My Empress is My Bad Girl

Chapter 1589: child

According to Yang Ze's speculation, at this time, Liangjing City had completely run out of food and grass.

What will happen to so many people and soldiers in the city?

There are also Emperor Bei Qi and Xiao Ziye, and I don't know how they are doing.

Yun Dai couldn't sleep, so she put on her clothes and walked out of the tent.

Bao Xing hurried over, "Manny, it's cold outside. Tell the minion what you have to order."

Yun Dai said, "Don't call me a mother outside."

"Yes, son."

"I can't sleep, let's talk." Yundella pulled a stool over and sat down.

Wei Jintai also came over.

Yun Dai asked him: "How did you go to the old general Yang camp to inquire about the situation?"

"I saw General Yang. He knew I was from Jin Yiwei, but he couldn't help me enter the city." Wei Jintai shook his head. "Now General Yang himself is having a headache. Liangcheng is too much. It's hard to overcome, and the best way right now is to consume it."

Bao Xing said, "How long will it take?"

"Who knows. Although this Liangcheng is besieged, there is a shortage of food and grass. But our army cannot be consumed here indefinitely. So many soldiers have to eat and dress. Seeing that it is getting cold here, the winter clothes are still warm. Nowhere. Old General Yang was also anxious to get angry."

Yun Dai said: "It's no wonder that many soldiers have gone faint from hunger and started to **** things from civilians. If this continues, I really don't know what the consequences will be."

Several people fell silent.

This kind of war is a waste of money. Let alone the dead and wounded soldiers, the people who suffer most are the people.

If hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Great Zhou Dynasty had no food to eat and no clothes to wear, they would surely rob the people of Northern Qi.

Wei Jintai said again: "At this moment, General Yang is busy sending someone to send a letter back, asking the court to send in grain, grass and clothing."

Yun Dai thought to herself that fighting such a battle would cost several million taels of silver.

I am afraid that there is not much money left from selling artillery.

Fighting is money.

There was noisy shouts not far away, and there were faint crying.

"How does it sound like a child's cry?" Yun Dai was more sensitive to the child's cry, and listened carefully, "Artai, go over and see what's going on."

Wei Jintai went over immediately, returned shortly afterwards, frowning and said: "The son, it seems that he was under Lord Zhou's, and caught two Beiqi children."

"What do you do to catch the child?" Yun Dai stood up, "Let's take a look."

Everyone is busy keeping up.

Approaching, the crying clear.

Yun Dai saw two children kneeling on the ground, kicked and laughed by a group of soldiers.

"Stop!" Wei Jintai shouted.

The soldiers looked over and found that it was the beautiful and snow-white young man brought back by the thousands of adults from their own family. They all showed disdain.

They are all arrogant soldiers, all of them one to ten, and most look down on unarmed men.

What's more, Yundai seemed to not only have no power to restrain the chicken, but also relied on her appearance to please women.

This is even more disgusting.

No matter what their eyes were, Yundai stepped forward, using the torch, to see clearly that it was a boy and a girl who were kneeling on the ground.

The boy looked six or seven years old and the girl was a little older, eight or nine years old.

The clothes were torn and dirty, but they couldn't hide the little white face of the girl.

At this moment, the two children had blood in the corners of their noses and mouths being kicked and beaten by the soldiers, and the boys were crying and crying with tears on their faces.

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