My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 170: Make it public

Xingge was obviously very interested in the song written by Bai Jinxuan, and soon got a few accompaniments. They were all professionals, familiarized with the score, and soon recorded the accompaniment.

After listening to the accompaniment, Xing Ge looked very excited, and asked Bai Jinxuan, "This song is very good, and the quality is very good. Is this what you wrote?"

Shao Qing also listened to it and looked at her with a slightly different look. She is not a professional musician, but for this industry, she has the minimum judgment ability for songs. There is no doubt that this is above a standard Good song.

I dare not say how classic it is, but with Bai Jinxuan's current super popularity, if she can sing, she can definitely explode after she sings a song.

It's different now, traffic is king. For the top traffic stars, even a very ordinary song can sell a wave, and pay a lot of fans. If you replace it with a good song that exceeds the standard, to what extent can it be fired, you can imagine it.

The problem is, good songs are now inaccessible.

What's more important is that the limits of singing skills, like Bai Jinxuan, are purely halfway monks, their talents are average, and singing skills are about zero. So I sang some saliva songs without difficulty. A little harder song can't be sung, a kind that professional tuner can't save.

Although the company had to find a professional voice teacher to teach her, but she became so popular that she became popular in a very short time. The speed was faster than the company expected.

The peak of the traffic star was only a few years. At this time, the company's choice was to realize the traffic, so she kept receiving announcements and advertisements, and had little time to practice various skills. Among various professional skills, vocal music ranks very low.

She knows Bai Jinxuan's level well, which is a little better than a year ago, but also very limited.

Thinking of this, she regretted that even if she could write songs and not sing by herself, for Bai Jinxuan, it would not help much in the short term.

"Yes," Bai Jinxuan replied, "I got some inspiration when I was dreaming and wrote this song."

"Nice, yes, really good. Great music, great lyrics."

Xing Ge sighed with admiration, he praised this song, as for whether the girl wrote it, anyway, she said yes. Then he asked, "Yes, does this song have a title?"

"Winter Love."

"It's okay." Brother Xing nodded and asked about serious matters. "Do you intend to sing this song yourself?"

"Well, this song was written for myself."

"In that case, otherwise, would you audition now?"

"no problem."

Bai Jinxuan agreed and turned into the recording studio.

Xingge put on the earplugs again, adjusted the audio track, and gestured to start her.

As soon as Bai Jinxuan spoke, he couldn't help but look at Shao Qing next to him. After hearing a few words, his expression was even more surprised.

Shao Qing quickly grabbed another earplug and put it on, and after listening for a while, his face couldn't help showing shock.

This is by no means her standard. Not to say that it has reached a professional level, but among idol singers, it is definitely qualified. In terms of pitch and breath, there has been a lot of progress over the past.

After the shock, there was ecstasy.

No matter how Bai Jinxuan practiced. With her current high popularity, with qualified singing skills and good songs, she can definitely make her popularity even higher.

It doesn't take much, as long as she releases three songs with enough vocals, her popularity can be completely stabilized. From traffic stars, they have changed and become real front-line stars of strength.

In the end, this circle still depends on the works. With works, we can squeeze into the front line. Without works, new traffic rises after a few years, and will eventually be shot dead on the beach.

What's more, the decline of the music industry to the bottom is an excellent opportunity. If Bai Jinxuan can continue to produce quality songs, within a few years, he can become a singer in the music industry.

At her age, with her outstanding appearance, it is hard to imagine how red she would be.

Shao Qing thought more and more excited. When Bai Jinxuan finished singing, she made a determination.

After recording the song, Shao Qing left with Bai Jinxuan, and took the recording and score by the way.


Along the way, neither of them spoke. Until returning to the hotel, entering the room, and locking the door, Shao Qing said, "You want me to help you, you can. As long as you can come up with ten more songs. I will not stop you from doing what you want. you."

Bai Jinxuan thought for a moment and said, "I will give you up to four more songs. I have one more condition. These songs must be sung by myself."

Shao Qing didn't think much and said, "I promise you. However, I don't require all songs to reach the level of this song, but the quality must be acceptable. Otherwise, our agreement will be invalidated."

After that, she added, "I have to confirm that you have that strength and capital. You don't have to worry about me coveting these songs. The songwriter and composer can only be you. Only in this way can you play the best Role. "

Bai Jinxuan asked a question, "What do you want?"

