My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 210: Attacking Yang Jinxia

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At half past eight in the morning, Secretary King came to the company as usual, turned on the computer, and began preparing for the next day's work.

At nine o'clock, the two employees arrived on time, and she began to arrange work for them.

The two employees turned around and went out to work. After a while, Chen Xu also came to the company and went directly to the office.

Secretary Jin made a cup of tea, followed into the office, put the tea cup in front of him, and saw that his look was a bit wrong, and the whole person seemed a little anxious. She had never seen such an emotion in him.

She couldn't help but think, did the date yesterday not go well?

Yesterday afternoon, Chen Xu left the company early. The joy that could not be hidden on his face was obviously a date.

She thought to herself, without showing her face, that she left the office silently.

Returning to her seat, she turned her head to look from time to time. Through the transparent glass wall, she could see Chen Xu sitting there, a little thoughtless.

Unconsciously, at ten o'clock, Secretary Jin, who was typing on the keyboard, suddenly heard something moving outside the door, looked up, and saw two women come in.

When she looked at the woman in front of her, she had a shock in her heart, and after a closer look, it really was her.

The identity of the president of Fairview Investment, coupled with the outstanding looks and temperament, she will never forget even if she has only seen it once.

But why did she come here?

It is rumored that she rarely goes out and rarely sees outsiders. The CEO of the company where she was before was qualified to meet her.

Secretary Kim trembled, but the response was very fast, greeted, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

I don't know if it was an illusion. She felt the other person's gaze stayed on her for a while and seemed to be watching her.

"I'm looking for you, President Chen."

The other side spoke very politely, and he was kind enough to make Secretary Jin's scalp a bit numb. I remember that when the previous boss went to see her, her attitude was very cold and her speech was very formulaic.

That's the CEO of a listed company.

Later, she learned that although she was only the second largest shareholder of the company, she had various cooperative relationships with several other major shareholders. If she wants to replace ceo, she can easily do it with other shareholders.

Therefore, someone like her boss has to pretend a grandson in front of him.

The problem is that the current boss, compared with the previous boss, is really far away. She is so polite and has to shock Secretary Jin.

Moreover, listening to the other person's tone, she seemed quite familiar with Chen Xu.

"Why, is he absent?"

Secretary Kim stunned God, listened to the other party's inquiries, and said quickly, "If you are, please follow me."

She turned and walked to the office, knocked on the door, opened it, and said, "Mr. Chen, there is a distinguished guest looking for you."

After Chen Xu looked up, he gave a clear stun.

"They really know each other."

Secretary Kim saw his response and knew he was right. My heart is even stranger. How does the boss's fortune know such a big brother?

Then she saw that Chen Xu's expression became strange, not the type of ecstasy or flattery, but a kind of defense and resistance.

How is this reaction?

Secretary Kim was completely confused.

"You go out first," Chen Xu said to her.

Secretary King turned and left, closing the door by hand, glancing at the woman who was still outside the door, and nodding politely.

Chen Xu did not know what attitude to use to treat Yang Jinxia. After all, the two had the closest relationship. Although they were separated, he really could not treat her as an enemy.

However, now that he has a new girlfriend, he should avoid suspicion, and it is inappropriate to be too warm. Finally, he said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Yang Jinxia stood in front of him and said, "I want to ask you something."

When Chen Xu heard this sentence, her heart vibrated a little. She had never used the word Qiu before him. At this time, he found out that she was wearing a black veil today, she had no makeup on her face, and she looked pale and a little dazed.

He wanted to ask something, the words came to his throat, and he swallowed again.

He knew in his heart that he could never promise her, otherwise there would be endless trouble.

After a while, seeing him silent, Yang Jinxia continued, "I know, you have been blaming me. I dare not ask for your forgiveness."

When Chen Xu heard this, he couldn't help but say, "Since this is the case, why should you come to me? You walk on your Yangguan Road, and I cross my single wooden bridge, and everyone doesn't disturb each other, isn't it nice?"

"The doctor said, my grandma is about to die."

After hearing this, Chen Xu was shocked, looked up, and saw her look sad and helpless. "She is my only relative ..."

Chen Xu sighed and said, "Sorry."

"All along, her biggest wish is to look at me for happiness. Now, she has only one last breath, I think, let her meet you before leaving."

Chen Xu shook his head slowly but firmly, "We are not that kind of relationship anymore ~ ​​ ~ Yang Jinxia is sad," Why is it so ruthless for me? "

"Because you lied to me. Actually, you always remember things in your dreams, don't you?"

Yang Jinxia froze slightly, looking at him, the sadness on her face gradually receded, and slowly said, "Of course I remember that you have suffered such a serious injury and may die at any time. In order to save your life, I gave s01 It was killed, and it died in 2003. I got the highest level of sanctuary, and I put you in the body cold equipment. "

Chen Xu was shocked, but she did not expect that she would talk about things in her dream. He had also guessed how she did it, s01 would never allow her to take out the person in the cold equipment and put him in again.

"Isn't it very strange how I did it, it's actually not complicated, I quietly made a high-power electromagnetic pulse gun, usually carried by 2003, when the situation was urgent, I let the gun fired in 2003, they were burned at the same time Dropped the chip. "

When Chen Xu thought of the robot with some words, he felt a little sad, but he didn't expect it to die for himself.

"After that, I will keep you in the freezing equipment, day after day. The whole refuge, there is only one of me. At first, I was a little scared, and I was facing you when I was eating, and also when I was sleeping. Looking at you and talking to you every day, gradually, I won't be afraid. Because I know that you will always stay with me. "

"On the 118th day, my eyes suddenly turned black, then I woke up. Originally, I thought it was a dream, until I overheard a noodle restaurant named 2003 and sent People packaged one, tasted it, exactly the same as what you made in the dream. At that time, I knew that everything in the dream happened in real. "

PS: This is the second more.

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