My Empress is My Bad Girl

Chapter 3471: Wild

The first ray of sunlight in the forest fell on Song Yanzhi's face through the gaps in the branches and leaves.

He opened his eyes and looked at the fire subconsciously.

There was only a pile of ashes left in the fire, Yun Dai wrapped a lot of hay, only half of her white cheeks exposed, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Song Yanzhi got up and walked over and found his clothes tossed aside. He couldn't help but laugh.

Although his mouth was generous, his heart was still angry.

Song Yanzhi knelt down and looked at her face.

Sleeping is extremely peaceful.

Looking at this face alone, it is hard to imagine that she is already in her thirties or her forties.

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The white face without Fendai, the fluff on the skin is clearly visible in the morning light.

Even a bit childish.

At this moment, a few fluttering birds flew over the branch, shaking off a few leaves, and awakened Yun Dai.

Yun Dai opened her eyes and spoke to Shang Song.

It was so close, it was obvious that he had been watching her.

Song Yanzhi couldn't help being embarrassed, so he hurriedly looked away, stood up, and looked into the distance, "I just woke up too..."

Yun Dai was very calm, pulling off all the hay from her body, and said, "I'll find something to eat. I'll hurry up when I'm done. I must go back to Shiquan Town today. I don't want to spend the night here again."

"Gu Yundai..."

"Remind you, my last name is Yun, my name is Yundai, not Gu."

Song Yanzhi knew that she had fallen out with the adoptive father of the Gu family and vowed not to be surnamed Gu. Her real name should be Xiao Yundai.

Why does this claim to be Yun?

Could it be that she became the empress of the Xiao family and still didn't agree with her origin?

Song Yanzhi was puzzled in his heart, did not ask, just nodded: "I know. I want to say, you rest here, I'll go find food."

"You got the rabbit yesterday. It's my turn for this meal."

Yun Dai stood up, raised her hand and stretched out.

The skin trauma on her body is almost recovered. The rabbit meal and a good night's sleep yesterday provided her with energy and physical strength.

She feels in good spirits.

Song Yanzhi: "You don't have to be like this, I..."

"I and you are enemies. It's just a temporary cooperation relationship, and you don't need to be friends just because you get along for two days." Yun Dai coldly interrupted him, "You won't forget what I did to your sister, and I will also forget. Don’t forget how you tortured me. So, don’t pretend to have a warm and affectionate atmosphere. It’s business, okay?"

Song Yanzhi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I understand."

Yundai patted the grass leaves on her body, discerned her direction, and said, "Wait for me."

She went around in a circle.

On her own, it is definitely impossible to hunt. She doesn't know how to climb trees to pick fruit. She has no idle time waiting for the fruit to fall by herself.

The most convenient way is to catch fish.

Fortunately, there are a lot of rivers in this mountain, and there are plenty of fish and plump places off the beaten track.

Yun Dai used a pointed wooden stick as a tool, and quickly speared two fishes and carried them back.

Song Yanzhi looked at this scene, surprised and wanted to laugh.

She wore messy long hair, a dirty white coat, her arms and trousers were all rolled up, carrying a fish, and she looked like she wandered back.

There seemed to be dirt on his face.

Both cute and full of wild fun.

It seems that she is the woman who grew up in this mountain forest.

Compared with her fierce appearance that killed Lu Er alive, she was totally two people.

The images of fairy daughter and Yasha appeared in one person at the same time.

It's amazing.

Song Yanzhi reached out to take the fish and said, "I didn't expect you to fish."

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