My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 126: What dream?

When Yang Jinxia drove the car, when he turned the first big bend, he slowed down deliberately. When the car was shaking, he still heard Chen Xu snorted and turned his head to see that he had opened his eyes and wrinkled. Brows seemed a bit uncomfortable.

"Are you awake?"

"Where are they?" Chen Xu was clearly drunk, and his speech was a little fuzzy, muttering.

"They were all drunk by you, and you can't see it. Your volume is quite large. I have been drinking almost two bottles. I can't persuade you."

"Nonsense, I only take five cups at most. None of your words are true."

Yang Jinxia looked sideways, and saw his eyes half closed, his eyes blurred, and said, "You are really drunk, I will take you home now."

旭 Chen Xu's upper body moved, and it seemed to remember that just holding up a little, fell down again, and gave up. After a while, he murmured, "I don't want to go home, I don't want to go home ..."

"Where are you going without going home?"

"I'm going to my grandmother's house. I haven't seen her for a long time. Last time she was hospitalized, I didn't go to see her. They didn't tell me, why didn't they tell me ..."

Yang Jinxia saw that he was a little out of control, so he calmed him down, "Yes, I'll take you to your grandmother."

I waited for him to be quieter and asked, "Where does your grandma live?"

"... Shi ... Shimomura."

She turned around and saw that his eyes were almost closed, and he was about to fall asleep.

"Detailed address, Chen Xu, Chen Xu ..." She shouted a few times, and he hummed twice, almost to fall asleep.

She glanced at the road ahead, seeing that there was no car in front, looked at him, and whispered, "What is the dream?"


梦 "Dream——" Chen Xu's eyes suddenly widened a bit, the blurred eyes refocused within a second, a little more rational light, he asked in a low hoarse voice, "What dream?"

Yang Jinxia smiled on her face and said, "You forgot? You just said that you had a dream, dreamed of grandma, and wanted to see her."

"Really?" Chen Xu rubbed his swollen head, faintly remembering that it seemed to be the case.

"Yes, I was about to wake you up and ask for the detailed address. You just said that you were in Shixia Village."

Chen Xu heard her mention of Shixia Village, she no longer doubted, and said, "Stop a moment, I will enter the address into the navigation."

Yang Jinxia parked the car according to the words. Chen Xu took out her mobile phone, opened the navigation software, and gave her the mobile phone after losing her address.

The car continued to go on the road. It didn't take long for Chen Xu to drink again, and he fell asleep.

Yang Jinxia didn't talk to him again this time, and concentrated on driving to give him a good rest. In the end, he was so much drunk this time, mostly because of her, that he had drawn too much hatred.

外 Grandma Chen Xu's home is not too far away, about 20 kilometers from Chen Xu's home in the county seat.

Yang Jinxia drove slowly along the way. It took almost an hour and a half to get to the town. Follow the navigation tips and turned into a village road.

路 This road is narrower than the road to fellow Chen Xu just now. It just allows two cars to pass through it. You must be very careful when collecting cars.

Fortunately, there were very few cars on this road, and I only encountered one after driving ten kilometers. Yang Jinxia simply stopped the car and waited until the other side drove past and continued to drive.

The farther you go, the fewer houses and the more mountains. Although the concrete road was paved, the plants on both sides of the road were unusually lush and grew to the concrete road.

In addition to the mountains, sometimes it passes through a flat land, which should have been farmland. Now most of it is deserted, and it is covered with weed. There are only some places near the roadside, and occasionally we can see fields with some green vegetables.

I sometimes pass by a village and can see some old people sitting in the doorway to bask in the sun. Basically no young people can be seen.

It was quiet all around, and I only heard some bird calls from time to time.

This silence reminded Yang Jinxia of that dream.

Finally, she entered a village again and saw a stone monument standing on the roadside, which said, Shixia Village.

She stopped the car and pushed Chen Xu, who was still asleep, "Wake up, we're here."

