she saluted and shouted.

s01, the core chip was destroyed by her, and finally it was the combat robot she repaired ~ ~ I saw it, and some speculation in Yang Jinxia's heart also confirmed, came down from the carriage and asked, "How long have I been in there?"

s01 replied, "Seven hours and 13 minutes."

"Did no one ever go in?" She asked.


She nodded and asked, "What about 2003?"

"Preparing breakfast for you."

She stopped asking more and went outside, s01 followed behind, a distance of four or five meters from her.

Here is a hillside with a clear view and robots around it.

Yang Jinxia walked to one of the slopes, looked back, and saw a convoy of more than a dozen cars.

She looked up at the sky, as if the thick clouds had never changed.

She was back again, more than six months later. But here, it seems, just over seven hours have passed. Here is exactly what she looked like before she left, and the team is still in its original position.

Except for the same, Chen Xu disappeared.

Originally, Chen Xu should lie in that human freezer, but now it disappears out of thin air.

Where did he go?

At this moment, she noticed a small red dot in the upper right corner of the line of sight. When her attention fell on it, an interface popped up with her name, a number, and points.

On the back, it indicates the position of her couple, more than ten light years away.

This discovery made her very happy, and finally knew Chen Xu's whereabouts. Then there was some irritation, "You've gone a dozen light years away?"

After a while, she walked in the direction of the team and thought to herself, "No matter where you go, I will find you."

ps: Moving house, things are too much, busy for a day, only time code after dinner. Code chapter two immediately, around twelve o'clock.

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