My Entertainment Circle

Vol 2 Chapter 384: Future delivery pattern

Tokyo, Zhang'an's penthouse apartment, looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows with beautiful and brilliant city lights, Shiraishi Mai and Sa Yuri sat at the dining table and ate barbecue. The grilled pan is Korean style, although it is not as flavorful as charcoal grilled, it is not bad. The top wagyu beef full of marble markings makes a sizzling sound on the baking tray. This is a beautiful symphony.

Sha Youli, as the biggest foodie in the "Nai Tuan", she is the one who has performed on the show to eat nine bowls of rice. So when the beef was put on the baking tray, she watched the snow pattern disappear intently: "Mai-like, do you eat these top ingredients at home?"

Because when the beef packaging box is opened, the beef variety and grade are clearly written on it. Although the top quality Wagyu is purchased in the supermarket, the price is still slightly more expensive.

Mai listened to Sha Youli's tone of food, she smiled and said: "I am basically at home on weekdays. I can just cook a simple meal by myself, or just eat out and come back. One. How could a person sit down and eat barbecue so graciously? Oh, there is Korean-style glutinous rice sauce specially used to wrap barbecue in the refrigerator, do you want it?"

Japanese people like to use wasabi when eating barbecue, while Korea likes to use glutinous rice sauce. This is the difference in their taste.

"Yes, Korean barbecue is also very delicious. By the way, is there any alcohol at home?"

"Yes. By the way, I have champagne at home?" Said Shiraishi Mai and got up. When she came back soon, she had an extra rice sauce, a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Sa Youri hurried to help. Took it.

Sha Youli is holding the pink box of champagne: "Cook's pink champagne?"

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said, "I bought it if I thought it looked good. It just so happened that we drank it when you were there."

Sha Youli opened the champagne box and took out the wine: "Does Zhang Pingan really like drinking?"

Mai Shiraishi shook her head and said, "I rarely drink. We usually go out to eat. He occasionally drinks but only two sake. It's good. Keep drinking. I don't like drinking very much. You are here today. I just drank two glasses. Otherwise, I don’t know when this bottle of wine will go."

When Shiraishi Mai talked about Zhang Ping'an, the happy smile on her cheek could not be concealed at all, which made Sha Youli especially envious. She started to open the champagne, poured some for Shiraishi Mai, and poured some herself. After tasting the champagne, she smiled and said, "Zhang Pingan, what is it like in life?"

Sha Youli didn't have much contact with Zhang Ping An, maybe she only saw Zhang Ping's surface. In private, Zhang Ping An didn't know much about the real situation after'getting it.' So she asked curiously, and Shiraishi Mai did not conceal anything in response: "It's very ordinary, there are no bad habits, and he doesn't have the macho of Japanese men. In my heart, he is a man. A perfect man!"

Sha Youli said, "Perfect? ​​You haven't gone out to socialize recently. Even if you are invited by a senior, you don't go. Is it because Zhang Ping An doesn't like you to go out to socialize?"

Mai Shiraishi raised her head and drank a sip of champagne while holding a glass of wine. The hair she dangled revealed the beautiful white jade-like neck line. She smiled and said, "I don’t want to socialize. I don’t want to socialize. It’s just that we want to expand our business with a certain purpose, or want to meet good people. But I already have someone by my side. I’m satisfied with the person, why should I go socializing? As for the career, I am satisfied with what I have now. And I also believe that I will never meet someone better than him in the future."

While flipping the beef, she said, "You plan to follow him forever? Even if you don't have the status?"

Mai Shiraishi cooperated with Sha Yuri of the barbecue, and slowly cut the large pieces of beef with scissors. At the same time, he replied: "Is name important? There are so many distinguished people in the outside world, aren't there so many restless people? In fact,'name' can't restrain anyone at all. I think the heart is more important than the name. I am satisfied, happy and happy with him. I think it's enough!"


Tokyo was talking about Zhang Pingan, and Zhang Pingan took the Zheng sisters to sit in a restaurant. Recently, due to the emergence of food and broadcasting, many people have mentioned drinking alone. Gradually, many izakayas have appeared in Korea. In fact, izakaya is a kind of alone drinking culture.

This pub made sushi, and the three of them sat around a small table drinking wine and chatting. Sika picked up a piece of sushi and put it in her mouth: "How did you discuss it with the TV station this time?"

