My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 121: How could she be here?

十二月 On the 22nd day of the lunar calendar, when Chen Xu went out with a backpack, it was a bit cloudy and it seemed like it was going to rain. So he turned back and took a folding umbrella.

穿着 He was wearing a newly bought blue down jacket, and after he had a little more money on hand, he didn't want to be too wronged.

He walked to the intersection, and after a while, a black Volkswagen stopped in front of him, the window dropped, and the young driver would ask in his native language, "Just one luggage?"

I can hear his native language here, which makes Chen Xu feel kind. He laughs, "Yeah, just one."

The driver opened the trunk and let him put his luggage in. Then he got into the front passenger seat.

"There are three more people to pick up." The driver explained and started the car.

旭 Chen Xu's home is more than 400 kilometers away from the city. After two years of high-speed traffic, it only takes three or four hours to drive. He used to take a bus before. In the past two years, he changed to a ride, which is more convenient and the cost is similar.

The other three passengers are young girls and should be college students. Generally, people who work in the company do not have such early vacations.

A few girls were chatting in the back row. Chen Xu put on headphones, listened to music, and closed her eyes.

When he was a kid, he was more serious in motion sickness, and he vomited every time he took a car. After junior high school, it was better. Although I'm not dizzy now, one thing is that I can't look at my phone or read a book.

So when he is in the car, he either chats with people or closes his eyes.

On the way, everyone was fine, and they reached their hometown smoothly.

This is a small county town. After the expressway was opened in the past two years, the development has become faster. The ring road has been opened, and the urban area has been expanded several times. I haven't been back for a year, and I feel completely different.

Chen Xu didn't find the familiar feeling until the car stopped at the alley.

He got out of the car and looked up. I don't know when, the sky has become clear, and the warm sunlight fell down, a little sweaty.

At this time, it was more than twelve o'clock, he carried the bag and went into the alley. This area is all old-fashioned residential areas, mostly old buildings from decades ago.

His home is in the second building. The door on the first floor staircase has been replaced with a new one. He opened it and pulled it open.

The narrow staircase gave people a sense of compulsion. When he walked here, he recovered his familiar memories.

He went to the top floor in a breath, that is, the fourth floor. The door was not closed, and he could hear the sound of TV commercials.


As soon as I entered the door, he shouted, but saw Chen Ziqi sitting on the old-fashioned rattan chair and watching TV.

"Surprise." Chen Ziqi jumped from the chair with a proud look.

Chen Xu was surprised, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Chen Ziqi said with a smile, stepped forward and took the backpack in his hand and put it on the sofa.

"Xiao Xu is back." In the kitchen, my mother heard the movement, walked out with a spatula, saw him, and said, "You sit and drink saliva, take a rest, and you will have something to eat right away." After that, I went back to the kitchen.

旭 Chen Xu picked up his backpack and was about to return to the room. He was pulled by Chen Ziqi. "This is where I live. You live in that room."

旭 Chen Xuqi said, "You can't live in a big house of your own. Will you come to live in an old house?"

"I want you to control." Chen Ziqi pushed him to the next room.

套房 This house was an old house several decades ago. At that time, his grandfather assigned it when he was working. It was originally a two-bedroom and one-living room, about 80 square meters. Later, a small room was separated from the living room and became a three-bedroom.

Chen Xu's parents lived in a large room, and now Chen Ziqi has occupied another room. He can only go to that small room.

The room was really small, so I put a one-meter-wide bed, plus a desk, and couldn't fit even a chair in front of the table.

The room was cleaned obviously, and the sheets, pillows and quilts were all replaced.

He hung his backpack on the wall and asked Chen Ziqi, "Why did you come back this year? Didn't you spend the New Year with your dad in the past?"

"Lao Chen isn't busy enough to see people in any year? It's better to go home alone than to go home." Chen Ziqi complained.

Chen Xu think about it too, Sanshu opened three supermarket chains, which are quite large. As soon as the New Year, we will give gifts to the heads of the industry and commerce, fire protection, food and other departments, please eat, where can I spend time with my daughter.