"You'll know it later."

Shao Qing smiled mysteriously and said, "This matter, you better not tell others. I don't care how you get inspiration from your dreams, and I don't want to know how you know that man, nor will I ask you How to practice your singing skills. I only care about what kind of benefits these will bring to our cause. "

"But others are not necessarily there. There are always some people who are very curious and like to find out the root cause."

As she said, she stood up, "OK, I'll do some preparations first. Then, I'll let you know when to act."

Bai Jinxuan asked, "How long will it take?"

"Up to three days. And, tonight, give me the score of the four songs."



At night, in a room in the hotel, Shao Qing sat at the table, put down a few sheets of music in his hand, picked up a box of ladies' cigarettes next to him, took out one and put it in his mouth. After he lit it, he took a sip. Spit out a smoke.

After smoking a cigarette, she extinguished the cigarette **** and threw it into the trash can under her foot. I took out my mobile phone and dialed a number, "It's me. Have you got anything on hand recently? Well, there is something I want you to do for me. Okay, you come to ... or I'll find you in the past. "

After hanging up the phone, she carefully folded the scores, put them in the bag she carried, stood up, and left the room.


In the next two days, Bai Jinxuan worked as usual, she took the endorsement of a luxury brand, and collaborated with another male icon who is also a traffic star, and took a series of flat photos.

The words I said in the interview last time did bring her a lot of trouble. Outside the hotel, there were reporters lying in amazement for almost 24 hours, obviously wanting to make a big news.

Going out every day, in order to avoid those reporters, it takes a lot of time.

However, she kept remembering the agreement with Shao Qing and did not accept interviews by reporters.

In the company, if you have to find someone you can trust, it's only Shao Qing. She always called Aunt Shao, not just to be close, but more to show respect.

Although, she does not lack the courage to confront the entire company. However, if Shao Qing is willing to cooperate with her, then things will become much easier.

That's it. The next night, Shao Qing called and said, "Tomorrow's interview, you can do what you want. However, I still want to remind you that if you do this, you are actually very risky. If it ’s not good, you ’ll get rid of it. You can wait another year or two afterwards. By then, your position is stable and you have enough capital to fight against the company. It will be safer to do it again. ”

"Thank you for your reminder. But, I can't wait that long."

At the other end of the phone, he was silent for a while and asked, "Is it really worth it?"

"worth it."

"Hope you don't regret it later."

Bai Jinxuan put down the phone, looked at the graffiti on the paper in front of him, and murmured, "Chen Xu, you must be somewhere in the world, right?"

"But you won't come to me. So, only I came to you. But I know almost nothing about you, where you are, what you do, I don't know. Where can I go to find you? "

"I can only think of this way ..."


On the second day of the interview, there were a lot of reporters, and everyone couldn't squeeze. The organizer had to temporarily change the interview location to a bigger place.

This is the first two days after the incident. Bai Jinxuan was interviewed for the first time. The heat has not yet dissipated, and no media will let it go.

When Bai Jinxuan, wearing a white dress, came out, the atmosphere reached its peak.

Soon, agents and assistants came out to maintain order, and finally controlled the scene.

Fang Fang ordered a familiar media, and the other person asked the first question, "Excuse me, last time you said that you already have someone you like, is it true?"

Bai Jinxuan said, "It's true."

No one wanted it, and she would generously admit it. In a moment, the entire venue was exploded.

The reporter shouted with all his might, "Can you tell us, who is that person?"

The site was quiet again under the exhaustive control of the agents and assistants.

Bai Jinxuan said, "I can't tell you his name. He is just an ordinary person. I don't want his life to be disturbed."

"Actually ~ ~ I was interviewed today and I have something to say to him."

She didn't wait for the reporter to ask a question, she took the initiative to speak, and for a while, the scene was quiet again. Only her voice was left.

"I know, you can see this interview. Remember that you asked me what would happen if everything got back on track? I said at the time, for you, I would like to be an ordinary person."

Gradually, her eyes became red, "You said you need time to consider. As a result, you still left. Now, I don't know where you are, even, I don't know if you are dead or alive. I am scared, I am afraid See also ... can't see you. "

She choked, "Please, come to me, at least ... at least, let me know that you ... are still alive. I have no way ... I cannot live in a world without you ..."

ps: ask for a monthly ticket.

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