"It has been initially negotiated. The details of the specific production are yet to be negotiated. It is a bit stunned and I don't know how to work." Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile, because he had already sensed that Sika might have misunderstood that he came back suddenly this time. It is a matter of discussing the program with the TV station.

Crystal heard Zhang Pingan describe the TV station, she laughed: "Hehe, froze? Why do you say that?"

"It's very screwy anyway. A fixed-mode music program is definitely not replaceable, but it also requires a certain degree of innovation. Isn't the program that is based on innovation? With the development of the times, how can you eat alone? Their TV station is a bit reluctant to let my platform broadcast shows."

Sika said in a puzzled way: "If you are co-produced, this problem shouldn't exist, right? Isn't your program and the copyright in your hands?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Uh.. I said "M! CD", I want the program group to cooperate with our platform, and Huaxia also participates in the voting, but the program group is a bit reluctant. I heard about SBS. Bian has teamed up with a certain video company from Huaxia to produce a special song show. The show is aimed at Huaxia fans!"

Sika said with a wry smile: ""M!CD" can be said to be fundamental. Now that you ask them to give up part of their roots to you, people definitely don't want to. SBS plans to produce music programs again? It's not a week. It’s all about hitting songs?"

"Almost, that show will air on Tuesday."

In the past, Korean music hitting shows started on Thursday, but as the number of music shows increased, their hitting schedules became more frequent. This is a very hard work for the artist, because when you are participating in the hit song show, you may not go home until ten o'clock last night, but you went out to receive makeup at one o'clock in the morning. After all, the more women's team members, the longer the makeup time. This is also the reason why idols lack sleep for a long time during the singing period!

Sika said: "By the way, last time you talked with Teddy Xu and our agent, you said that the future is the era of personal channels? Do you say that there is a possibility that TV will be replaced by online platforms?"

"Maybe, but it will take a long time, right? It will take at least 20 years, right? The main reason for the replacement is diversification and viewing. After all, TV stations broadcast too many rules and regulations, and the Internet There are not so many restrictions on the subject matter, like the little videos I just watched. Those projects cannot be moved to the TV screen."

Sika tilted his head and said, "Why is it impossible for TV shows to have some Internet themes?"

"If TV stations are allowed to make these themes that appear on the Internet, they won't make any money? Personal channels are mostly one person. At most one photographer can be hired, and two people can make a project. You Think about how many people are needed for a TV station to produce? Can two people be enough? Let’s talk about the minimum and minimum equipment. Two photographers, live directors, writers, and performers are five in total. Except for the cost of inviting performers, you Talk about how much does it cost to make a project on the TV station?"

Zhang Ping’an said with a smile: “Maybe in the near future, TV stations will gradually reduce their funding under the impact of the Internet platform, and the equipment for outdoor scenes will become smaller and smaller. If you watch the current outdoor programs, you will only be moved by dozens of people. The work team moved with them. When such a program fails to receive the desired return, it will become inevitable to be cut. Maybe in the future, only Luo Yingshi, Kim Taeho, and such large-scale production directors will be given to them by the TV station. Dare to use a large production team..."

Zhang Ping'an went on to say: "While the TV station is reducing its funding, guess where will it go behind the scenes?"

Sika blurted out the answer: "Internet platform."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Yes, people who stream from the TV station will inevitably go to the network are more people behind the network platform, and the platform will inevitably produce self-made TV series and variety shows. In the future. It has become a big collision between the Internet platform and the TV station. But even if the two collide, the TV station will still achieve a temporary victory, because the people who accept the Internet are always our generation, and our parents and their generation still keep watching TV. Habits. There are also remote rural areas. Because there are no more ways of entertainment, both adults and children are accustomed to getting entertainment on TV. Therefore, the Internet wants to defeat traditional media, and there is still a long way to go. It’s a long way to go. But the main consumer groups in the future will be people in the Internet age, so manufacturers will also face more investment in advertising."

After talking about the future in a lot of circles, Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “How come you have talked so far, I think, Sika, you should focus on the development of your brand at present. As for the future broadcasting pattern , Does not have much impact on you. It does not matter if it is traditional media or new online media. By the way, when will I start a live broadcast on my platform?"

Sika smiled bitterly and said: "Me? Open the live broadcast? Well, when I go to China, I will start a live broadcast on your platform. What are you planning to go to Tokyo?"

"Tomorrow, I asked Crystal if she wanted to go with me, but she said she was not in the mood?"

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