He said, "Let's celebrate Chinese New Year this year."

子 Chen Ziqi stared, "Of course, otherwise you want to drive me away?"

"Who dares to catch you." Chen Xu struck her forehead.

Chen Ziqi covered her forehead, pursed her mouth, and said after a while, "After a while, I went shopping with me to buy clothes. I came back for two days, and I was bored at home every day. I was bored to death."


旭 Chen Xu agreed, went to the kitchen door, looked at the busy mother, and asked, "Dad, haven't you come back?"

While cooking, Mom said, "This year's business in the mall is better. Your dad can't leave. I have eaten in the shop at noon these days."

旭 Chen Xu knew that the mall was opened by Dad's old classmates, and he wanted to find someone who could trust him to help and watch, and found Dad. Because his salary was relatively high, his dad was particularly interested in the job.

As for my mother, I help clean up in a kindergarten nearby. Now the kindergarten is closed and I stay at home.

Soon, my mother's dishes are ready. Chen Xu helped with the dishes, and Chen Ziqi outside had already cleaned the table.

There is one more person at the dinner table, and it feels completely different. When his dad was in the past, he didn't say much. Both mother and son were chatting while eating. Now Chen Ziqi interjects from time to time, and the atmosphere is much warmer.

After eating, when Chen Xu was washing dishes with her mother, the mother whispered to him, "People said that your uncle's daughter was very rebellious. I didn't expect to be quite sensible. Your uncle is very blessed."

That's when you haven't seen her rebellious.

旭 Chen Xu felt funny, but he knew that his mother had always wanted to have a daughter, and it was not surprising that Chen Ziqi was cute and sweet.

After washing the dishes, Chen Xu told her mother and went out with Chen Ziqi.

There is not much to visit in the small county town. Chen Xu is going to take her to the square, there are more clothing stores.

After walking downstairs, Chen Xu stopped a tricycle and asked for the price before sitting on it.

子 Chen Ziqi said one thing, "when I listened to Erhua's call yesterday, I said I would arrange a blind date for you. What are you going to do?"

"As far as my family is concerned, no matter who heard it, isn't it running fast?" Chen Xu shook his head and said, "As far as my mother is concerned, the people now are very realistic. Few women are willing to accompany them. You suffer. "

所以 "So, if you look for it, look for that young, simple person ..."

旭 Chen Xu looked at her with amusement, "How terrible is your close relationship with your girlfriend, and you tirelessly want to push her into the fire pit?"

子 Chen Ziqi was shocked. "I still heard someone say that he is a fire pit ~ ~ After speaking, I hate iron and steel," Chen Xu, how can you be such a character in this society? The skin is not thick and the heart is not black. It is a lamb. Sooner or later, one day, it is eaten by others, and it is too late to regret it. "

Chen Xu struck her forehead and said, "Where did you hear the mess, it's time to let your dad take care of you."

"Did I say something wrong?" Chen Ziqi looked at him in disapproval.

Chen Xu also wanted to say that the tricycle stopped and the driver in front turned back, "Here it is."

Chen Xu glanced at her, gave the fare, and got off.

Maybe it's Yuangu, which is about to pass the New Year. There are many people on the street. The place where the tricycle stops is exactly a crossroad. The passing cars are blocking the road. Some impatient drivers keep honking their horns .

Chen Ziqi liked the atmosphere and said happily, "It's quite lively."

Chen Xu said, "There weren't so many people before, let's go over there."

"Chen Xu."

At this moment, a surprise sound suddenly sounded behind him.

This voice is so familiar, Chen Xu only felt a current flowing in his heart, and turned back sharply, a figure had rushed over and hugged him suddenly.

He was taken a step back by the impact, his neck was tightly pinched, his nose smelled a little familiar fragrance, and his body was warm.

He struck his face with a hint of consternation, and a loss of confusion.

Yang Jinxia?

Why is she here?

PS: Tell us about the updates after the release. On the day of listing, at least five changes will be made, as necessary. After three more stable, at least 6,000 words. If the results can burst, I will invest more energy. Everything depends on the day of the sale.

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