After a few yells, Chen Xu woke up staggeringly, rubbing his eyes and looking out, "Here?"

"Well, where is your grandmother's home?"

"Just in front." Chen Xu sat up and yawned.

After a while, Yang Jinxia parked the car in front of a house according to Chen Xu's words.


I seemed to hear the movement, and an old lady came out.

"Grandma, it's me." Chen Xura shouted as she drove the door.

"Xiao Xu?" The old woman recognized him and said with surprise, "Nothing comes." When he approached, he smelled a large amount of alcohol and complained, "Why drink so much alcohol?"

"I just came back after drinking the wedding wine." Chen Xu held her grandmother's hand and explained.

Grandma Yun was attracted by Yang Jinxia who had just got off the car and asked, "What is this?"

旭 Chen Xu was blown by the wind, and his head was a little dizzy again, saying, "My friend, you can call her Jin Xia."

"Hello grandma," Yang Jinxia shouted nicely.

"Your friend is a real sign." Grandma admired, she was speaking in her hometown, Yang Jinxia still understood, and said, "Thank Grandma."

"Go in, it's windy outside."

Grandma grandmother greeted them to enter the house. After entering, she saw that Chen Xu was not in good spirits and said, "Look at you, drink so much, go upstairs and rest."

旭 Chen Xuqiang insisted, "I haven't spoken to you yet."

"What's the matter, wait until you wake up and talk to me upstairs." Grandma could not help but say, and went upstairs.

Yang Jinxia saw that Chen Xu was a bit crooked when she walked. Obviously, Jiu Jin came up again and helped her to follow.

When he reached a room, grandmother took out the sheets and quilt from the locker and put them on the bed.

旭 Chen Xu was really a little overwhelmed at this time. He had never drank so much alcohol before. He had slept all the way just now, and now he was sleepy again. He lay in bed and soon slept.

"Go, let's go out," said the grandmother in Mandarin with an accent.

Out of the room, is the living room.

"Drink tea?" Grandma asked.

"No, I'm not thirsty."

Grandma Yun still poured her a cup of hot water. After sitting down, she looked at her kindly and asked, "Are you and Xiaoxu at the same place?"

Yang Jinxia wrapped her hands around the cup, feeling the warmth of the hot water, and shook her head, "Not yet."

"That's coming soon ~ ~ Xiao Xu, he never brought a girl to see me." Grandma smiled cheerfully, and said, "My grandson is good everywhere, just stupid, everything is stuffy. In your own heart, don't say it. "

She said, she grabbed Yang Jinxia's hand and said, "In the future, I hope you can be more considerate of him."

"I will."

Yang Jinxia said, and then turned the topic, "Grandma, Chen Xu has a good relationship with you."

"That's it. When he was three years old, he followed me until he went to elementary school before going to his grandma."

Yang Jinxia was also curious about Chen Xu's growing environment and asked, "What about his parents?"

我们 "We are a poor place here. His parents don't want to farm all their lives. After they get married, they go to the big city. When Xiaoxu was three years old, his mother was pregnant again, so he sent him back for me to take care of."

"Later, there was an accident and the child was gone. His mother suffered a lot of blows, and his bones were weak. He never picked him up. Until he was seven years old, in order to give him a better education, he was sent to him. Take it to his grandma. "

"There are several children over his grandma. His uncle, uncle, aunt, second aunt, plus him, there are seven or eight. His grandparents are eccentric again, only a big one, One small. Xiaoxu was there and was not valued at all. He was also bullied by his cousin. "

"You don't know, when he was young, he was very cheerful, loved to laugh, and he was sensible, and his mouth was sweet. After living with his grandma for a few years, the whole person changed and became very introverted, asking him nothing. Said. I looked distressed. I always regretted that I didn't insist on keeping him with me. "

Yang Jinxia listened quietly, looking at the door in his eyes, remembering the bits and pieces with him in his dream, and he felt a little bit sad.

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